
Addis pads - probably the greatest single upgrade ever…in the world!

Now upgrade to Sonic Design purpose-made damping feet...

What are those? The same material with a 500% markup?

From the Collaro mat to these various damping pads, I very much doubt that audiophile manufacturers develop special materials and have them custom made. The cost for the relatively small batches would be insane and the manufacturer would not have the capability to develop the material in the first place.

I'm pretty confident that most of them will just go out and find a cheap material that does something nice, source it and repackage with a healthy profit on top. Hats off to Derek for cutting out the middle man.

These anyone?

Originally dirt cheap stackable banana plugs for testing equipment, now the darling of every hi-end speaker cable manufacturer.
Fwiw, I've been trying to find any downside to using the Addis pad+sticky-on bumper combo and the only possible downside is that there's a noticeable drop in energy going into the floor and bass isn't boomy. In my situation, these are upsides but they might be downsides for some people.
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OK. Make some up and sell in 8-packs at £20 a set.
Ooh, @Mr Pig beat me to it. ;)
Not taking the Mick by the way.
If it works then good stuff. Increase in clarity has to be that you are reducing floor transmission and secondary cabinet transmission.
What are those? The same material with a 500% markup?
Maybe so, but the sink mat is made for a couple of cups, glasses, pots and pans. The damping feet I refer to have different capacities designed to handle up to 100 kg.
I use two different variants because QUAD 988s have very different weight front and back.
I originally bought them because my then neighbour's (below me) wife complained. They solved the problem and as an unexpected bonus I got better bass from the ESLs.
One of the things I tried just recently was Soundeck SDS plates, which utilises compressed layered damping technology, and compared to the Addis pads, well it would be like comparing Raith Rovers to Real Madrid. The SDS plates cost nearly £150 for two sets of four plates but they ain't got nothing against the Addis pads. Sure, they also reduced the amount of energy going into the floor, but interdimensional sound stage and presentation? No chance. Nada!
One advantage with Addis (apart from price) might be that makes the speaker more stable than standing on four of the pads I recommend. Especially on stands.
One advantage with Addis (apart from price) might be that makes the speaker more stable than standing on four of the pads I recommend. Especially on stands.

Perhaps, although they defo need small sticky-on bumpers to settle flush on top. I think the height in total is about 5 or 6mm. I'm at work so I won't be able to check until tomorrow though
If they get too compressed, add one or two, they're so cheap anyway :D
The front pads I have are at least 10 mm and get depressed by the ESL. They also have a "sticky" side towards the speaker/unit.
One of the things I tried just recently was Soundeck SDS plates, which utilises compressed layered damping technology, and compared to the Addis pads, well it would be like comparing Raith Rovers to Real Madrid. The SDS plates cost nearly £150 for two sets of four plates but they ain't got nothing against the Addis pads. Sure, they also reduced the amount of energy going into the floor, but interdimensional sound stage and presentation? No chance. Nada!

Careful with that interdimentional hi-fi lark. You never know what might come through the portal...

I've made speaker stand feet up using four different densities of rubber from too hard to budge to almost squashed flat by the weight. Seems to work well, definitely cheaper than those fancy isoacoustic feet, probably do the exact same thing.
Hang on...even ordinary speakers have more weight distributed towards the front. Maybe add half the size needed for the full area under the front part...
The Addis pads are very hard to compress, at least using only finger and thumb. I guess if you whack them with a hammer or take a pair of pliers to them they'll deform but I don't imagine they'll deform much if at all under heavy static load. My speakers weigh 20kg each and I reckon that's a doddle for the pads. I wouldn't describe the compound as hard, but it's definitely firm. Oh, and the pads are tacky as well.

As for the sticky-on pads, I use quite small ones and compression under load is ideal to avoid microscopic 'bounce', assuming that's why the Addis pads don't quite work without them. Suffice to say, I reckon you could easily put Addis pads with sticky-on bumpers on top underneath big speakers like Isobariks no problem.
You should have plenty left over material. Why not make a few and send to fellow Fishies?

I'm defo willing to give some Addis pads away - I offered to give some to @ToTo Man earlier as I think he lives in the southside of Glasgow as well. Same goes for other southside fishes :)

I've only got 4 sticky-on bumpers left however, so I'm saving them for myself. I might put a set under my guitar amplifier and see how that goes.
What are those? The same material with a 500% markup?

From the Collaro mat to these various damping pads, I very much doubt that audiophile manufacturers develop special materials and have them custom made. The cost for the relatively small batches would be insane and the manufacturer would not have the capability to develop the material in the first place.

I'm pretty confident that most of them will just go out and find a cheap material that does something nice, source it and repackage with a healthy profit on top. Hats off to Derek for cutting out the middle man.

These anyone?

Originally dirt cheap stackable banana plugs for testing equipment, now the darling of every hi-end speaker cable manufacturer.

Exactly. If this compound had been developed by NASA - or worse, Linn - then with marketing and retailer mark up these things could be getting sold for £1,000 and upwards easily. My Tannoys don't sound this good out of the box. I reckon these pads have doubled the sound quality of my speakers for under ten pence as the interdimensional sound stage and presentation I'm talking about is way beyond their inherent capabilities.

I know, saying things like this will get me locked up but that's how transformative these pads are. Night and day improvement!
I'm defo willing to give some Addis pads away - I offered to give some to @ToTo Man earlier as I think he lives in the southside of Glasgow as well. Same goes for other southside fishes :)

I've only got 4 sticky-on bumpers left however, so I'm saving them for myself. I might put a set under my guitar amplifier and see how that goes.
I appreciate the offer. :) I'm sure I've seen my mum using those mats in the kitchen.... I'll go and investigate!

