
Amy Winehouse,RIP


she was using bloody crack! the people around her should have never let that sh*t start--that includes her retard husband. you are right, once it does start... well, rarely can anything be done.


Hi vuk,

Unfortunately, a number of people around her were druggies and dealers. It is reckoned that it was her husband that introduced her to crack and heroin. Also the music/entertainment business is full of drugs and drug taking.

She, like a number of people, had to deal with her various personal demons.


she was using bloody crack! the people around her should have never let that sh*t start--that includes her retard husband. you are right, once it does start... well, rarely can anything be done.


Yeah I agree. Trying to convince an addict not to do a particular kind of drug is difficult though.

Amy Winehouse went quickly downhill after she hooked up with her husband.

I am not sure how interested and sympathetic her father was. He used the media to promote his book and television show.

The reason he'd got the book deal and television show was because of Amy's fame and her problems.

That's pretty sick and not supportive at all.

She couldn't keep off the white stuff after her first album... Some say (the pathetic media) that she's joined the 'Stupid Club' together with the obvious like Hendrix, Morrison etc.

But tell you what... what a club to be in!! R.I.P Amy.... poor lass.
Seems so weird to die of drugs in 2011. Like a throwback to the 60s and 70s. I wonder what pressures there might have been on her, commercial, artistic, to live (die) up to an image of herself that had brought her success.
I'm just throwing out ideas here, but when the record company execs tell her, OK Amy, you have to make the next LP in 6 months and there's tours of *, *, and * lined up in the meantime, how could the poor girl sit back and think clearly and say, No, cancel everything, I'm going to clean up first, however long its takes. Its like a treadmill. Add to that that maybe to stand up in front of thousands of people and "be" Amy Winehouse, and sing well, she needed the support and comfort of heroin and/or other drugs. I saw the video of Belgrade and to me she looked like she was high on heroin, not speed or coke, but heroin.
And in response to Vuk, self-destructiveness and drugs are not necessarily for the poor and under-privileged. The son of Italian car-maker Gianni Agnelli (FIAT) threw himself off a bridge after years of heavy drugs. I've seen the sons and daughters of very well-to-do familes either slowly fry their brains into idiocy or kill themselves one way or another
Another for the 27 club

Exactly what i was going to say. I was glad when i turned 28. Obviously means i have no talent but i knew that.

Back to Black gets all the recognition but the first album is in many ways at least it's equal.

I was just listening to it on my ipod the other day thinking i will need to try and see her if she tours again before it is too late.

A real shame.
I don't think she burnt out, I think this was her path from a long time ago. Most of her songs are about sadness and loss.
Drugs are away of such people to find happiness, for a short time. When the reality of stopping and looking at what drug abuse has done, only then does it become part of the real world; which for some is just not what they wanted so they bow out of life. I would imagine she was one hell of a woman to love and live with.
Events like this leave me convinced that Keith Richards still being alive has basically used up everyone else's luck.

Very sad.
Poor girl! I never got into her music but she had soul and passion; it appears these and money were her undoing though.

Its easy to sit here in my middle of the road life and judge someone like Amy but I don't; she had things thrown at her that perhaps would have finished me as well.

The poor love. One or two contributors would do well to exhibit a little courtesy and grace. Who cares if you liked her music? One thing you can be sure of is: nobody likes yours, knows who you are and very few care whether you live or die.
Yeah and your post is full of courtesy and grace.

Don't you think it is interesting how people's reaction to the death of someone they don't know says more about them than the person who died? - I mean that on both ends of the scale - and in between. Across various fora/social networks I've seen the lot from "poor lost musical genius" to "one less smackhead". Not sure I can muster up that level of phoney love or hatred. Ah so what will that be saying about me then?
My cousin was guitarist in her band for her last tour he said she was not fit enough to do the tour.

What a sad day
very, very sad.
Not a fan but the talent was undeniable.
The 2003 A.W. pics c.f. to he 2011 pics tell the sad tale.
Don't you think it is interesting how people's reaction to the death of someone they don't know says more about them than the person who died? - I mean that on both ends of the scale - and in between. Across various fora/social networks I've seen the lot from "poor lost musical genius" to "one less smackhead". Not sure I can muster up that level of phoney love or hatred. Ah so what will that be saying about me then?

That you're a sensible bloke and not a girlieman.

Ever since the Princess Di thing, it's been seen as acceptable, even necessary, to 'react' to the death of a celeb. Of course it's sad when someone dies too young; is it any more sad if that someone was famous, and if so, why?

And with my 11,000th post, that's all from me for a while.
Just heard about this tonight - shocking news. A great talent lost. Hopefully now she is at peace.
....and no doubt The Sun and The Daily Mail who made money off her back will be giving her their faux eulogy to milk it a bit longer.

