
4 day working week with no loss of pay

Unless working on a production line or similar environment, more time at work doesn't necessarily mean that more work is actually done, as people tend to have an inbuilt productive limit in normal circumstances and will pace themselves accordingly. They may well be proportionally more productive or produce work of better quality on each day of a four day week than for a five day week, or have fewer days ill.
Never mind 4 day weeks, when are we getting the bloody robots to do our jobs so I can sit at home eating hob-nobs and listening to music?
Never mind 4 day weeks, when are we getting the bloody robots to do our jobs so I can sit at home eating hob-nobs and listening to music?
If we are going to generalise glibly - Do the self-employed get overworked, bullied and harassed by their Manager(s)?
Only if they let them. I had a client try to strongarm me once, he soon stopped. However you do have to be prepared to have the "I'm here as long as you want me here and as long as I want to be here, when that ends it's notice time" conversation, and mean it.

