
Review ATVM95EN

A more detailed review now that the Ifi has been running in a little more. As I said earlier, I prefer the Yamaha’s 803D internal phono stage to the CA TT’s on board stage and had settled for this lately.
The Ifi is an unassuming little device with a range of features. It’s also surprisingly hefty for its size ,meaning it’s not pulled about too much as the lighter ones. I’ve had and listened to a few budget phono amps over the last few years, including Graham Slee Gram Amp 2SE, a vintage Rotel equaliser and a couple of Cambridges. I also had an early NAD PP for a while.All had their strengths along with some compromises.
The Ifi differs in that is strong across the board. Its noise floor appears significantly lower which reveals more detail in the lower end.In combination with the new EN stylus, the mids are detailed but not too bright or forward which can be fatiguing. The highs are an improvement over the VM95E. They appear more confident with less distortion. The Ifi has great subtlety in its balance, revealing a delicate tracery of sounds which is especially effective in string quartets and quintets. It can also rise to the greater demands of a Mahler symphony maintaining composure during great crescendos or massed strings. The sub sonic feature is subtle which suggests it is fairly forensic around rumble. I’m a great lover of the Voice and the Ifi is very effective in this area, whether it’s Laine’s ethereal tones or Corelli’s enthusiastic, melodramatic magnificence. I’m looking forward to hearing Fischer-Dieskau in Schubert later.My overall conclusion is that I have a tighter, more disciplined and textured sound now. The crucial aspect is that despite this the sound does not fatigue or become distant which is an achievement at this budget.
So, all in all, a very pleasing and rewarding purchase. My focus is generally around the mid to high budget end of hifi and I have made a few purchases that belie their price tag, the Rotel 965BX, the A&R T21 tuner and the denon 800 cassette deck being three of these. These are retro components that have great longevity and continue to impress. The Ifi is a newer more modern addition but I conclude that it is another great budget vfm product that continues to enhance my listening pleasure for peanuts really. My FIL is so impressed with the results of my patient exploration that he is now considering selling on his high end set up for something like my own. I find that very satisfying. I may try an ML stylus at some point in the future but for now these small adjustments have added something special. I’m frequently amazed and grateful that this kind of quality can be had for relatively little money.
My last purchase are a pair of Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro headphones. I’m trying to use headphones more as I work and I thought these may be an enhancement over my basic ATs. I think my lack of involvement in headphone listening is probably down to the effective but bland presentation of the ATs. The Beyerdynamics are the 250 Ohm type so they should work more effectively with my Rega Ear headphone amp. I also liked the comfort angle. I will reveal all I’m my first review on the new headphone thread shortly.
Great write up. I'm using the ATVM95E with an IFi Zen phono stage and I love it. The EN will probably be my next upgrade and you've kinda convinced me to go for it sooner rather than later :D

I have to say that your opinion of the Ifi Zen phono tallies with mine. The only thing I have to add that it needs powered up 30 minutes before use to sound its best.
Great write up. I'm using the ATVM95E with an IFi Zen phono stage and I love it. The EN will probably be my next upgrade and you've kinda convinced me to go for it sooner rather than later :D
Go for it. Still have upgrade legs with the ML and SH so it’s nice to know I can potentially improve things further with the excellent, no fuss AT range.
I’m sure all VM95 owners have read this but just in case …

"If you are old enough, you might remember that Linn Audio founder Ivor Tiefenbrun used to say that a cheap cartridge on a Sondek LP12 will sound better than an expensive cartridge on a budget deck. Well, I own a 1984 LP12 Valhalla with a Linn Basik LV X arm fitted with an AT95 cartridge, and I have tried a Koetsu Rosewood Signature on a Technics SL-1200 as well as that $699 Pioneer PLX-1000 turntable I reviewed in GD3. I can vouch completely for Ivor's claim."

Worth pulling out as a lot of people really don't get this.
It’s a very nice cart. I had the original 95 on my Rega prior to the Goldring.

I too have and am using an EN stylus and I agree all what you have written. What I like in the AT95 range is exactly that: "... I have a tighter, more disciplined and textured sound now. The crucial aspect is that despite this the sound does not fatigue or become distant which is an achievement at this budget".
The first thing I want is a cartridge listenable for hours, not boring and fatiguing at all. I can't get it with my VDH MC ONE special.
I too have and am using an EN stylus and I agree all what you have written. What I like in the AT95 range is exactly that: "... I have a tighter, more disciplined and textured sound now. The crucial aspect is that despite this the sound does not fatigue or become distant which is an achievement at this budget".
The first thing I want is a cartridge listenable for hours, not boring and fatiguing at all. I can't get it with my VDH MC ONE special.
The EN enhances what is offered by the 95E. It sounds like a genuine step forward on the styli type and it builds on the strengths of the E. I know that I would likely get a different sound with the ML but I fear the balance may be upset by the extra more explicit detail. It’s all about balance really.
Just listening to a nice mint pressing of Prokofiev String Quarter 1 by the Novak Quartet on the Philips label. It plays beautifully. The underlying edge of the strings is beautifully portrayed. Need to just tweak the REL a little to free the bass but really lovely and engaging. Dynamics are very good.
I’ve owned some pretty high end vinyl replay kit in the past … Claro Clarity 09, AN3 arm, AN Io, AN-S3 SUT.

Perfectly pressed records sounded incredible, sure, but overall, I’m having just as enjoyable a listening experience with a 50 year old thorens and a <£200 MM cart now as I ever did then.
I’ve owned some pretty high end vinyl replay kit in the past … Claro Clarity 09, AN3 arm, AN Io, AN-S3 SUT.

Perfectly pressed records sounded incredible, sure, but overall, I’m having just as enjoyable a listening experience with a 50 year old thorens and a <£200 MM cart now as I ever did then.
I have a real soft spot for Thorens TTs.
When I was younger and a burgeoning audiophile I think I didn’t spend enough time appreciating what I had. I suppose it was the fevered excitement of the journey to get to a place that I didn’t really know. Now I’m older I have the ability to be patient and really listen to what I have. This has made the whole experience so much more satisfying. A little tweak here, a small expenditure there. I now believe this is the journey one should take.
Perfectly pressed records sounded incredible, sure, but overall, I’m having just as enjoyable a listening experience with a 50 year old Thorens and a <£200 MM cart now as I ever did then.

Right now I'm listening to a Planar2/hybrid I built for someone's daughter, AT3600L cartridge. Technically lacking but still singing my head off.


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