
Potential Level 4 heat warning for Sunday/Monday/Tuesday in England (i.e., you might die)

Last time I went to camber sands there were only four peeps there. Me and the girlfriend wondering whether we should screw or not in the dunes. We decided not and walked down to the beach. For some reason I looked back to find the other two going at it ‘hammer & tongs in the adjacent dune. To add insult to injury, the bloke had a much larger penis so naturally I didn’t share my discovery with herself. Chaps, it was traumatic…
Just about sums up Camber Sands that…
BBC weather app saying 35c tops here tomorrow, and that’s quite late in the afternoon. I’m planning to go cycling down the canal paths whilst it is around 30 earlier on. Should be really nice. I’ve certainly cycled in that temperature before now. The older I get the more I seem to like heat, more I hate cold. I think it is because I’m never forced to be anywhere I don’t want to be, e.g. I’d not want to experience that heat on a crammed tube train, in a car, or in a poorly ventilated office. I’m so far away from that now I see it as something to experience and enjoy. I certainly plan to pop out and see what it is like at the hottest point. My crappy old house never gets hot so it will be fine here. I had a jumper on earlier!
Some years ago, I spent July working in central Germany. It was well over 30 °C most days. The office had air con, the flat did not. I was fine, as were the locals. These temperatures may be rare in Britain, but they are not unmanageable.
Is taking some paracetamol an effective way to feel cooler?

If you dissolve them in a bath of cold water and then lie in it, yes.:)

Did you know that there's always a dearth of analgesics in Manaus in the Brasilian rain forest? It's because the paracetamol. (boom tizz)
Treated the gardening titfer to a new piece of ribbon today in preparation for the upcoming long pig roasting event ...

Should make all the difference :D

hatband by mik tec, on Flickr
I'll be so glad when the next two days are over. Not because of the heat, but because then the media will finally STFU about it. Their scaremongering is genuinely off the scale!! You can almost feel them itching with excitement over being able to report the first deaths. And you just know that some dickhead presenter will be sent to try and fry an egg on the pavement :rolleyes: All this over a temperature that half the world would call a nice summer's day. FFS:mad::mad::mad:
My primary school teacher, who was a bit of a bastard, could always be deflected from whatever it was he was trying to teach us by asking him how hot it had been in the desert when he was with the 8th Army.

'Hot?' he'd say, 'Hot??! It was so hot you could fry an egg on the bonnet of your Jeep!' And then he'd be off for half an hour's worth of reminiscing, until the bell would go for the end of the lesson.
The Express still can't bring itself to make the weather the top story. :rolleyes: Unlike every other news site in the UK.

I expect the parks to be full of Brexiteers today. Using olive oil rather than woke sunscreen.

We just had a bit of rain.

Can you post some to 'London and the South East' please?
I'll be so glad when the next two days are over. Not because of the heat, but because then the media will finally STFU about it. Their scaremongering is genuinely off the scale!! You can almost feel them itching with excitement over being able to report the first deaths. And you just know that some dickhead presenter will be sent to try and fry an egg on the pavement :rolleyes: All this over a temperature that half the world would call a nice summer's day. FFS:mad::mad::mad:
Well said.
I'll be so glad when the next two days are over. Not because of the heat, but because then the media will finally STFU about it. Their scaremongering is genuinely off the scale!! You can almost feel them itching with excitement over being able to report the first deaths. And you just know that some dickhead presenter will be sent to try and fry an egg on the pavement :rolleyes: All this over a temperature that half the world would call a nice summer's day. FFS:mad::mad::mad:
Agree. Someone should queue up the Don Henley tune "Dirty Laundry" behind the news readers.
You're having a laugh. Woke snowflake olive oil from the EU? Good honest British lard mate.

Ha ha, I was about to post exactly the same! Olive oil needs to stay in those tiny bottles you used to get in the chemist - good for a bunged up ear and nothing else!
Servants Bell? You clearly win!
Our house was spared the DIY monstrosities inflicted on most houses in the road during the 1960s/70s. Apparently an old woman lived here for many years with one housemaid, and nothing much was changed in her time, so we still have all the original fireplaces, door fittings etc. The servants’ bells were a PITA when we first moved in, because our two daughters, who were still quite young, would ring the bells and laugh when we went to see who was at the front door.
Really really do not like this weather at all. No need for it and its not good for anything. I prefer looking pasty and albinoish. This is 100% to do with Brexit I'm certain . Doing a bellypork roast dinner today.
Really really do not like this weather at all. No need for it and its not good for anything. I prefer looking pasty and albinoish. This is 100% to do with Brexit I'm certain . Doing a bellypork roast dinner today.

It was Sunday yesterday so I had a full plate of roast chicken, potatoes and parsnips with gravy. Token carrot and greens for colouring and virtue signalling.
out the front (sunny side ATM) - in the shade


in the open on the cooler side of the house (for now)


