
A cluster of world crises, natural and man made- are we reaching a tipping point?


Unicorns fart glitter.
Maybe its just 24 hr news and instant uploading of images to the internet. A generation ago many foreign calamities and wars would have been covered by a fraction of todays output.
I get the uneasy feeling that the confluence of world events- in the Arab world, the disaster to strike Japan and the rising prices in energy, food and commodities is going to produce economic and social instability on a new scale. Then the fighting starts
Bring it on- it's a damn sight more interesting than coming home from a crap job (if you've got one) with only brain drain telly to look forward to.

I'd much rather be down Tesco fighting chavs with sticks for the last tin of beans.
Oh yeah, we got it bad. Those in Europe in 1939 never knew how lucky they were. Russia too. Stalingrad was nothing compared to having to put up with Network South East from High Wycombe. I reckon we're OK. The good times maybe over, there may be a bit of 70s style austerity coming. So be it.

As for those wanting the whole edifice to come crashing down, be careful what you wish for. If we do end up fighting over beans in Tesco then my money's not on some university educated hifi enthusiast. As Mr Zimmerman said, "When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose." My money's on the starving chavs, for a start there are more of them.
I think a global tipping point will be when Iran develops nuclear power and weapons.

Funnily enough I don't think they should be stopped from doing this.

In England one tipping point will hopefully be the demos on March 26th.

Actually we may already be at the global tipping point.

2011 is a year of 11's spooky weirdness.

There will be the following dates: 1/1/11, 11/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/11/11.

If you take last two digits of your birth year, and add them to the age you will be this year, it will add up to 111.

For example, if you were born in 1960, take 60 and add it to your age this year, 51, and it comes to 111.

Does this mean that we are all going to die, or that we have reached a moment of spiritual enlightenment? - I haven't got a bleeding clue.

It probably means that Chelsea FC are going to both the Champions and Premier Leagues.

Actually we may already be at the global tipping point.

2011 is a year of 11's spooky weirdness.

There will be the following dates: 1/1/11, 11/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/11/11.

If you take last two digits of your birth year, and add them to the age you will be this year, it will add up to 111.

For example, if you were born in 1960, take 60 and add it to your age this year, 51, and it comes to 111.

Does this mean that we are all going to die, or that we have reached a moment of spiritual enlightenment? - I haven't got a bleeding clue.

It probably means that Chelsea FC are going to both the Champions and Premier Leagues.

There's always one!

