
Actor Michael Sheen's Excellent Speech Slams Parties About The NHS Cuts

In summary:

There haven't been any NHS cuts so the rest of the thread has been about looking for something else to slam parties about.

A predictably polarised argument has ensued. Frequently, righteous indignation meets informed debate with the former being a source of entertainment and the latter education.

My concern is the ever increasing percentage of the budget being spent on administration aka bullying of front-line staff.
In summary:

There haven't been any NHS cuts so the rest of the thread has been about looking for something else to slam parties about.

A predictably polarised argument has ensued. Frequently, righteous indignation meets informed debate with the former being a source of entertainment and the latter education.

My concern is the ever increasing percentage of the budget being spent on administration aka bullying of front-line staff.

No, it hasn't.

There are a couple of individuals not interested in the facts, who are interested solely in the £££ while having no interest in where it goes, but it's only 2 people.

No, it hasn't.

There are a couple of individuals not interested in the facts, who are interested solely in the £££ while having no interest in where it goes, but it's only 2 people.

Surely cuts can only refer to £££. Anything else, although pertinent to quality and VFM health care, isn't cuts but mismanagement and overspend on PFI and/or administration/fudging of figures etc.
Surely cuts can only refer to £££. Anything else, although pertinent to quality and VFM health care, isn't cuts but mismanagement and overspend on PFI and/or administration/fudging of figures etc.

The inference from Jo and the other chap is that only the nunber of £££ spent is what matters when judging whether govt supports the NHS or not. There is a whole lot more to it than that.
Actor Michael Sheen has made a great speech about the role of the Tories and the other political parties in the NHS cuts.

Sheen quotes Aneurin Bevan by saying how he had a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party. He castigates today's brand neutral political parties, who are scared about saying what they feel for fear of alienating part of the electorate. This is why they all more or less say the same thing.

As Bevan pointed out: "We know what happens to those who stay in the middle of the road - they get run down."

It's about time the f***ing Labour Party woke up to reality instead of playing their endless Neoliberal cards. Don't take only £3,000 off University fees, make them free. The taxpayer should pay for education and the NHS.

Meanwhile hit the c**ting corporations like Google and Amazon first and the rich who pay no tax. It doesn't take a genius to work out what to do.


Jack this is exactly the problem here, Labour started it, Broon F'd it over with billions of debt and can never finish anything except F ing things up, on other hand the cons mates have a vested interest. The only solution is to chuck the the whole medic favoured cluster F the NHS is, throw it away and start again. NO country on the planet has copied it.
Brian "I'm not suggesting an alternative,"

Why? There has to be, the lefty NHS free at the point mantra is laughable, noting is free and the monster the NHS is strangling itself with your money, its not designed for you, its sole purpose is itself, thats why the medical profession is wetting itself with laughter. Bliar and mates took away out of hours from docs and a GP can now earn 250k, cheers Labour
Brian "I'm not suggesting an alternative,"

Why? There has to be, the lefty NHS free at the point mantra is laughable, noting is free and the monster the NHS is strangling itself with your money, its not designed for you, its sole purpose is itself, thats why the medical profession is wetting itself with laughter. Bliar and mates took away out of hours from docs and a GP can now earn 250k, cheers Labour
Describe your alternative.
The inference from Jo and the other chap is that only the nunber of £££ spent is what matters when judging whether govt supports the NHS or not. There is a whole lot more to it than that.

Personally if someone kept bunging me £££ I would judge that to be sufficient evidence that they were supporting me.
Personally if someone kept bunging me £££ I would judge that to be sufficient evidence that they were supporting me.

So would I, for that irrelevant comparison. :)

If I gave you £20 to support the local barber and get a haircut but you buy a £20 guitar with it, my £20 hasn't supported the local barber. However, If I gave you £15 for the haircut so you can't waste it on the £20 guitar it gets spent on a decent haircut, I'm supporting the local barber.

More doesn't always mean better depending where that 'more' goes.
So would I, for that irrelevant comparison. :)

If I gave you £20 to support the local barber and get a haircut but you buy a £20 guitar with it, my £20 hasn't supported the local barber. However, If I gave you £15 for the haircut so you can't waste it on the £20 guitar it gets spent on a decent haircut, I'm supporting the local barber.

More doesn't always mean better depending where that 'more' goes.
So are you suggesting less should be spent in order to ensure that the focus is right?
Your answer was on post 84 to Steve... You may not like that answer but it doesn't mean you will get another one.

Cheers again
Actually your only possible answers based on post 92 can be either spend the same or more. Plus doing something else which you haven't yet (afaics) come up with unless it is to do with supporting your local barber or something.
Anyway, I'm off on holiday tomorrow so we can stop the banter for a while. Cheers to you too.
Actually your only possible answers based on post 92 can be either spend the same or more. Plus doing something else which you haven't yet (afaics) come up with unless it is to do with supporting your local barber or something.
Anyway, I'm off on holiday tomorrow so we can stop the banter for a while. Cheers to you too.

How would this be tolerated in any other "profession"

Medics caught with drugs, sexually abusing patients and failing to spot cancer and KEEP their jobs

From the article
It found the GMC issued 134 ­warnings to doctors considered to have breached professional ­guidelines.
But none of the misdemeanours were deemed serious enough for them to be struck off

Critics have called for changes to the way medics are investigated, pointing out that the GMC is funded by the very doctors it probes.

It's a none issue.

