
5d mkii


Ok-ish. Probably better than iwas expecting. Pics are of the usual japanese type though. Plenty of mush and an aa filter that is way too heavy. Some Zeiss ze glass on the front helps a bit but hey, it aint no m9 thats for sure. Good job i bought it primarily for video.
Wait a second, you're knocking the 5D because it isn't a rangefinder, and doesn't use rangefinger lenses? Why don't you just use a rangefinder then?

Im just knockin it full stop pal :p

DR is not so great either. The big guns should be focusing on that rather than the megapixies.
well, I don't have any experience with the 5D Mark II, but there shouldn't be anything wrong with it provided you match it with some decent glass. And Canon do make some decent glass. I've had the M9 for about a year and a bit so far. Where you would want a DSLR in place of the M9 is as follows:

- Low light where you need ISO 1600 or above
- Distant subjects where 135mm simply isn't long enough
- Close subjects that you want to fill the frame with

In these circumstances, I think most people would prefer the 5Dii or the Nikon D700 over the Leica.

For me, 75% of the time, the M9 is the one to carry. It is very compact and the lenses are also mostly pretty compact making it great for travel and street photography.
Low light :)

As you get into your m9 more you'll see that you can reliably handhold at 1/8 and leica glass is as sharp at 1.4 as L glass is at 2.8. You can keep your iso1600+ and heavy duty noise filters !
The other day while skydiving from my personal jet I took a picture of my Bugatti Veyron with my Leica S2, and the sharpness, colour and dynamic range of the pix displayed on my dual-monitored Apple 16-core tower just blew me away.

Then the cat jumped on my head and woke me up.

Stupid cat.

I think Evil Willow was just about to work her way into my dream.

I used to have a D700 with a bunch of heavy lenses, but the weight of it killed me and resultet in the equipment staying home most of the time....
Now I have gone back to analog and a Leica MP with just a 35 & 50mm.
Its just lovely and I bring it with me all the time!
As you get into your m9 more you'll see that you can reliably handhold at 1/8
When I worked with him, Marc Hispard* could shoot with pretty much any camera at 1/8. Demarchalier, too. Helmut was a bit old by then (late 80s), but his assistant could. It's not about the hardware :)
*I suspect Marc's favourite camera was the little Olympus P&S he carried everywhere.
Pics are of the usual japanese type though. Plenty of mush and an aa filter that is way too heavy.

That's the real issue. The heavy anti alias filter makes big difference to the image quality. Resolution isn't everything. The reason why many people like the Leica M9 is mainly down to the use of a Kodak CCD and not a CMOS and the lack of an AA filter on the M9. The same is true on my Leica Digital Modul R. The Leica glass helps, but if the sensor and the AA filter degrade it, then that's it.

"Name Dropping" ... When I worked with him, Marc Hispard* could shoot with pretty much any camera at 1/8. Demarchalier, too. Helmut was a bit old by then (late 80s), but his assistant could. It's not about the hardware :)
*I suspect Marc's favourite camera was the little Olympus P&S he carried everywhere.

Well, yes, you can shoot at 1/8th with anything provided that you take a stable stance and the camera doesn't jump about to much (wouldn't recommend trying this with a Fuji GX680 though).

There isn't much in the way of mirror slap from the Nikon D7000, which is probably the easiest to hand-hold DSLRs that I have ever used.

Anyway, these days my favourite film camera is my Leica MP, which is virtually silent, light and takes the same lenses as the M9 and it was originally owned by Tony McGee, and you can see some of the stuff he shot with it here and here (mixed in with some Rollei shots), before he sold it to me.
Mostly 80s Canons / Blads with big bottles. My then boss used to shoot handheld with a Fuji for Imagebank. A reasonably profitable sideline, apparently.
I now use a 5D mkII in place of my RB67's and Sinar 5X4 cameras to make my living. It earns enough money to pay for wife, two kids and some 'toys' for me. It's a good camera. Doesn't set me alight, but then I've never had a camera that has done. Tools of the trade for me.
I used to have a D700 with a bunch of heavy lenses, but the weight of it killed me and resultet in the equipment staying home most of the time....
Now I have gone back to analog and a Leica MP with just a 35 & 50mm.
Its just lovely and I bring it with me all the time!

Perfect !
The point of the 5d for me is Video. It's changed the face of low cost filmaking and given the likes of Sony and Panasonic something to think about.

In fact before the AF101 was born the next camera along that could make comparable filmic images at 1080p was the Cinealta/Red at about a million quid a pop.

Had I been buying a DSLR for fast focus tracking and long lens stills alone then I probably would have gone D3X which I have hired on a number of occasions and liked. I think the sensor probably has the edge as does the afs.

Love the leica more than ever though. Will be adding to my M's this year. I wonder what the M10 will bring if it ever appears.

The 5d mkiii will hopefully be out soon as well which will no doubt fix some of the video limitations. Canon now know what they're onto with this camera and they will respond accordingly.
I wonder what the M10 will bring if it ever appears.

Lower noise at higher ISOs would be nice. The automatic colour balance isn't perfect I doubt if it will include live view, because the CCD isn't really up to that amount of data transfer in real time, although some kind of focus check would be nice ... although I suspect that the next edition of the M will just be another cosmetic rip off like the titanium edition.
i agree

better noise and better DR would be nice

the adjustment latitude you get in an fff file is just stunning

pretty much everything else on the M9 just works as is for me

just wish they'd make a 28 Summilux
never got on with the contrast personally but its a stonking lens i'll gant you that

ultron 1.9 aint too shabby but i do like the cron

