
Audiophile Network Switches for Streaming ... really ?

Is this a step too far? You know we're a big bag of chemicals right and stereo is an illusion. Your brain gets tricked thousands of times a day.

What makes you think your brain and ears are a solid, non changing reference to the point where you're going to literally clamp your head in place?

Thing is: I stopped worring about the way the "sound varies" from one listening session to another. Having got the sound pretty good I just enjoy the music and spend the effort on hearing more of it. :) Its the enjoyment of the music that matters.
Have you done Jury Service? I believe that experience is relevant because it is all about establishing facts rather than opinions and preferences. When a jury deliberates, they can't let personal preferences and prejudices ("I never trust anyone with eyebrows that join", "he looks guilty"!) get in the way. There is no science here, but there are still facts. Just saying.

It is an attempt to determine the "facts". But made on the basis of the assertions of "fact" presented in court.

Have you listened to any of the "It's a Fair Cop" series on R4/iPlayer? Recommended. :cool:
It’s been a while since I studied this, but I thought if RFI interference, or anything else, leads to any data loss, fcs deals with this and discards the packet.
I wonder of the place for a filter isn't right next to the dac/renderer, or here's a thought, on the inside of the fecker right at the ethetnet port....
We agree! Halleluiah (spelling?), praise the lord. Absolutely this: the closer you can get the filter to the DAC, the better.

How do you take your coffee again?
Your mind is an unquiet place.
Must resist, must resist.

You appear to entirely misunderstand the purpose of a switch - any switch, not just an audiophile-annointed one :) - used to improve sound quality. No bits are harmed, enhanced, rescued or lost. The impact of a switch has nothing to do with the digital domain in which switches are intended to operate; it's a side-effect of most ethernet circuits which is being flipped by audiophiles to be its primary purpose. Digits in, digits out, all as intended but with less associated RFI/EMI interference = noise in the common parlance.
100 pages and I still don't understand this thread or the mystique about the switch which "isn't about the switch"

Oh, no, they suggest TESTING.
Well let's hope that those demanding testing here read the report, follow the link through to the test results and report back on whether the testing regimen set up by Texas Instruments satisfies their criteria for validity.

