
5d mkii

The 5d mkiii will hopefully be out soon as well which will no doubt fix some of the video limitations. Canon now know what they're onto with this camera and they will respond accordingly.

May have to wait till later this year...I'm tempted by a 7d instead though, as I think it is very good on the video capability.
When I worked with him, Marc Hispard* could shoot with pretty much any camera at 1/8. Demarchalier, too. Helmut was a bit old by then (late 80s), but his assistant could. It's not about the hardware :)
*I suspect Marc's favourite camera was the little Olympus P&S he carried everywhere.

I suspect that might be partly due to the fact that no one was looking at their images on a screen at 100% which most bloody art eds do now anyway.

chhers philip
used in anger now on a couple of shoots, mainly using 24-70 2.8 and 70-200 2.8

quite pleased with what its producing and the handling is pretty good as is the menus

it managed to survive some pretty nasty rain on the cornish coast as well so weather sealing can't be as bad as everyoen makes out

really could do with some more AF points especially wide of frame i.e. more where subjects are rather than dead centre ! Thats my only main grumble.
really could do with some more AF points especially wide of frame i.e. more where subjects are rather than dead centre ! Thats my only main grumble.

Should have bought the Nikon D700 if that is your only concern, or even the Nikon D3S if you want lots of focus points and a video mode.

I'm puzzled that between Nikon and Canon, nobody has built a perfect camera at the £2K mark with Full Frame sensor. Perhaps it will come soon as the Nikon D700xs ;-)
Cliff, you remind me of a certain Harry Enfield character.

I've noticed in a number of threads now that you like to position yourself or twist the flow of dialogue around so that you can set yourself up in a position where you can say 'I told you so' or 'you should have done this' or, in short, make yourself 'right' in some way. Of course a lot of people use forums in this way, just so they can role play in a nauseating 'all knowing' manner, correcting everyone and I suppose in the process somewhere and somehow bolstering their own presumably questionable sense of self-esteem.

Now allow me to explain:

Did I say AF points was my only concern ? No, I didn't.

If you read the thread you'll see that the 5d was the ONLY choice for me because of what it does with video. No other camera compares in that respect, D3S included.

That DECISION HAVING BEEN CORRECTLY MADE, my main gripe would be the lack of peripheral AF points.

I hope that's now clear Cliff. :)
I've noticed in a number of threads now that you like to position yourself or twist the flow of dialogue around so that you can set yourself up in a position where you can say 'I told you so' or 'you should have done this' or, in short, make yourself 'right' in some way.

Well, if thats what you think, then you probably haven't understood where I am coming from at all.

I have, as Patrick has pointed out, owned a lot of kit over the years, and it has been my intention in the photo room to share some of the benefit of my experiences with anyone who cares to read what I write. Of course, if you don't want to use the advice or comment, then please just ignore me.

However, I think you are possibly a bit guilty of misleading other posters in this thread, because you have variously said the following:

Ok-ish. Probably better than iwas expecting. Pics are of the usual japanese type though. Plenty of mush and an aa filter that is way too heavy. Some Zeiss ze glass on the front helps a bit but hey, it aint no m9 thats for sure. Good job i bought it primarily for video.

this does not clearly indicate that you have previously found the camera peerless in the video stakes and indeed seem unsatisfied with the still image quality - eg "MUSH" which probably isn't great in video either

and ...

Im just knockin it full stop pal

and ...

Had I been buying a DSLR for fast focus tracking and long lens stills alone then I probably would have gone D3X which I have hired on a number of occasions and liked. I think the sensor probably has the edge as does the afs.

which is why I mentioned the Nikon D3's in general

and ...

really could do with some more AF points especially wide of frame i.e. more where subjects are rather than dead centre !

so, my observation is correct then. Based on all the posts you made in this thread, it looks as though you should probably have ranked the cameras available in this order:

D3S, D3X, M9, 5D Mark II

However, let me be clear here, I have no axe to grind in any particular direction even though I currently own 3 of those 4 plus another camera with a bigger sensor without an AA filter, and that would be my choice for digital stills bar none :)

PS in post 24 which I was replying to, you didn't mention video at all ...
Lotus - you're aiming for the wrong guy. Try any of the watch threads.

Cliff does, as he will cheerfully admit, own a ridiculous amount of cameras - but he's happy to share and chat about them all - there's no oneupmanship going on at all.
Now now Lotus, we'll have no fighting in the photo room, this place is a haven from the bullshittery of the off-topic and audio rooms :)
Lotus, please post some photos, they are a lot more interesting to talk about than the equipment used to take them :)
Dear Reader, since being a member here I haven’t ever got the impression that Cliff is vying with others for power, prestige and position. He’s simply someone who has a great accumulation and cheerful recollections about the symmetry on his shelves!
Dear Reader, since being a member here I haven’t ever got the impression that Cliff is vying with others for power, prestige and position. He’s simply someone who has a great accumulation and cheerful recollections about the symmetry on his shelves!
And awesome pictures to ogle.
Now now Lotus, we'll have no fighting in the photo room, this place is a haven from the bullshittery of the off-topic and audio rooms :)


I've never felt that Cliff was 'boasting' at any stage with regards to his lovely collection of cameras. As a fairly new starter I could usually rely on Cliff to give some solid sensible advice when asked.
The sensor in the 5D has a really nice quality for photographs :)

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I'm still struggling on with my inferior japanese cameras and lenses. If only I had manual focus german lenses, a rangefinder, more dynamic range, better high ISO, HD video, and a leica red dot.


Canon 1Ds II, 17-40L. A friends chalet. No access in winter except by skidoo, about 1400m above sea level, nearest neighbour 1/2km away.
Yeah, you're right Cesare, I could do with an HD Video mode on my German rangefinder - and the lack of Live view mode for tripod use really bugs me ;-)


(M9 / Noctilux F1.0 @F1 and ISO400)

