
Anyone staying up all night?

I seriously doubt anyone on their death bed will be lay there thinking they’re so glad they stayed up and saw a politician voted out of office “live”. Life is full of shock things every single day. I’ve yet to meet anyone whose life was enriched by seeing one as it happened.
Jesus, little enough fun about these days. You have to take it where you can.
I seriously doubt anyone on their death bed will be lay there thinking they’re so glad they stayed up and saw a politician voted out of office “live”. Life is full of shock things every single day. I’ve yet to meet anyone whose life was enriched by seeing one as it happened.
Au contraire.
I can still recall Stephen Twigg's cheeky smile as he beat Portillo, and it reminds me that good things can happen.
Mike out of interest, how have you tended to vote in your life?
Please expand on the relevance? I’m not in the habit of casually disclosing my voting pattern to a stranger on the internet.

Au contraire.
I can still recall Stephen Twigg's cheeky smile as he beat Portillo, and it reminds me that good things can happen.
I saw it the next day on the news. I feel precisely zero loss that I didn’t see it live. Good and bad things happen every day. I get that it can feel relentlessly like there’s only bad stuff going on but was it really necessary to stay up all night to get that one bizarre remainder. I’m thinking not.

Watching crooks and fascists get their long deserved come-uppance. Oh deep joy!

But quite see that you might find organising your toenail clippings by date, size and historical relevance a more seductive proposition.
And that’s what this is reallly about isn’t it. A form of pathetic one up man ship. Like you’re not really on the right side if you don’t stay up all night and see it unfold live. It’s trite macho bollocks. Most of the people suggesting that they’ll be doing this are the ones for whom this is their biggest participation in democracy - one day every five years and on TV at that - rather than doing stuff to get “crooks and fascists” out the other days of the year. It’s exactly this weird pleasure in seeing a perceived personal failure which persists in making politics about personality not policy. You’re essentially buying into a simplistic media driven version of what democracy is about - dramatic moments on TV - rather than the real version which involves hard work the rest of the time.

The only thing which matters about the election is the result. The process you’re all wetting yourself over of staying up all night to see a bad guy get theirs is essentially a media construct. Amusing that the very people who constantly bemoan others as no longer being able to think for themselves can’t see that.
Fair enough. I was just wondering if your rather hurt tone was partly due to the likely demise of the Conservative Party.
Aha, fair enough. Gosh no. I can’t wait to see them out. On the other hand I've worked under a Labour government and there is indeed much to be concerned about albeit in very different ways.
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Please expand on the relevance? I’m not in the habit of casually disclosing my voting pattern to a stranger on the internet.

I saw it the next day on the news. I feel precisely zero loss that I didn’t see it live. Good and bad things happen every day. I get that it can feel relentlessly like there’s only bad stuff going on but was it really necessary to stay up all night to get that one bizarre remainder. I’m thinking not.

And that’s what this is reallly about isn’t it. A form of pathetic one up man ship. Like you’re not really on the right side if you don’t stay up all night and see it unfold live. It’s trite macho bollocks. Most of the people suggesting that they’ll be doing this are the ones for whom this is their biggest participation in democracy - one day every five years and on TV at that - rather than doing stuff to get “crooks and fascists” out the other days of the year. It’s exactly this weird pleasure in seeing a perceived personal failure which persists in making politics about personality not policy. You’re essentially buying into a simplistic media driven version of what democracy is about - dramatic moments on TV - rather than the real version which involves hard work the rest of the time.

The only thing which matters about the election is the result. The process you’re all wetting yourself over of staying up all night to see a bad guy get theirs is essentially a media construct. Amusing that the very people who constantly bemoan others as no longer being able to think for themselves can’t see that.
Agree with all that. Still staying up and laughing at Tories.
Please expand on the relevance? I’m not in the habit of casually disclosing my voting pattern to a stranger on the internet.

I saw it the next day on the news. I feel precisely zero loss that I didn’t see it live. Good and bad things happen every day. I get that it can feel relentlessly like there’s only bad stuff going on but was it really necessary to stay up all night to get that one bizarre remainder. I’m thinking not.

And that’s what this is reallly about isn’t it. A form of pathetic one up man ship. Like you’re not really on the right side if you don’t stay up all night and see it unfold live. It’s trite macho bollocks. Most of the people suggesting that they’ll be doing this are the ones for whom this is their biggest participation in democracy - one day every five years and on TV at that - rather than doing stuff to get “crooks and fascists” out the other days of the year. It’s exactly this weird pleasure in seeing a perceived personal failure which persists in making politics about personality not policy. You’re essentially buying into a simplistic media driven version of what democracy is about - dramatic moments on TV - rather than the real version which involves hard work the rest of the time.

The only thing which matters about the election is the result. The process you’re all wetting yourself over of staying up all night to see a bad guy get theirs is essentially a media construct. Amusing that the very people who constantly bemoan others as no longer being able to think for themselves can’t see that.
Thanks for the well argued and considered reply - respect.
However, as I said before, it's as simple for me as taking vicarious pleasure in the downfall of those who have imposed policies based on their abhorrent views, and stolen from the country while doing it. It's likely they will never face justice over any of this, so national humiliation is as close as we will get. And in a time of not much joy, largely as a result of their efforts, I will take a great deal from the televised slighting of them from power. If it ever comes to trials and sentences I might even enjoy that more.
You're more bothered about the result - afraid there is little joy to anticipate there as far as I'm concerned, other than its not the tories any more. This could be - needs to be - a huge opportunity for the - for now - UK, and it's to be pissed away by a nonentity head of a party of zero vision.
Please expand on the relevance? I’m not in the habit of casually disclosing my voting pattern to a stranger on the internet.

I saw it the next day on the news. I feel precisely zero loss that I didn’t see it live. Good and bad things happen every day. I get that it can feel relentlessly like there’s only bad stuff going on but was it really necessary to stay up all night to get that one bizarre remainder. I’m thinking not.

And that’s what this is reallly about isn’t it. A form of pathetic one up man ship. Like you’re not really on the right side if you don’t stay up all night and see it unfold live. It’s trite macho bollocks. Most of the people suggesting that they’ll be doing this are the ones for whom this is their biggest participation in democracy - one day every five years and on TV at that - rather than doing stuff to get “crooks and fascists” out the other days of the year. It’s exactly this weird pleasure in seeing a perceived personal failure which persists in making politics about personality not policy. You’re essentially buying into a simplistic media driven version of what democracy is about - dramatic moments on TV - rather than the real version which involves hard work the rest of the time.

The only thing which matters about the election is the result. The process you’re all wetting yourself over of staying up all night to see a bad guy get theirs is essentially a media construct. Amusing that the very people who constantly bemoan others as no longer being able to think for themselves can’t see that.
I hear the sound of line screaming off the fishing reel:)
Me too. Good riddance to the worst Government ever to lead. What comes next is a mystery but at least it’s not that band of entitled incompetents. Not serious enough to lead.
Unfortunately, I remember the Milk Snatching years, the loss of society, and Saltley Gate. But this lot are very close
I'm with Max Boyce, I want to be able to say, "I know, I was there".

Each to their own I suppose, about staying up, but nature usually calls about 4ish anyway, and 5ish, and 6ish.........., so its a bonus
Please expand on the relevance? I’m not in the habit of casually disclosing my voting pattern to a stranger on the internet.

I saw it the next day on the news. I feel precisely zero loss that I didn’t see it live. Good and bad things happen every day. I get that it can feel relentlessly like there’s only bad stuff going on but was it really necessary to stay up all night to get that one bizarre remainder. I’m thinking not.

And that’s what this is reallly about isn’t it. A form of pathetic one up man ship. Like you’re not really on the right side if you don’t stay up all night and see it unfold live. It’s trite macho bollocks. Most of the people suggesting that they’ll be doing this are the ones for whom this is their biggest participation in democracy - one day every five years and on TV at that - rather than doing stuff to get “crooks and fascists” out the other days of the year. It’s exactly this weird pleasure in seeing a perceived personal failure which persists in making politics about personality not policy. You’re essentially buying into a simplistic media driven version of what democracy is about - dramatic moments on TV - rather than the real version which involves hard work the rest of the time.

The only thing which matters about the election is the result. The process you’re all wetting yourself over of staying up all night to see a bad guy get theirs is essentially a media construct. Amusing that the very people who constantly bemoan others as no longer being able to think for themselves can’t see that.

