
At last... (Audiolab) - part II

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The problem with using the Analogue Preamplifier is that once you listen to the system with the Digital Pre-amplifier Mode, (so the simplest most direct signal path to your power Amplifiers) its hard to live with the SQ degradation of an Analogue pre-amplifier (however good or bad it is).

Thanks - and hows the unit cooking? have you had a chance to listen yet? (try the filters)
Hi John,

Yeah its coming along pretty well actually however due to hectic work commitment this week i have not had the chance to realy get my teeth into it.

I have had a brief listen and initial impressions are very good.
So, the Audiolab 8200CDQ...

My first impression was 'it's heavy', closely followed by 'wow, look at the build on this thing'. It really looks and feels like a high end component. Nice. Even the remote has a slab of aluminium for it's fascia. Class!

It's been playing for about 4 hours now and it sounds superb. If this is just the start then I'm stunned. It's everything that the Transporter+Caiman was and more besides. More natural, more flowing, vocals are just amazing, timing is spot on (and with my speaker/amp combo I would certainly know if it wasn't).

The system is:

Tranquil PC T7 Atom --> Kimber USB --> Audiolab 8200CDQ --> KK Prism --> Croft Syntegra -->

--> Acoustic Zen Satori --> Zu Druid MkIV (with Mundorf Silver upgrade)

I'm using the digital preamp set at 0dB and controlling volume on the Croft. The latter has been modded with a very high quality stepped attenuator and is basically a hybrid power amp with an integrated passive pre. No signal degradation there. John is correct in his advice to all those who have regular volume pots though. Pots are evil sound mangling devices.

I am not hearing any hiss whatsoever with the CDQ used in this way.

However, if I turn the volume all the way up on the Croft, thus simulating a power amp, I can hear hiss and far worse besides. Some very strange random noises that might be processor related or maybe radio related. Definitely coming from the CDQ. If I select another input all I get is the usual hum from the Croft which I have to put my ear to the speaker to hear (and the Druids are very sensitive, 97dB+).

Sadly I don't have a 'normal' power amp to test this with as my Rotel RB06 is still broken.

Looks like those with power amps or active speakers would be best advised to use the analogue preamp.


I wish I had a pound for every time I've reached for the tissues this afternoon. I'm supposed to be fitting a new kitchen but I just keep getting transfixed by the sound.

I am very very happy with my purchase. It's already sounding as good as I'd hoped and there's more to come. Oh joy!

One Happy Bear.
Hi John, thanks for taking the time to look into this.

JohnW said:
I had no idea you had a Cardinal / Dacapo!!!.
Yep... one of my better investments during the 90's and still going strong! Still easily outperforms the DAC in the 8000AP to my ears. Demo'd to me by Arthur himself. Still no sign of any audiophile leanings rubbing off on me though, no matter how many experts I meet :)

JohnW said:
Can you confirm if the hiss is coming from both speakers
Yes it is. My wife can hear it too, by the way, so I'm fairly confident I'm not exaggerating the situation. In a quiet house this morning, I could hear it as soon as I walked into the living room. That was when I discovered the noise would stop in analogue pre mode.... I was casually switching it to theatre bypass so as to avoid confusing my son who would shortly be up to watch some trash TV! I wasn't particularly listening out for anything, but it was VERY obvious the noise had gone.

JohnW said:
Does George at Bartlett’s have a second unit you can try? – or a different power Amp? We used George’s Bryston amp…
As it happens, Simon has got a replacement unit waiting for me (see my PM). I should be able to pick it up by the weekend and see how we go from there. If they're not too busy, I'll see if they can try the original one on another amp.

JohnW said:
The reason I’m asking about the Power amp is that I’ve heard that the X7 amplifier can be upset by certain sources – and in fact there’s a service update for the X7 to resolve this issue – but this is only conjecture from my side ATM
Interesting, I wasn't aware of this.

JohnW said:
I'm presuming his not sitting on his speakers
Erm... Oh dear... Does this mean I can tell the wife to get down now???? :D

JohnW said:
The problem with using the Analogue Preamplifier is that once you listen to the system with the Digital Pre-amplifier Mode, (so the simplest most direct signal path to your power Amplifiers) its hard to live with the SQ degradation of an Analogue pre-amplifier (however good or bad it is). .
This is certainly my experience - even with the hiss

So, from what you've heard, do you think it's worth me doing any other investigation at my end of things in the mean time, like pulling out all other connections to leave just the CDQ/X7?

Hi Tim,

Nothing at the moment - lets see if its an issue with the Second CDQ - then we will know if its a system issue or just a faulty CDQ... I hope the later...
I discovered this thread whilst researching info on the 8200CD, and dutifully read every page. This led to an interest in the CDQ, as it would give me flexibility for the future, and after what John W had written, a better sounding player. I booked a demo of the CD at Bartletts in London next time I visited, and was blown away by the sound, it put a big grin on my face. This resulted in me placing an order for the CDQ straight away, and then checking back here frequently/fervishly over the next few weeks to gleen what I could regarding delivery dates and reports on how it's been performing.
A phone call yesterday resulted in me finding out that my CDQ had arrived, and was being dispatched straight away. It arrived this morning, and has been ticking over since lunchtime on a diet of FLAC's fed from a Squeezebox Touch, and the odd CD.
I have it plugged into an Audiolab 8000 LX powering Dali Ikon 6's. Originally, thinking I could use the LX as a power amp, I had it connected to the power in phonos. Result? No sound. I then tried the pre-amp outs, which resulted in sound. Result!
The Touch is connected via optical, and I have used the HT passthrough for the rest of my equipment, everything has worked fine. I started to worry when I noticed the CDQ wasn't running hot, as a previous poster had noted, only warm (ish), and the sound wasn't quite as good as I had heard at the demo. A quick bit of Googling reveals my LX needs a modification to be used as a power amp, so I knocked everything off, and plugged the CDQ into the CD phonos on the LX, switched it all back on, and carried on playing music. It now sounds closer to the shop demo on the odd 2 minutes I've sat down and had a proper listen. Tonight, after the football, I'll have time for a proper sit down and listen, and possibly try a few of the filters.
A couple of quick questions if I may. Not being too technically minded, how easy will it be to modify the LX into power amp mode, or shall I contact Audiolab in the morning? Also, what was going on whilst the CDQ was plugged into the pre-amp out phonos? Have I damaged anything? And which pre amp was getting used, LX or CDQ?
First impressions are that I'm pleased with my choice of purchase, and those who are unsure of the build quality need not worry.
I would also like to add my thanks to John W, and Dominik, for their quite amazing contribution to this thread. This, without doubt, has given me an even greater confidence in the product I have purchased.
I will provide more feedback as I learn more about the CDQ, if only to help those, who like me, came here seeking information. Sorry for such a long 1st post.
Hi Miki Vee,

Audiolab LX? Even I had to search for it on the internet!

Not much information about it - but yes it does appear that you have to remove internal links (or maybe even cut Zero-ohm "resistors" links internal) - but Sorry I have no info about it.

Don't worry, both the CDQ and LX's outputs are protected - so no damaged caused, but its testament to the CDQ's output stage that it was able to "over-drive" the LX preamplifier section (which is still internally connected via the internal links) - "sounded odd" you say, it must have sound really bad... :)

Audiolab service UK should be able to help you - but also the service engineer at Bartlett’s seem very knowledgeable - he will be able to configure your LX as a separate pre / power - he has my contact details if he wants to contact me.

It’s worth using the CDQ's internal pre-amplifier over the LX's - I used an 8000A as a power amp only to very good results.

Technobear - I'm glad you like the unit - how’s the kitchen going? Is the Kitchen compensation for being allowed to buy the CDQ?

97dB speakers you say!!!
Perhaps time to cheer you guys up a bit.

My CDQ (had it for six days now) runs via RCA interconnects (audioquest anaconda) into an integrated amp (Marantz PM-16), then via midpriced loudspeaker cable (QED XT350) into compact studio monitors (ATC SCM12). In parallel a signal runs from amp to subwoofer (REL Strata3). The ATC’s are honest to the n-th degree. For a transistor the Marantz sounds warm.

To cut things short: the CDQ sounds FANTASTIC! (FAN-****ING-TASTIC as Shirley Maclaine put it to her daughter after having sex with her astronaut neighbor, who happened to be Jack Nicholson).

Out of the box I wasn’t immediately impressed. It all sounded recessed. It needed running in. Also, I felt I was missing pressure in the lower registers. In my set-up I had the loudspeaker cable crossed at the double binding posts of the speakers: sounded best with my other player. Now cables are simply entering at the combined bass/ middle tone speaker before passing the filter: problem solved! (just try for yourself to swap single runs of cable between top, bottom and crossed binding posts; entering at the top will emphasize higher frequencies).

Next trick: close the curtains, sit back and play only one album, that you know very well, for the full length. My disc of choice: “This Was” by Jethro Tull (remastered 2001). This album was recorded in 1968 by a then unknown band that was allowed to borrow $1200 from the bank to get their act recorded. The same money that buys you a CDQ in 2011! Well, as it happens this cheap recording sounds GREAT when played via the CDQ! It’s all very musical (thanks to Jethro Tull in the first place) and tuneful (thanks to John). Modern recordings of course sound better with all the extra oughs and aahs. But that’s not the point.

As formerly noted by wouter: detail, dynamics, neutrality (naturalness), contoured bass: it’s all there as it should be. What strikes me most about the CDQ, however, is the degree of separation it allows. All instruments are perfectly kept apart and still … fit together! So when affairs get busy, like in complex music, individual instruments can still be heard. Also the placement of instruments (or their movement due to mixing) was very evident.

Wouter mentioned a wish for extra clarity / airiness. He used the OT filter setting. My filter preference goes to Optimal Spectrum. The OS setting lends a certain glow to individual tones where OT, to my ears, sounds a bit dry (this is all relative, of course). This glow results in better ambiance and spaciousness. Can imagine that OT is preferred when the recording or the chain as a whole sounds a bit edgy though. Find out yourselves.

What else? The CDQ may be a bit sensitive to CDR’s. Even after reloading. To reach a better conclusion on this I fed the CDQ 25 different CDR’s (different brands) and only found 2 of them to fail (were accepted by my other player). No big issue. For one CD I burnt a new copy and problem was solved. Also, I have no speaker signal AT ALL when inserting the headphone, as should be.

One should always end a presentation in a happy mood, but before doing so, I must say that the plastic drawer is a bit of an insult to the overall quality of the machine.. keep children away!

Two questions to John/ Dominik:
Is there a shuffle/ random play mode (can’t find it)?
Manual states that the (power) amplifier must be switched of before the CDQ. What is the reason for this and does this also apply to an integrated amp?

John mentions: “ its hard to live with the SQ degradation of an Analogue pre-amplifier (however good or bad it is) after hearing the signal via digital amp into power amp”. Well, perhaps the saying “you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone” should then translate into “you don’t know what you miss until it’s there“ :p Will visit a friend next week with my CDQ. He owns high end stuff (at least it’s expensive: Atma-sphere poweramps into Coincident speakers, Cardas cabling; balanced into poweramp of course ;)

No regrets, C&H
Oh dear! Lost my CDQ during the football. An inspection at half time resulted in finding the fuse had gone at the back, and the spare was also blown :confused:.

No idea what has happened here. Had my surround pre outs into the CDQ video, set on HT passthrough, and onto the LX cd input. Connected the surround pre outs straight to the LX for the 2nd half, whilst attempting to change the fuse in the CDQ. At the end of the game I stole the spare at the back of the LX and inserted it into the CDQ, which was only plugged into the mains, no other connections. It blew that fuse to!

Getting worried now. I'll have to leave it to the morning, and look for more fuses.

Thanks for the modification advice John, but I don't think I'll be lugging it down to Bartlett's, but you never know, I might have to take the CDQ back on the train on Saturday :(. I really hope not.
Technobear - I'm glad you like the unit - how’s the kitchen going? Is the Kitchen compensation for being allowed to buy the CDQ?

The kitchen is long overdue. The old one was 30 years old and well past its best. How's it going? Well, tomorrow is another day as they say :D

97dB speakers you say!!!

Zu claim 101dB but I think it's really about 97dB.

With regards to that random noise I reported earlier, I have investigated some more. It's coming from the PC through the CDQ. It varies when I move the mouse or scroll the display. If I unplug the USB cable it goes away. Interestingly, selecting another input on the CDQ makes no difference, the noise is still present. Is this perhaps the dreaded ground plane noise? Do I need to source a USB galvanic isolator?
Hi Miki Vee,

Today is a bad day... If it going to rain it pours...

If the Mains fuse has gone its not a good sign. Dont worry its nothing you have done wrong (connecting it upto the LX's Pre-outs did not cause this issue).

Pls. don't drag the CDQ back to Bartletts, I will arrange collection and replacement of the unit - most likely in person, I will just make my travel arrangements tommorow with the UK and let you know via PFM mail - so pls. check your PFM message folder.

If I come over to the UK, then I can also configure your LX as a Pre / Power Combo for you.

I'm very sorry for your troubles,


Well atleast thats some good news!!! yes a USB isolator will solve the issue - there should be no "Digital" type noise - sounds like mains related "crud" from the PC...

I was going a little crazy as we have many units of CDQ out in the field and no one's reported any real issues - then today happens!
I think that offer would be above and beyond the call of duty John. I'm travelling to London anyway, so that wouldn't be a major issue. I'll try and source some fuses in the morning and report back. If that doesn't work, I'm sure the good guys at Bartlett's will help me all they can.
Once again, thank you for all your input.

Well atleast thats some good news!!! yes a USB isolator will help - there should be no "Digital" type noise - sounds like mains related "crud" from the PC...

I was going a little crazy as we have many units of CDQ out in the field and no one's reported any real issues - then today happens!

It's only audible when the volume is up very loud (but it often is here - I like rock).

Let me try something...
Right just tried it with my new ThinkPad Edge running on its internal battery. The noise is still there but only on the top two or three notches of the volume control. This is above the point at which the amp clips so it would never be played that loud. At the highest actual listening position it's practically inaudible.

So... time to look into USB galvanic isolation.
Hi John.

Just to cheer you up some more...

Only just finished making up the balanced leads tonight for my 8200CDQ (s/n 019*) but it sounds very good into ATC 50 actives even at this early stage.

Also the unit was unaffected by the issues that others have mentioned;

When headphones (Senn HD600's) are used, regardless of volume level, the output the speakers is very low.
It's quieter than if directly powered (music playing) with volume set at min (-80db).

The noise (hiss) level is amazingly low when compared to my Naim 252 and that's listening right up against the speakers.
Most of that is probably down the ATC's amp packs.

The maximum case temperature was found to be right in the middle of the front vent (34C and in a room temp of 20C),
so not much at all after an hour or so playing at levels between - 20db and -15db.


P.S. Sorry, meant to say that those trips over to CZ are by motorbike :D
I said this would be a long night didn't I :D

I have been trying my Audio-Technica ATH-M50 headphones in the CDQ.

Very nice.

Very nice indeed.

What's more, no hiss or extraneous noises of any kind whatsoever.

Hmmm. So, out with the 99dB M50's and in with the 106dB Sony MDR-EX500's.

A lot louder.

Still no hiss or noise at all.

Very impressive.

So why does PC noise find it's way into the line out but not the headphone out?

I suspect the issue is that I have very efficient speakers that can go insanely loud on relatively little power coupled with an amp with more gain than the average power amp so I am basically pointing a microscope at the CDQ here.

Most people have considerably less efficient speakers and are simply not going to hear any noise from the CDQ.

Headphonistas are going to love this machine.
just did another small test on the hiss after reading John's comments - note I can only hear the hiss when very close to the speaker, so in real listening it may not be an issue though ofcourse we would all prefer a pitch black background.
the hiss level when in digital is equivalent to the hiss with the analog at +12 setting (maximum). another thing I noticed, when turning up volume in analog, I hear a slight clicking in the speakers.

finally a question: if the CDQ is used with an external pre-amp, should it be used with the internal pre set to digital or analog? presume setting volume at 0 in either case. Or can the built in pre amps de defeated completely?
C&H, Dane, Technobear, Wilky,

Thank you all for the positive feedback its very much appreciated ATM!


I cannot explain how you have noise on the lineout - yet not on the headphones as the same output stage drives both the line outputs, also drives the headphone output - they are one and the same internal connection (just switched between Headphone / Lineout by the relays you hear clicking).

I think the noise your hearing via the AMP / PC is a system grounding issue – as the noise is not present on the CDQ with Headphones. As I say these ARE internally the same outputs in the CDQ that you use with the Line Outputs or Headphones – but how and why you hear when replying via the amplifier I cannot answer ATM... But I’m sure the USB isolator will solve your systems’ issues.


The slight noise you hear as you adjust the volume control in Analogue-Pre Mode is due to the elements of the switched attenuator being selected / de-selected... rather then "Wiper noise" when you turn a volume pot, you get minuscule clicks as the switch attenuator changes levels - this only happens as you adjust the volume level - this is normal operation with switched attenuators.

When used with external Pre-amplifier set to Digital mode – and 0dB.

Miki Vee,

There’s no point in trying to change the Mains Fuse – if it’s blown 2 Fuses already then the unit requires attention.

I’ve contacted Audiolab UK to insure we have a unit ready for you (awaiting there response) – I will also contact Bartlets tomorrow to insure they are aware of the situation.

Once again, I’m very sorry,

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