
A Thread About PVC And Polythene Album Covers.

So, can someone recommend a good supplier of the good type that @Vinny recommends?

As ever, outers will come down to personal preferences, so you ought to get plenty of responses, all conflicting :) Not least PE v PP v PETP

Inners - very hard to beat Nagoaka judged across things like thickness, effectiveness, ease of use, size/fit etc. etc. etc.........
The trouble is with modern stuff is that nobody's done the 40 -50 year test. A lot of this raw material is manufactured in secret, in places of cheap labour and relative poverty, so it's very hard to know what's going into the product
As Dozey above - same kind of thing as per link below.
Personally I go for the ones minus the flap and seal, as I always managed to catch the seal on the cardbord cover.
Really make covers 'pop' with the gloss.
Not as easy to use as polythene I find, as somewhat more difficult to insert album for whatever reason (very good fit, not particularly 'baggy' in size)
They do make the album covers look superb though. sleeves
Personally I go for the ones minus the flap and seal, as I always managed to catch the seal on the cardbord cover.
Really make covers 'pop' with the gloss.

TBH that's why I like the glossy covers as well - they look great on vintage jazz LPs. The resealable sleeves Japanese record stores all seem to use have a strip of gum on the outside rather than on the flap itself - so you really have to go some to get the sleeve entangled.
I don't normally like to revive old threads, but recent experiences I've had, are worth noting. I've been cleaning my records for a long time now and have in recent months moved on to my 7" singles. This as a somewhat strange collection, consisting records I bought myself, but most mostly singles that people have given me over the years. I filed them in 7" single boxes, added them to the database, and that's where they have stayed. They have been stored in optimum conditions, dry and at room temperature. However, I found several that were in PVC sleeves, mostly as supplied by the record company and these turned out to be ruined, with the foggy surfaces resulting from leaching of the chemicals from the PVC. As has been mentioned earlier in the thread, these chemicals go straight through a carboard sleeve, and one record adjacent to one such sleeve was ruined on the side facing the PCV sleeve, whereas the other side was ok. Several record companies (such as PAN as mentioned by @paulfromcamden) , routinely supply their LPs in such sleeves, though luckily, all of mine are in mo-fi or Nagaoka sleeves and these seem to protect the records. Anyhow, I thought it worth mentioning again, as a warning to others.
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