
Another top 100, this time from Apple Music

Paste have just released a top 300 albums of all time. This seems like a very odd / random / curious list - almost like a random pile of records you might see in a friends house.

Top 10:
1) Stevie Wonder, Songs in the Key of Life
2) The Cure, Disintegration
3) Kate Bush , Hours of Love
4) Prince, Sign O' the Times
5) Beatles, Abbey Road
6) Outkast, Stankonia
7) Fishmans, Long Season ( have to confess I'd never heard of this one but am streaming it as I type)
8) Nina Simone, Wild if the Wind
9) Milton Nascimento and Lo Borges, Clube da Esquina
10) Beach Boys, Pet Sounds

Their best Dylan record is Blood on the Tracks at number 30.

I guess the demographic of the voters must shape preferences - as it does here. This is the first such list I've seen where the 60s seem less represented and the 80s- 90s more. It seems Boomers' no longer control the narrative of what is great which can only be a good thing.

I'm intrigued that Abbey Road seems to increasingly be seen as the best Beatles record. In my view no record with Maxwell's Silver Hammer and Octopus's Garden on belongs in any top 10 irrespective of how good side 2 is.
Paste have just released a top 300 albums of all time. This seems like a very odd / random / curious list - almost like a random pile of records you might see in a friends house.

Forget the order, I’ll never agree with rankings, but that is the best selection of music I’ve ever seen in one of these lists. A selection of genuinely good, important and influential albums of all genres and eras with very few exceptions. I’ve not done the ‘counting up’ thing, but I suspect I have at least 200 of them, and many of the others I know and wouldn’t argue against their inclusion.
Forget the order, I’ll never agree with rankings, but that is the best selection of music I’ve ever seen in one of these lists. A selection of genuinely good, important and influential albums of all genres and eras with very few exceptions. I’ve not done the ‘counting up’ thing, but I suspect I have at least 200 of them, and many of the others I know and wouldn’t argue against their inclusion.
I thought it seemed like going to mates and seeing they'd got a great record collection but found the aggregating threw up a curious top 10 but, as you say, if you forget the order this list is full of great records including many, if not nearly all, of my personal favorites.

It's refreshing to see a list that doesn't repeat the usual 60's led canon - unless I missed it, did Forever Changes not make the cut?
I've not scrolled far and we've had Raincoats, Bad Brains, The Fall, Ice Cube, KLF. Makes me want to check out the stuff I've not heard of.

