
A cluster of world crises, natural and man made- are we reaching a tipping point?

Actually we may already be at the global tipping point.

2011 is a year of 11's spooky weirdness.

There will be the following dates: 1/1/11, 11/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/11/11.

If you take last two digits of your birth year, and add them to the age you will be this year, it will add up to 111.

For example, if you were born in 1960, take 60 and add it to your age this year, 51, and it comes to 111.

Does this mean that we are all going to die, or that we have reached a moment of spiritual enlightenment? - I haven't got a bleeding clue.

It probably means that Chelsea FC are going to both the Champions and Premier Leagues.


The spooky thing is that in 2012, the number will be 112, in 2013, 113. Amazing :D
Actually we may already be at the global tipping point.

2011 is a year of 11's spooky weirdness.

There will be the following dates: 1/1/11, 11/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/11/11.

If you take last two digits of your birth year, and add them to the age you will be this year, it will add up to 111.

For example, if you were born in 1960, take 60 and add it to your age this year, 51, and it comes to 111.

Does this mean that we are all going to die, or that we have reached a moment of spiritual enlightenment? - I haven't got a bleeding clue.

It probably means that Chelsea FC are going to both the Champions and Premier Leagues.


Not if you were born after 1/1/2000.
Al Sharpton is happy; this is an easy 3 weeks of viewer ship. Nothing like padding his pockets on a teen's death. Maybe one day he will talk about a black kid killed by another black kid and will question the failed state of the Liberal Plantation?
Maybe its just 24 hr news and instant uploading of images to the internet. A generation ago many foreign calamities and wars would have been covered by a fraction of todays output.
I get the uneasy feeling that the confluence of world events- in the Arab world, the disaster to strike Japan and the rising prices in energy, food and commodities is going to produce economic and social instability on a new scale. Then the fighting starts

We are becoming desensitised by the news we watch every scary hour of the day. Flooding, famine,war and more war. An ever expanding population with diminishing resources. I am about to become a father for the first time so I may be a little sensitive but even before this I have felt we have reached a very critical time in history. The next couple of generations really have their work cut out.
Well, two years have passed since this thread was started and we are still here. I think some people worry too much!
Maybe its just 24 hr news and instant uploading of images to the internet. A generation ago many foreign calamities and wars would have been covered by a fraction of todays output.
I get the uneasy feeling that the confluence of world events- in the Arab world, the disaster to strike Japan and the rising prices in energy, food and commodities is going to produce economic and social instability on a new scale. Then the fighting starts


Stop being so negative.

The good news is that some see these problems as an opportunity to put things right and to create a few industries and made some money on the side.

Food and commodity supplies are being addressed, southern Spain was once a glorified desert a few years ago, now the place is covered in more food growing fields than you see in this country.

Africa will undoubtedly become the new garden of the world exporting meat and veg to supermarkets all over the world.

Technology will allow us to mine more minerals as well as taking care of environmental issues.

Mankind has faced many challenges in the past and overcame them, and we will continue to do so.

There will always be issues that keep the whinging classes whinging, but usually we poodle along and get through it.

So put your feet up in your garden, watch the birds and relax.


Well, two years have passed since this thread was started and we are still here. I think some people worry too much!

Ah ha! The question must be asked:

"But are we actually still here - or are we but a lingering figment of mass imagination?"

(Apologies for philosophical moment)
Two long years had passed since Dec had asked the question when Mick, momentarily distracted from counting 5 pence pieces.......
"5 billion, one hundred million, two hundred and forty thousand, three hundred and sixty eight..wah?

Stop being so negative.

The good news is that some see these problems as an opportunity to put things right and to create a few industries and made some money on the side.

Food and commodity supplies are being addressed, southern Spain was once a glorified desert a few years ago, now the place is covered in more food growing fields than you see in this country.

Africa will undoubtedly become the new garden of the world exporting meat and veg to supermarkets all over the world.

Technology will allow us to mine more minerals as well as taking care of environmental issues.

Mankind has faced many challenges in the past and overcame them, and we will continue to do so.

There will always be issues that keep the whinging classes whinging, but usually we poodle along and get through it.

So put your feet up in your garden, watch the birds and relax.



Damn.....One, two, three"
Time to buy a block of land with fresh water access become self sufficient in every way sit back and re-visit this thread in another couple of years. My prediction is that one day in the future the biggest queues will be outside of churches.
Time to buy a block of land with fresh water access become self sufficient in every way sit back and re-visit this thread in another couple of years. My prediction is that one day in the future the biggest queues will be outside of churches.

If bird flu or coronavirus strikes your land will not be worth very much, still it will shut people up about how much their houses are worth, so it won't be all bad.
Yeah come on Micks pension fund in minerals mined from 3rd world countries by children is making a mint at the moment and anything that keeps the whinging classes on the poverty line and away from where he shops has got to be a good thing.
Al Sharpton is happy; this is an easy 3 weeks of viewer ship. Nothing like padding his pockets on a teen's death. Maybe one day he will talk about a black kid killed by another black kid and will question the failed state of the Liberal Plantation?

What a peculiar way to restart a two year old thread-Why not start a new thread and see how far it gets with an examination of this post's content?
Maybe its just 24 hr news and instant uploading of images to the internet. A generation ago many foreign calamities and wars would have been covered by a fraction of todays output.
I get the uneasy feeling that the confluence of world events- in the Arab world, the disaster to strike Japan and the rising prices in energy, food and commodities is going to produce economic and social instability on a new scale. Then the fighting starts

Deffo. The world will end two years to the day from your post. It's all predicted in Teh Bible.
Zombie apocalypse before all that please?

Been practicing and everything
World War P


