
Films/Movies, Old & New - Recommendations and Reviews

Big Tabs

looking backwards, going forwards
After getting a little frustrated that the ‘recommended movies etc. on Netflix/Prime’ thread is dominated by series that I have no interest in, I thought it would be good to have a thread that is dedicated just to film - old or new - that is worth the time.

Not restricted to Netflix or Amazon, but a source would be useful to know for those interested.

I tend to purchase films that I like so that we can watch them anytime without relying on a streaming service.

Classics, future classics, bubblegum that keeps its flavour.
From ‘Battleship Potemkin’ to Manga classics.
Ealing Studios to Hard Boiled Hong Kong action.
The Three Colours Trilogy to Peter Greenaway.

Directors who are worth the efforts. Past Wes Anderson, and beyond!

share your good stuff.


fishes -

Please feel free to put up links to the films that you are promoting. It makes the thread experience far more interesting than just a film title and no further information…

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I just watched Gattaca again last night.

Directed by Andrew Niccol, it stars Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman, Alan Arkin, Jude Law... Sci-fi set in the not too distant future. Ethan Hawke wants to go to space but he isn't genetically perfect enough to do so. It's not perfect but I really like the way it's shot and it has an interesting premise.

Your mention of Hong Kong action made me think of Police Story 3, which I used to have but now can't find. Great film! Jackie Chan, obviously.
I just watched Gattaca again last night.

Directed by Andrew Niccol, it stars Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman, Alan Arkin, Jude Law... Sci-fi set in the not too distant future. Ethan Hawke wants to go to space but he isn't genetically perfect enough to do so. It's not perfect but I really like the way it's shot and it has an interesting premise.

Your mention of Hong Kong action made me think of Police Story 3, which I used to have but now can't find. Great film! Jackie Chan, obviously.

Not seen Gattaca for a while, that is worth watching again. thanks.

The early Jackie Chan films, Hong Kong age are very enjoyable. If I remember correctly, they show the accidents that happened during the filming at the end credits.
I find that he lost his edge when he went Hollywood.
If you're interested in film that is actually about the occult rather than just a horror film then, "A Dark Song", is well worth a watch. There's a BBC Scotland documentary about Crowley called "The Other Loch Ness Monster" that acts as a perfect companion piece and is on YouTube. I am sure the Oram's Steve and Sean are related.

"Lisa And the Fox Fairy" , is a delightful dark comedy made in Hungary.

"Annihilation" is a thoughtful Natalie Portman Sci Fi

"Dobermann" still my favourite gangster heist film, Tarantino strives for such cool without ever quite making it.

"Witching and Bitching" Spanish heist film mixed with a cult horror, the phone conversation between the hubbie and their partner, as to quite why he's taken their kid on a heist makes me howl every time I see it.

"The Congress" This is pretty downbeat about an actor who sells their film rights as they grow older and becomes world famous as an action film star through this sale. The film cuts to animation half way through. Very prescient, if as I say, downbeat about where we might well be heading.

"Sputnik", just a rattling good Russian alien monster film set in the 1980s, an original twist on the theme as well.

"The Witch 1 & 2" Korean film series about a young lady with special powers a\s result of a world wide experiment. The first begins ala "Glee Club" the second continues her adventures and exposes how it's a world wide phenomenon. The lass who plays the lead role is just awesome, how she flips from quiet, naïve, to the point of withdrawn, to brutally efficient killing machine who is totally in control of the proceedings is truly spooky. The choreography of the violence is second to none. Part 1 was originally Korean TV series and is worth watching although it's very hard to find now and the shortened film release is the one usually available.

"God Told Me To" Larry Cohen classic now restored and remastered, God as a serial killer, completely nuts but great fun

"Under The Skin" art house horror sci fi that actually lives up to the hype

"Danger Diabolik" Mario Brava1960s classic

Any of the Benson and Moorhead output "Spring" is a "horror romance film I adore; "Synchronic" is great take on time travel; The Endless is sort of about "cults" however, much more than that.
If you're interested in film that is actually about the occult rather than just a horror film then, "A Dark Song", is well worth a watch. There's a BBC Scotland documentary about Crowley called "The Other Loch Ness Monster" that acts as a perfect companion piece and is on YouTube. I am sure the Oram's Steve and Sean are related.
Another vote for "A Dark Song", an absolute gem of a movie, unlike anything I've seen. I understand from reviewers that it's among the most accurate depictions of an occult ritual ever put on screen. I occasionally check to see if the director's made anything else, but nothing so far.

"Under The Skin" art house horror sci fi that actually lives up to the hype
I like all three Jonathan Glazer films (the other two being "Sexy Beast" and "Birth") - all very different, and all very interesting. I'm really looking forward to his new one:

Well, maybe "looking forward" isn't quite right, but I trust Glazer to do justice to this difficult material.
Another vote for "A Dark Song", an absolute gem of a movie, unlike anything I've seen. I understand from reviewers that it's among the most accurate depictions of an occult ritual ever put on screen. I occasionally check to see if the director's made anything else, but nothing so far.

I like all three Jonathan Glazer films (the other two being "Sexy Beast" and "Birth") - all very different, and all very interesting. I'm really looking forward to his new one:

Well, maybe "looking forward" isn't quite right, but I trust Glazer to do justice to this difficult material.
Anyway, my own top tip is the Korean film, "The Wailing". It's long and uneven, with some quite wacky shifts in tone, but the tense finale is unforgettable and evokes a palpable sense of evil.
As @Big Tabs mentioned Wes Anderson, I was disappointed with "Asteroid City", I thought it was rather by-the-numbers, all the Wes-ness that we love but without the heart. But the people I was with enjoyed it so maybe it's just me. "Life Aquatic" and "Grand Budapest Hotel" remain his best IMO.

Last week's movie was "Smoking Causes Coughing" which was WTF??? It's either great, or terrible, or both. I loved it. Going to see "Oppenheimer" this week.

IMO the greatest film-maker of the last 20 years is Hirokazu Kore-eda, for his wisdom and understanding of humanity, of people with all their faults and glory, and ability to put that on screen without judgement. Apart from his films I think the film that has stayed with me the most over the past couple of years is "Petite Maman" (Celine Sciamma), which I think shares the same qualities.
@FireMoon ace! I don’t know some of those.

I can say that the book ‘Under The Skin’ is superior to the film, although I did enjoy it.
Scarlett Johansson was well cast I thought.
As far as I remember the film was nothing like the book especially the ending...After I got over this point, the film was rather good. I loved the novelty of the book, it's difficult to forget.

There's mention of horror movies that are a difficult watch... Kill List came to mind.
I am terrible for looking at these recommendations (and the other thread) and then forgetting things I really want to see.
Someone posted a short clip of what I think is a CGi Dark SciFI movie a while back....The only think I can remember is a pair of militry style goggles on a dirty character and a review that said movie was a real mind bender.

Thoughts? I actually read a review of it off this site and still can't remember it!
I am terrible for looking at these recommendations (and the other thread) and then forgetting things I really want to see.
Someone posted a short clip of what I think is a CGi Dark SciFI movie a while back....The only think I can remember is a pair of militry style goggles on a dirty character and a review that said movie was a real mind bender.

Thoughts? I actually read a review of it off this site and still can't remember it!

it isn’t c.g.i. - it is a ‘stop-motion’ film. Similar technique to how ‘Morph’ was animated. Extremely time consuming.

I started a thread on MAD GOD (2021) Phil Tippett (genius) a while ago

Film - MAD GOD (2021)

It is a visceral piece of film. Outstanding, and the result of 30 yrs. work.
My Wife hasn’t seen it yet.
My youngest Son, and a couple of (male) friends were in awe of it. see the thread
it isn’t c.g.i. - it is a ‘stop-motion’ film. Similar technique to how ‘Morph’ was animated. Extremely time consuming.

I started a thread on MAD GOD (2021) Phil Tippett (genius) a while ago

Film - MAD GOD (2021)

It is a visceral piece of film. Outstanding, and the result of 30 yrs. work.
My Wife hasn’t seen it yet.
My youngest Son, and a couple of (male) friends were in awe of it. see the thread

BINGO! Thats it thanks
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