
Artists and records you just can't listen to anymore

Just cannot listen to Never Mind the Bollocks now, it seems like 2 great tracks and the rest is contrived pish.
Cabaret Voltaire's 'Red Mecca', their socalled masterpiece. Compared to Deceit (This Heat) it is utter cack. 'Voice of America' is still quite brilliant though.
Cabaret Voltaire's 'Red Mecca', their socalled masterpiece. Compared to Deceit (This Heat) it is utter cack. 'Voice of America' is still quite brilliant though.

Mix-Up is better than Red Mecca or Voice of America, if you ask me.
Most of the pretentious 4AD stuff that I listened to as a "troubled" teen.
2nd division Brit pop. Sleeper, Menswear et al.
Rolling Stones - I've never owned any of thier music until today. For some reason I bought "Rolled Gold" and now I know why I never bought any before. I keep telling myself that I must try/buy new music and not buy best-ofs of bands that had the odd good song 30 years ago. I think I might have got the message this time!

While we are on the subject:
Sting (I can still handle a bit of Police though)
Simply Red
Paul Simon (+Garfunkel)
Steely Dan (never liked them, hifi muzac sterility defined)
Bob Dylan

The last 4 are played a lot on Radio Paradise, which otherwise has quite a lot of music to my taste.

Oooh, nearly forgot Madonna
The Red Crayola With Art & Language – Kangaroo?, Black Snakes and Soldier Talk all go out. Jeez are those records annoying! Mayo Thompson's voice on those albums is a health hazard.

The Parable of Arable Land (1967) is still very much OK though, so that one stays.
No way! Soldier Talk is the best Crayola record, closely followed by Kangaroo. Black Snakes isn't up to much though.
Was never into him anyway, but being open minded will try most things. However the over production of Sting is just unlistenable.

Queen have always have been, and remain, unplayable.
With a few exceptions, I can't listen to The Associates now; largely due to harsh metallic production on them (see also: chunks of the 4AD roster).
I can't listen to much of anything recorded after about 1994 due to brickwalled mastering.

