
[WTD] Audio Note IQ3


pfm Member
Attempting to play some vinyl the other day I was horrified to discover that my cantilever & stylus had disappeared. How this came about I have no idea as I have no recollection of knocking the arm or cartridge. It's a bit of a bummer really and the consequence is that I am looking for a lightly used IQ3 replacement stylus (possibly IQ2) or failing that a complete cartridge. Have any of you fine people got anything that you want to move on?
A Goldring stylus will fit I think? Until you get an Audio Note anyway…
Thanks, I have priced a Goldring 1042 stylus and they seem to be good value but the consensus seems to be that both the iq3 and iq2 are substantially better. I was very happy with my IQ3 so will keep looking for a while yet.

