
All purpose football thread 2023/24 Season

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Now, that’s how to win a penalty shootout in a cup game. Neither of the Manchester teams deserve to be in the final though. Cheaty FC overwhelming favourites.
Now, that’s how to win a penalty shootout in a cup game. Neither of the Manchester teams deserve to be in the final though. Cheaty FC overwhelming favourites.
You must be so proud of your team!
Meanwhile the rest of football hasn’t stopped laughing.
Who do you think your new manager will be?
Martin Samuel summed up the pathetic state of United here.

I don't think the the offside rule was introduced with mm's in mind. I always understood it was so a player didn't go and stand in the opposition half for most of the game hoping for a boot up field.
Actually a closeup shows the red line to be over the Utd player's foot too. If the lines are so obviously arbitrary how do we have any faith in the system? I'm willing to bet that these lines are the same within the uncertainty of the measurment. In fact, it is impossible for the system to show mms. I'd argue that VAR is being used by people who do not understand its limitations. That's cost us easily £2m for missing the final - big money in the Championship - 3 players wages within the squad. Still if we hadn't gifted them a 3 goal head start we'd have won comfortably, I think.

"Evidence in vision science points toward two problems with this process. Let’s start with the space rule. Under reasonable assumptions (1,920 × 1,080 pixel video, view-angle covering about 50 m), each pixel in the TV image covers an on-field distance of approximately 2.5 cm.
In actual still-frame footage, the images of moving players and balls are smeared over a distance of approximately eight pixels (see Figure 1), so their true positions lie at the centre of roughly Gaussian blur functions covering a distance of perhaps ± 10 cm."

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