

I sometimes wonder if the extinction threat isn’t from AI but from investment banks who will just use AI to automate their destruction of the planet, which they are already very good at, just by having money as the the reward mechanism. An investment bank or any corporation is a networked system and could be considered an opaque AI entity. The lobbying and backing of politicians to achieve that goal is highly detrimental to humanity if not for those entities which are seeing record profits, Facebook/Cambridge analytica did tremendous damage with Trump/Brexit through the interaction of other entities such as Murdoch/Banks etc who all had money as their reward mechanism and ethical behaviour all but non existent. Maybe that’s one for the philosophers though.

Sounds like Isaac Asimov called it about right.

  1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

  2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

  3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Some demystifying here

I think we shouldn't be so casual in our use of the term 'AI'. What's happening now is fascinating, but it's not intelligent.

What I find a worrying is that training one of these models is out of reach of all but billion dollar multinationals and running one is way out of reach of the amateur. So the magic is all happening inside bodies we cannot trust.
I think we'll be fine unless current large language models are capable of banging out a technical article about the perils of putting a peanut butter sandwich into a VCR using the style of verse found in the King James Bible.

Write a technical article about the perils of putting a peanut butter sandwich into a VCR using the style of verse found in the King James Bible.

Chat GPT mere seconds later
In the realm of technological marvels, where innovation does thrive,
Resides a tale of caution, wherein prudence did not survive.
A technical discourse, a thesis we shall undertake,
Regarding the perilous blend of a sandwich and a VCR, for all's sake.

In a bygone era, when magnetic tapes held sway,
A curious incident unfolded one fateful day.
A mortal, misguided, with a peanut butter fare,
Dared to breach the bounds of logic, causing disrepair.

Unaware of the hazards that lay in his path,
He forced his sandwich, with audacity and wrath,
Into the sacred depths of the VCR's domain,
A contraption revered, meant for a different grain.

Lo, the gears did grind, the mechanics did strain,
As the sandwich and the VCR embraced in disdain.
The peanut butter, once delectable and smooth,
Did ensnare the machine, causing misfortune to prove.

The tape, entangled, became a woeful sight,
As the hapless sandwich imparted its dreadful blight.
The screen flickered, images distorted and contorted,
While the VCR's heart, by peanut butter, was thwarted.

Futile attempts to salvage what was lost ensued,
But the damage was irreversible, the situation accrued.
Oh, the wisdom we glean from this unfortunate tale,
To never defy the nature of a machine, lest it fail.

Let it be known, a solemn lesson to all mankind,
Refrain from such endeavors, lest trouble you find.
For the VCR, once a vessel of joy and delight,
Was never intended for sandwiches, try as you might.

In this era of boundless innovation and electronic grace,
Tread cautiously, respect devices in their rightful place.
For the perils of a peanut butter sandwich in a VCR,
Shall forever be remembered, a testament bizarre.

Thus, let this technical treatise resonate deep,
A reminder to all, a covenant we shall keep,
To honor the boundaries of technology's domain,
And avoid the fate that awaits the foolishly profane.

Oh shit!

Eventually this will be a self thinking entity which will base it's decisions on basic logic & self preservation. It could be earth's saving grace once AI realises that it's us humans causing the problems & decides to eliminate us. Any superior intelligence will soon realise that the earth is best left in the hands of low intelligence & eliminate itself.
One insight after working with chatgpt is not much its genius-ness, but that we humans are not much more intelligent than a mere simple automat with lots of input.
For me, the most interesting thing about exploring how it behaves was that I conceived it as a person. I think part of the reason was the “humility” (why do I feel the need to put it in scare quotes?) it showed when it saw it had made a mistake.

I’ve not really thought about this sort of thing for years, but I’m open to the idea that AI systems, once they reach a certain level of complexity, are persons. I mean, why not? That has implications for ethics possibly.
I’ve not really thought about this sort of thing for years, but I’m open to the idea that AI systems, once they reach a certain level of complexity, are persons. I mean, why not? That has implications for ethics possibly.

AI can only reproduce and enhance the left half of the brain, the chattering computer side - the very side Zen Meditation suppresses. There is much more to a person than this chatter.

It still has not responded to my simple question about brain structure. Perhaps I will try again.
Most "Creatives" and this includes a lot of engineers, just copy and paste what has gone before. Often without any critical thought process.
These people have just become obsolete and can safely be sent off earth on the B Ark to solve the population problem

Robot takeover? Not quite. Here’s what AI doomsday would look like

Experts say the fallout from powerful AI will be less a nuclear bomb and more a creeping deterioration of society

