
Amps, current, ohms and whatnot.

Indeed, you're absolutely right, the EA MicroOnes are very current hungry. nCore's delivers 26 Amp peak which is probably fine for most speakers.

My current integrated amp delivers 36 Amp cont. and 150 Amp peak, however driving my Gauder Akustik Arcona 100 speakers. The EA's now reside in second setup driven by an old 11 Kg heavy Onkyo A5-VL integrated amp (Class D). Not sure on what conclusion to make - I'm happy with the combo Onkyo & EA MicroOne, not so with the nCore's.

Difference between the Onkyo & nCore's is the PSU. Old fashioned heavy transformer based in the Onkyo.
Looking for an Onkyo A1-VL now.

That's interesting and odd. On paper the A-5VL should have been walked over by the Ncore just looking at its output capability alone. Perhaps its the continuous load the speakers present, and therefore being backed by an old lump of an LPS helps.

It's mentioned in the notes of both SMPS600 & SMPS1200 that they're designed for more dynamic workloads as opposed to constant continuous loads.
That's interesting and odd. On paper the A-5VL should have been walked over by the Ncore just looking at its output capability alone. Perhaps its the continuous load the speakers present, and therefore being backed by an old lump of an LPS helps.

It's mentioned in the notes of both SMPS600 & SMPS1200 that they're designed for more dynamic workloads as opposed to constant continuous loads.

Now you see why I'm puzzled, my only theory is that it's either related to Onkyos VLSC technology (whatever that is) or the small Onkyo is able to deliver continous amps to speakers in a way the nCores can't. Having seen the Hypex SMPS in the flesh there's not a lot of reservoir in there.
Now you see why I'm puzzled, my only theory is that it's either related to Onkyos VLSC technology (whatever that is) or the small Onkyo is able to deliver continous amps to speakers in a way the nCores can't. Having seen the Hypex SMPS in the flesh there's not a lot of reservoir in there.

This might be one of those strange cases where the Ncore + Linear PSU would be worth testing. Very strange indeed...

FWIW, there's a Class A/B designed by Sonny, where a few started with the SMPS1200. The design itself has a reasonably high idle standing current. Some have switched to a boring LPS design in this case and found it really benefitted that particular setup.
This might be one of those strange cases where the Ncore + Linear PSU would be worth testing. Very strange indeed...

FWIW, there's a Class A/B designed by Sonny, where a few started with the SMPS1200. The design itself has a reasonably high idle standing current. Some have switched to a boring LPS design in this case and found it really benefitted that particular setup.

Yes, you're dead right. I think eg Bel Canto and their Black series based on nCores are weighing in on 20.5kg, most of that being attributed to chassies and PSU.

Sorry for one more Edit/Update, below what BelCanto has done on the Blacks power monoblocks power supply (from Stereophile - - >

"The MPS1's power supply includes a custom internal AC power conditioner and a multistage hybrid switching/linear architecture with what Bel Canto claims is an "audio grade" switching supply dedicated to the high-power section, and the low-noise linear supplies used for all small signal application, both analog and digital."
The MB100 can deliver almost 200 W/ch and it can deliver that power to any impedance between 1-8 ohm. The power delivery does not change with impedance as the amp is protected against overheating. Current delivery is extremely high, i once connected it by mistake to a copper bridge, and the bridge played the music...
Interesting, there's no reference to max current capability this time. Meridian have apparently used Hypex power amplifier modules in the past.

The power profiles quoted do correlate with the Hypex profiles (including the bridged values). As does the description as to how linearity is achieved. Another Hypex design win? Any idea of price?

£6k including VAT £5k ex.

There does seem to be a lack of information though.


unfortunately about 7cm too deep

The Plinius 9200 integrated amp is 40cm deep and was successfully used when John Atkinson first reviewed the Hawks. Plinius are brilliantly made, and you should be able to get one for £1,000 to £1,500.
I would suggest the NC500s over the NC400s. There has been some improvements to the power output stage improving the critical 1w performance even more so.

Interesting. Do you have any more details or sources?
IIRC your speakers were a particularly cruel load indeed, so yeah not entirely shocking the ncores didn't work well there.

What makes you say that? I have found that the nc400's are very good at driving difficult loads.
What makes you say that? I have found that the nc400's are very good at driving difficult loads.

Have a look into those speakers mentioned by Lars. They truly have impedance loads that are more aching towards a mini blow torch than a modern speaker. Brutal crossover design. But yes, when not dealing with very brutal designs the nc400s more than handle a difficult load.
Have a look into those speakers mentioned by Lars. They truly have impedance loads that are more aching towards a mini blow torch than a modern speaker. Brutal crossover design. But yes, when not dealing with very brutal designs the nc400s more than handle a difficult load.

Define "brutal". Nc400's are OK with loads down to 1 ohm.
What specific parameter should I be looking at?

1w/2.83v reference point, in the technical summary tables of both products datasheet. There has been some refinements it seems, and in a resolving enough system, it can definitely be heard.
The Hawks are now setup and sounding lovely. The volume control went past 12 o'clock for the first time!

They are not actually as big as they look in some photos. Chunkier but no taller than my D7s and the black pyramid tops make them look shorter still. Just have to find a way to clip the cables between the cabinets to stop my son yanking them as he skips past.

