
At last... (Audiolab) - part II

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Hi John,

I guess I will monitor and try to do a tempreature test and feedback later.

But it does feels like it is more than 45 degress c though. :p


Unlikely as you would not be able to touch it. Most people cannot stand a bath hotter than 41 degrees although the hands usually tolerate a little more.

I understand above 60DegC is considered the point where you cannot leave your hand on an object for a long period of time...
Had a phone call this afternoon from Nick at Audio T to say they've received my 8200CDQ, so I zipped around to pick it up tonight.

I sure that others in the UK should also hear about their orders soon.

Need to make up some new CDQ to ATC balanced leads, so might be a while reporting back...

Listening to my CDQ right now! It is playing in balanced configuration through a pair of Meridian M1 active speakers.

I have to say that I was skeptical that it would sound very much better than my previous DAC/PRE, even though that was a budget item, but I was wrong, and I am now very happy indeed...

It sounds amazing: detailed, spacious, textured and crisp! Most of the listening so far is on CD, but I will check out the async input further tomorrow.

Hi John

Fantastic I will see you in Bristol! After some thorough Columbo-style investigations in this thread..I have since convinced myself into the DQ – this is partly your fault for stating countless times the CDQ and DQ are in another league etc and also 99% of people on this thread!!! :D My wallet is not going to be very happy,

So I saw your pictures of the DQ and I was thinking how wonderful it would look underneath my CDE!! Aesthically for me it is alot better than the MDAC especially when pairing with the CDE. But also you clearly state that the potential upgrades to the MDAC/QDAC would only close the gap between the DQ but surely it cannot pass the DQ in SQ? So for the sake of say £250ish (at least half of which I imagine would be spent on the PSU upgrade you stated) I thought I would go all out and why not get it right first time round! This means I have a string of questions concerning the DQ – for the last week I was thinking I would save these questions for Bristol but I am easily excitable and impatient when it comes to these things! I hope you understand

The most obvious question is as follow: How does the CDE + DQ compare against the CDQ? What will be the SQ difference? What would be lacking from my set up?

Secondly, you stated that within the DQ if I only wanted to use the DAC that can be done? So effectively the pre amp is off and the shortest signal path is taken? Can this be said of the MDAC/QDAC?

And finally (I’m sure there will be more after your response!), what can be done on the CDE end? Are there any component upgrades that would help it do a better job of sending the SPDIF signal to the DQ?

What do you think of this plan?


Hi -- I'm moving to the US soon for graduate school, so an all-in-one cdp/dac/pre sounds like a nice compact, relatively inexpensive way to build a new system for a small student apartment.

Will a US-spec CDQ be available anytime soon? Either online or through a US dealer? Any sense for price?

No imminent plans for US release, however each and every CD/CDQ is built with a sliding switch inside that sets the unit for either 230V or 115V. You can ask your dealer or Audiolab service to switch it for you before you leave.
And finally (I’m sure there will be more after your response!), what can be done on the CDE end? Are there any component upgrades that would help it do a better job of sending the SPDIF signal to the DQ?

I haven't seen inside a CDE but I'll venture that things can be done to improve it - in particular a better clock and a better clock power supply.

However, you will end up paying as much as the difference between a DQ and a CDQ for these upgrades and it still won't sound as good as the CDQ.

If it were me, I'd sell the CDE and buy a CDQ.

In fact, I'm off to Audio-T any minute now to pick up my CDQ
Yes the current batch which is making its way down the production line this month has the 12V triggers fitted - but they will not hit the shelves for 3 to 4 months.

Thanks John, any idea how long after that the DQ will be available in the UK?
I haven't seen inside a CDE but I'll venture that things can be done to improve it - in particular a better clock and a better clock power supply.

However, you will end up paying as much as the difference between a DQ and a CDQ for these upgrades and it still won't sound as good as the CDQ.

If it were me, I'd sell the CDE and buy a CDQ.

Hi Technobear thanks for the response!! I totally agree with you that the CDE + DQ will more than likely not sound as good as the CDQ... however I have just recently purchased the CDE because it was a discontinued model and since the release of the 8200 series the prices of the 8000 series went down in price - i bought the CDE for £240! I must say compared to the Marantz 6003 or any other player within thee sub £300 budget I felt the CDE was ahead if you want neutrality. I am pretty happy with what I am getting for the money considering 7 months ago agents told me they were selling the CDE's for £350-£400.

I wish I did have £900 to splash on a CDQ! But I think the CDE is a great starting point for a mini DIY adventure... I have never done DIY before but hopefully somebody can help me or guide me or better still do it for me haha! And I guess its nice to have a cheaper CDP knocking around the house, its the only one I have right now!:p
Hi John,
Very happy to say that I finally got my CDQ yesterday afternoon from the good folk at Bartletts in London.

I'm already highly impressed with the SQ, and looking forward to giving it a proper listen over the coming days with the different filters etc.
What was immediately obvious to me was the amount of space around the different instruments and vocals when compared with my previous transport/DAC (Cardinal/DaCapo). In my system the vocals now have an almost ghost-like presence in the room which I have never previously experienced.

I'm not great at expressing what I hear in technical terms, but listening to it last night with my wife, even without the full running in period, there were many occasions when we found ourselves turning to each other in unison with childish grins on our faces which said more than words ever could :)

Unfortunately, every silver lining must have it's cloud, and I'm looking for some advice on a problem I am experiencing:
On Digital Pre-amp, when no music is playing both channels have a very audible hiss which can be heard from several metres away. It is unaffected by the volume setting on the CDQ and disappears as soon as I switch back to analogue pre or select an analogue source.

Too early to 100% point the finger at the CDQ as I didn't have much time to investigate this yesterday. Also, I did have some other equipment plugged in to my Audiolab 8000AP, which I'm guessing could have been interacting in some way with the CDQ?

The configuration is this: The centre/surround channels from the 8000AP go to my 8000X7, and the front outs go to the TUNER inputs on the CDQ in theatre mode. The CDQ goes to the front channels on the X7, bridged in 5ch mode. The speakers are Dynaudio X32 (i.e. a non-active design).

I'll have a closer look this evening and will start by stripping it back to just the CDQ and X7. Any other suggestions as to how I might isolate the cause ?

All help gratefully received!

PS. I can only add to the comments of others in praising you for the obvious passion you have for your designs.
Thanks a million for your openness and interaction with this community... a very rare thing indeed.

- Tim
Just checked and I also have a slight hiss when in digital pre mode. disappears if shifting to analog pre. I cant hear it meters away, but very clear when placing ear near tweeter.
Running the CDQ straight to Rotel power amp via rca.
tried switching off all other equip on same powerline without affecting the hiss, also swapped cables around and running amp from other power outlet etc with no change..
Dane, thanks for checking this out. Funnily enough, you've tried some of the things I was thinking of doing. From your description though, mine is definitely louder. I'd equate the volume to something like a PC fan - in fact when I first heard it (while sitting on my sofa) I thought my laptop had kicked in, which was on a table behind me. If I couldn't hear it from my listening position, I don't think I'd worry

Wow – you ended up having to wait a long time! But I’m glad that you like the product now you finally have it! Enjoy (hopefully)!

I had no idea you had a Cardinal / Dacapo!!! I get the occasional inquiry from people asking me to help repair there ailing Dacapo’s – and I’ve just been telling them to wait for the new Audiolab as its so much better…. nice to have it confirmed “independently”.

The “Hiss” issue is very perplexing – the SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) of the CDQ with RCA single ended outputs is around 100dB – which is better then CD – and better then the X7 itself.

Using balanced connections, and the SNR about 117dB.

Its normal operation to hear a low level of Hiss with you ear right up next to the tweeter – but NEVER should you be able to hear hiss from your seating position – unless maybe you’re using some crazy Horn loaded speakers with 100dB+ sensitivity… (the Dynaudio’s X32’s are rated at 87dB).

The SNR of a CDQ is better then the X7 itself – so I’m REALLY wondering what’s going on here.

In fact one of the longest running CDQ systems in daily use - is being used by the gentleman who writes the Audiolab instruction manuals (he’s says he’s NOT returning "his" CDQ to us) – he has X7 configured in Bi-Amp mode (it might even be Tri-amp), running a huge pair of ATC – and I’ve personally heard the system (sounded really good) – and for sure no Hiss… forget “Fan levels” at his listening position!

Can you confirm if the hiss is coming from both speakers (as I say there will be a low level hiss with your Ear close to the tweeter – this is normal operation) – “fan levels” is DEFENTLY something not right!!!

Does George at Bartlett’s have a second unit you can try? – or a different power Amp? We used George’s Bryston amp…

The reason I’m asking about the Power amp is that I’ve heard that the X7 amplifier can be upset by certain sources – and in fact there’s a service update for the X7 to resolve this issue – but this is only conjecture from my side ATM.

In the Lab we use modified 8000M (which have the same input gain as your X7) and various speakers, we have never had an issue with Hiss – and nor have we had any reports of the issue from the field, so I’m lost for an explanation at this moment.

Don’t worry – it will be something simple, if you don’t get anywhere with it, I’ll pop over to the UK and take a look myself.
Im having the same issue as some of you guys with the audible hiss. Done the usual troubleshooting and traced it back to the cdq using unbalanced rca. When using the balanced connection the hiss is considerably less but still present. John/Dominik could you please comment....

What level is your hiss, are you talking about hiss with your head near the tweeter (this is Normal) - or from over a meter?
With "Digital" Preamplifiers you are effectively operating the system with the "Volume control" turned all the way to "Max" - and you "scale" the Digital input (so the system is at Max Gain, but with a reduced digital input).

So the back-ground "Hiss" will be at the level of the volume control turned to MAX in a "Normal" system - this is the disadvantage of "Digital" preamplifiers - and precisely why we have the option to select the analogue Preamplifier mode.

But as I've said, the hiss in Digital Pre-Amplifier mode, should only be audioable with your ear near the tweeter - from a meter or so away, it should almost be non distinguishable...

From Tim's description, his "Hiss" level is very much higher - sounding like a "fan" from his listening position - and this should never be the case.

In systems with High Gain power amplifiers or extremely sensitive speakers - you might have to resort to the Analogue Pre Mode if hiss is found to be an issue.

Now - we have never been in a situation where hiss has been a real issue to the user, OK you can hear it with your head right up next to the tweeter - but that's not a real use condition - if having your head up near the tweeter is how you listen, then you might have to switch to the Analogue Pre Mode (long Press the Mute button on the Remote Control) - problem solved.

However what Tim describes is a different situation - he can clearly hear hiss from his seating position - and I'm presuming his not sitting on his speakers :)
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