
B4 Buffer PCB (and parts) new GB #3?

It appears so...
I am sure some kind soul will have ordered too many and can spare one...

Gents, Is it too late to join in ?

No, but you might have to be patient. I did order small excess to cover loses etc...I'll be packing ad mailing next week...just been traversing the USA for the last few weeks...and not home to ship them. Once arrivals are confirmed and I know I have a few spares I will be ale to supply to late comers...
Was wondering what anyone else is intending to do regarding sourcing the CCRs?

Neil, have you sent any of the B4 boards out yet?
...Neil, have you sent any of the B4 boards out yet?
Just about to start sending out. I'll be labeling and posting this week if I have time in the evenings. I am short a couple of addresses, so will be emailing those concerned.

And apologies for the delay..have been on the road a lot in the last few weeks.
Labels all done..I'll start packing tonight and get a everything in the mail by early next week...sorry for all the delays at my end.

