
AR Sound

In some ways, I really didn't want to admit to hearing a difference & then I could continue with my "snake-oil" rhetoric, but it was easy to hear & somewhat akin to adding a hicap in what it added.
Really quite amazed.

Oh sod it, that's it. I've just ordered a SkyLink!
I heard somewhere the AR cables makes the CDS sound less analogue/turntable, hopefully I disagree on this.

That was me, and after the session on Wednesday, un-propmpted, someone said exactly the same thing.
The detail is there and everything tightened up, spread out more, goes lower too - all the things that you would want an improvement to do, but with a trade-off as a slight hardness that hints at it being more digital.

We came the conclusion that it'll take more time to burn in, but our opinions changed to the better as the evening went on, but the jury is still out.

I'm listening to Porcupine Tree as I write this and for stuff like this up loud on a Saturday morning, it's great. For more subtle late evening listening it isn't rocking my world at the moment. There is a 'tizziness' that gives me a headache after a while. It's not noticeable on soft acoustic stuff, but on more full-on stuff it just gets too much.

Sheep..All of you..

Not me Squeeky. I still haven't fallen into line and the longer this goes on the less likely I am to do so.
It comes down in the end to personal preference of course, but maybe what I want isn't rational anyway and I have always been aware that I don't listen in the same way as many others, so I'm an oddball in many ways.

Maybe it's just that my system is no longer recognisable as my system; it isn't like an improvement on what I already have, but more of a sideways shift to something else entirely, and I didn't really want that.

We're going to give it a few weeks and re-sit the jury, because this is fun whatever the outcome. At £88 or whatever it was, it doesn't really matter that much. It's worth that for the fun factor of getting together and having something to argue about.

I must add that the detail I'm hearing, little parts and bits and expressions in the playing are there for me to hear for the first time, and some things just sound as if I've never heard them properly before. It's like the internet has far more information available and is a far superior source of information, but it doesn't have the romance of an old dusty book. Know what I mean? I don't just want pure information, I want a nice package.

I havent heard the green 2 neither the yellow1, but I have had the skylink between my CDS1 and Neil´s 42 pre since yesteday evening. The analogue approach of the CDS1 was the main attribute that made me want the player in the first place.

Dont know by how much or where the yellow1 and skylink differs in sound but I can gladly confirm that I found, in the opposite of Rashers findings, the CDS to sound more like a turntable now than ever before.

A great ability to deliver midbass punch is the key here i guess.

Fantastic stuff this Skylink
Yeah, and i was quite prepared for it to sound bad at this early stage. But it really is a massive overall improvement after just 1 day, acctually it sounded lovely straight away.
My yellow 1 sounded good straight from the off as well and then refined itself over a few days. They are great cables no doubt about it
Yes perhaps...honestly though, I can't see any brightly coloured (LOOK AT ME) cables fitting into my idea of aesthetic acceptability.

I'm also slightly put off by the sheer fervency of the people happy to give them the Hi-Fi status of the second coming of Christ; it's all a bit ADM9 for my taste.
What you mean to say you find the number of new posters with amazing tales to tell suspicious?

