
Army morale and national service possibilities


Sad to see that army morale in UK is worsening with new data showing almost six in 10 personnel rate `spirits ` as low
. Apparently MP`s say the MOD is facing a recruitment and retention crisis . Recruits are signing to join but many withdraw their applications because the process takes too long

Now The tories have suggested this

National service would engage young people in society again, Home Secretary James Cleverly has told the BBC, adding "too many young people live in their own bubble".

The Conservatives have set out a pledge for all 18-year-olds to take part in a mandatory scheme for military or non-military service if they win the general election.

Is bringing back national service a good thing and what can be done to support our troops ?
well i looked after a wonderful 92 year old , he loved to tell me of the wonderful 2 years he spent in the RAF on National service and all his adventures . it gave him a real start and guide in life . I tried to get a family member into the army to give him skills for life but sadly it never happened . i think it gives huge strides in discipline and direction
When you had armed forces that required a lot of human beings doing mundane stuff like being clerks, preparing food, maintaining buildings and sites and providing the most basic level of security and all they had to do was learn to keep the fat wooden end of the rifle towards them. And WW3 was going to be re-run of WW2, National Service made sense. Nowadays with service personnel needing to be more professional and it takes 2-3 years to get to a decent level of competence and all of the mundane tasks are automated or outsourced, it doesn;t make so much sense unless. Support to communities makes more sense than 12 months of being a REMF.
what can be done to support our troops ?
The responses to the survey suggest the causes of dissatisfaction are pay/pensions, accommodation and equipment.

So I guess these are the things that need to be addressed to improve moral.

My father did national service. Ended up in Hong Kong as an army clerk or something. He ended up fairly deaf in one ear due to having to fire a rifle despite a typewriter being his main weapon. As a muso that is a high price. The culture was very different back then though, people were far more accepting of class rule and arbitrary authority. I remember thinking at a similar age when the Falklands war was kicking off that if Thatcher brought it back I’d go to jail rather than “serve”. It was a whole different era and mindset. I don’t think many would welcome it today.

I’m certain the current Tory bullshit is just a truly desperate attempt to placate some miserable old Daily Mail-addled pensioners who would be tempted by the even further-right Reform. That and a supply of cheap labour for roles the state should pay a decent wage for.
Absolute nonsense. They assure us no one will go to jail, so presumably it’s optional. They can suggest any deranged ideas they have because only oblivion awaits.
The Tory idea that everything has declined post national service. They’ve been in power long enough to have brought it back several times.

I’d much rather they brought back proper training schemes which would actually help young people.

The election campaign is going well for the Tories.
Absolute nonsense. They assure us no one will go to jail, so presumably it’s optional. They can suggest any deranged ideas they have because only oblivion awaits.
They will be sanctioned if they refuse according to this morning’s news.
They will be sanctioned if they refuse according to this morning’s news.

So effectively it is a predictably more fascistic/nationalistic variation on the ‘Youth Opportunities’ scheme under Thatcher. I got sent on that (1980) and ended up working with the mentally ill/disabled. Some roles were clearly exploitative, though some of it was good experience and really enjoyable. The latter being entirely down to the patients and staff, not the underlying ‘work for dole’ policy.

PS I’m amazed they haven’t brought back chimney sweeps to make nursery funding more economical.
Cleverley was asked how will you enforce it.
He replied the same way we do for compulsory education from 16-18.
A scheme that has NO sanctions, because whilst the bill allowed for fines that clause has never been triggered by Parliament.

