
Linn Radikal 2

The servo controlled psus might be less optimally configured for a lower friction bearing but anything older than a lingo 4 won’t be adversely affected.

The dramatically huge improvement the Karousel brings with any supply speaks to the fundamental importance of the bearing
The servo controlled psus might be less optimally configured for a lower friction bearing but anything older than a lingo 4 won’t be adversely affected.

Implying that performance of a Lingo 4 might be degraded from optimal by Karousel? I suspect that's not the case
That’s not what I’m saying.

Consider replacing a 1300cc engine that works at 80% with a 2L engine that works at 70%.

Youre still getting more, but for some tuning, you can get morer.
I'm happy for those of you that will benefit from the Radikal 2 upgrade, but I'm mostly happy for me, as I'll be benefitting from a shiny second hand Radikal 1 that was previously out of my price range :)
I have a 1986 vintage LP12, owned from new, that I've decided to throw some money at.
Karousel is the non-negotiable upgrade, but Peter Swain has persuaded me that my next best purchase would be the Radikal 1 with, possibly, a Kore to complement.
I expect to be as wowed by the improvement over my current LP12 as you guys who have whole new record collections because of the Radikal 2 ;)
Thanks again, and enjoy
All I can say on the debate on friction, after Karousel the platter took a lot longer to stop on switch off. I can fully understand that, but after Radikal 2 installed its a lot longer still. Not quite sure if I fully understand that, I'm assuming the motor has much smoother bushings.

I haven't yet found any LP's that I now consider are bad recordings even these are coming up better.
I would get your orders in quick as Linn's prices go up in January by something like 25% I believe.
I think the newest items - Ekstatik cartridge, Radikal2 (at least) - aren’t included in the price hike. However, most rises seem to be in the 10% to 15%. The top passive ‘speaker, the 350, is rumoured to be going up by around 50%, which, if true, is quite astonishing.

I don’t believe the Karousel has significantly less friction than the Cirkus, it’s not designed differently as far as the spindle and contact points go. What it is is much more rigid and has a far better mounting system to better integrate it with the sub-chassis and that’s where the improvements lie.

Consequently I suspect the Radikal 2 is not ‘tuned’ to the Karousel but clearly the Karousel will allow us to hear the biggest improvement with the Radikal 2.

I’ve just moved house and my Klimax Radikal 2 is waiting for me to install it. Unfortunately I’ve got a whole bunch of other crap to sort out first so it may be some time….
I am seriously wondering if the 11 year old motor was wearing out it certainly seems/sounds that way or is it just so much better?

I believe the Radikal motor is rated for around 10,000 hours of use. 11 years would be 2.5 hours of use per day. (unless you're one of the people that leave it spinning all the time - apparently some do!) so it could conceivably be wearing out if you've used it very frequently...or the motor could just be faulty / noisy...I've changed an old AC motor for new and there was a worthwhile improvement for the cost but nothing like what you're talking about. Perhaps coming from an older motor has made some difference but I think it's likely most of the gain is due to the new motor / quieter mount / improved circuit design.
If that's correct it explains a lot. I certainly don't leave mine spinning but is has definitely been used for more than 2.5 hours a day and I was checking valves and wondering if the cartridge was on its way out. Well all that has gone now just leaving much improved music.

I still say its the biggest upgrade I have ever made all the reviewers clichés spring to mind. "From the first few bars" "Makes the old one sound broken" well maybe it was I'm not really that bothered I have the best music at home than I ever had, maybe when changing cartridge a new motor should be considered.

Thanks for your input Jim.
No worries! I think if you DID wear your other motor out in 11 years then good job on spinning so much vinyl and getting the absolute most out of it! You got a brand new motor in there now anyway :)

Thanks for the report too - it's really interesting and useful to read these user impressions. I really wouldn't have imagined there would be much ground left to gain from the old Radikal but by all accounts it seems that there is!
Well Peter has worked his majik in transforming my antique spinner into a cutting edge Vinyl Source, with the aid of recycled Radikal, and shiny new Karousel, and Kore.
All I can say is that the improvement is already worth ever penny, and if this is what the old technology can do, then the Radikal II upgrade kit might well be on next year's xmas list.
Those of you that are ahead of me on the curve, please keep me updated on your Radikal II revelations,
Hypothetically ;) if someone currently has a Hercules psu what’s a nice but not too expensive upgrade sourced on the s/h market?

