
Next Labour Leader II

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With 20/20 hindsight Corbyn should’ve pinned everything on a clear, explicit Leave deal, one including membership of CU and SM. He’d have lost my vote, but perhaps we’d be better off
At least that would have been consistent with his views and the party’s vote to trigger article 50. The problem was with the LP remainers. The Tories got rid of most of their major dissenting voices; it wasn’t possible for the LP to get rid of theirs.
What evidence do you have of this? I think you may be projecting here. Not sure the electorate share your view of Corbyn even in hindsight.

A very simple one would be the cost of the private sector in public healthcare. There's obviously plenty more but it would, I imagine take far too long to go over them here (not to say tedious :) ).

The man clearly has, and has aways had, integrity. He has never "played the game". The public need to either listen or learn from experience. I think I mentioned earlier that it is now a choice between adequate funding for the state pension or the NHS. People seem to think they have an entitlement to both and for them to be adequate in their provision. Without eduction however, the idea of tax raises sadly seems to lose elections - even when it is clearly aimed at those not making their expected contribution.

That is, for me, the greatest issue Woodface. Enough of the public need to be educated to accept that they cannot have their cake and eat it. Once that is done, most of Corbyn's proposals (or at least the general direction) will, I imagine, become more palatable and recognised.
A very simple one would be the cost of the private sector in public healthcare. There's obviously plenty more but it would, I imagine take far too long to go over them here (not to say tedious :) ).

The man clearly has, and has aways had, integrity. He has never "played the game". The public need to either listen or learn from experience. I think I mentioned earlier that it is now a choice between adequate funding for the state pension or the NHS. People seem to think they have an entitlement to both and for them to be adequate in their provision. Without eduction however, the idea of tax raises sadly seems to lose elections - even when it is clearly aimed at those not making their expected contribution.

That is, for me, the greatest issue Woodface. Enough of the public need to be educated to accept that they cannot have their cake and eat it. Once that is done, most of Corbyn's proposals (or at least the general direction) will, I imagine, become more palatable and recognised.
As I've said before we will never agree on Corbyn & that is fine. The last leader to talk frankly about social care was probably May & that didn't go too well. I'm afraid the electorate want jam today rather than tomorrow.

I agree that we will probably end up going down these paths but it most likely under a Conservative govt for the foreseeable.
Heard part of her speech just now. No doubt her heart is in the right place. Now has she got the brain to match it ?
She has the face and the voice, but listening to her on Today there were a lot of contradictions in her position on a couple of issues that would be exposed if she was leader and those questions asked over and over again
She has the face and the voice, but listening to her on Today there were a lot of contradictions in her position on a couple of issues that would be exposed if she was leader and those questions asked over and over again

Yes I heard that. I like her but the easy ride she is being given by the wider press, rather like the excitement over Corbyn being a surprise and different would soon give way to much more ruthless examination. What they don't find, they will make up so I hope she's not got a past that might hurt her. They will, as they did for Corbyn, smooth a path for a candidate they feel they can easily discredit - until they get there.

Unfortunately I do think a lot of what makes a Labour leader is how much they have to go on and how uncontroversial the candidate presents as. They started off hostile to Blair (New Labour, New Danger and all that demon eyes stuff) but when it began to look desperate, it was counter productive. If Nandy has reached the age she is with only a few contradictions, she will have done well.
With 20/20 hindsight Corbyn should’ve pinned everything on a clear, explicit Leave deal, one including membership of CU and SM. He’d have lost my vote, but perhaps we’d be better off

Corbyn should have done what he believed was best for the British public - not lied in order to get elected.

The latter had never been his style. Sadly, in that, he is an anachronism.
She has the face and the voice, but listening to her on Today there were a lot of contradictions in her position on a couple of issues that would be exposed if she was leader and those questions asked over and over again

Do these things not get ironed out in the coffee shops of fervent discussion a bit earlier in a political career ?
Yes I heard that. I like her but the easy ride she is being given by the wider press, rather like the excitement over Corbyn being a surprise and different would soon give way to much more ruthless examination. What they don't find, they will make up so I hope she's not got a past that might hurt her. They will, as they did for Corbyn, smooth a path for a candidate they feel they can easily discredit - until they get there.

Unfortunately I do think a lot of what makes a Labour leader is how much they have to go on and how uncontroversial the candidate presents as. They started off hostile to Blair (New Labour, New Danger and all that demon eyes stuff) but when it began to look desperate, it was counter productive. If Nandy has reached the age she is with only a few contradictions, she will have done well.
This is a question I have too: what will the far-right press use to smear Nandy if she ever poses a threat to the status quo?

With RLB it's obvious (Corbyn + a big dollop of misogyny).

Likewise, for Starmer it will be "liberal metropolitan elite" + remoaner. Also, I'm sure the far-right turd-hounds are snuffling through his time at the CPS as we speak (they already have the Worboys case to kick things off).

But Nandy...?
This is a question I have too: what will the far-right press use to smear Nandy if she ever poses a threat to the status quo?

With RLB it's obvious (Corbyn + a big dollop of misogyny).

Likewise, for Starmer it will be "liberal metropolitan elite" + remoaner. Also, I'm sure the far-right turd-hounds are snuffling through his time at the CPS as we speak (they already have the Worboys case to kick things off).

But Nandy...?

Good points, I think Starmer might be able to live through "establishment' or 'remoaner' if that's all they have. Particularly if those Brexit sunny uplands are found wanting or Johnson pivots toward something the zealots think is BINO.
Do these things not get ironed out in the coffee shops of fervent discussion a bit earlier in a political career ?
I fear the Labour Party isn’t the slick machine that is the Tory Party. Don’t forget the Tories have a much longer history than Labour, and much stronger ties to training grounds like Eton and Harrow. And a Civil Service that has until recently followed a similar journey
This is a question I have too: what will the far-right press use to smear Nandy if she ever poses a threat to the status quo?

With RLB it's obvious (Corbyn + a big dollop of misogyny).

Likewise, for Starmer it will be "liberal metropolitan elite" + remoaner. Also, I'm sure the far-right turd-hounds are snuffling through his time at the CPS as we speak (they already have the Worboys case to kick things off).

But Nandy...?
They’ll get her on the question she dodged on Today, promising to be radical, but voting against Corbyn. She will he asked about her radical ideas in detail and then be asked how they differ from that threat to all moral and political decency that is Corbyn. And then asked why on earth she voted in a VoNC against Sméagol Corbyn if she agreed with the slithering repulsive thing all along
This is a question I have too: what will the far-right press use to smear Nandy if she ever poses a threat to the status quo?

What sort of threat could Nandy offer to the status quo (the existing state of affairs) compared to Brexit, the use of social media or the acceptance of climate change? My point is the status quo is always under attack and the far(?) right-wing press don't really have much impact on preventing it.
They’ll get her on the question she dodged on Today, promising to be radical, but voting against Corbyn. She will he asked about her radical ideas in detail and then be asked how they differ from that threat to all moral and political decency that is Corbyn. And then asked why she voted in a VoNC against Sméagol Corbyn if she agreed with the slithering repulsive thing

And she'll reply as she did on the AN interview, the policies need to be prioritised so that they do the maximum good for the majority of people and essentials put into place before 'nice to haves'. As for voting against Corbyn, it's obvious from the election result that was the right thing to do.
What sort of threat could Nandy offer to the status quo (the existing state of affairs) compared to Brexit, the use of social media or the acceptance of climate change? My point is the status quo is always under attack and the far(?) right-wing press don't really have much impact on preventing it.

Brexit is a right-wing clusterf34k.
The press can't do much about social media or climate change.
But they can do something about Nandy, or any Labour leader.
They’ll get her on the question she dodged on Today, promising to be radical, but voting against Corbyn. She will he asked about her radical ideas in detail and then be asked how they differ from that threat to all moral and political decency that is Corbyn. And then asked why on earth she voted in a VoNC against Sméagol Corbyn if she agreed with the slithering repulsive thing all along
Those would be very good questions that I personally would be interested in her answering. They'd be doing their job!
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