
Ben Stokes going down?

It seems like Stokes isn't such a nice chap. The bouncer on the door said he insulted two gays and flicked a lit cigarette at one of them as they walked away. This was after Stokes had offered the bloke on the door 300 quid to get in.

Looking at the footage of him punching two guys out, I wouldn't like to get into a fight with him. Stokes was allegedly helped by someone else, who kicked one of the blokes on the ground.

If found guilty he should be imprisoned and never play for England again. Somehow I don't think this will happen though. He will get a suspended sentence or community service, a fine and England will continue to select him.

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if guilty, it is a vile crime. He is meant to be a role model and representative of his nation, county and club.

I agree with that. I know nothing about him, he may be a total thug, or it may have been a few moments of uncharacteristic alcohol-fuelled utter madness. If the latter, it would be sad to see a young man right off his whole career because of it. It may just be a salutary lesson and a turning point. I just believe in second chances. If he did something similar again, I'd be right with you.
You lot appear to be discussing the prosecution case without having heard what he has to say about all this which is likely to be rather different. I think it's premature to reach any conclusion, and anyhow, that's for the jury to decide who i'm sure will have more information than appears in the press.
You lot appear to be discussing the prosecution case without having heard what he has to say about all this which is likely to be rather different. I think it's premature to reach any conclusion, and anyhow, that's for the jury to decide who i'm sure will have more information than appears in the press.

This is very true.
You lot appear to be discussing the prosecution case without having heard what he has to say about all this which is likely to be rather different. I think it's premature to reach any conclusion, and anyhow, that's for the jury to decide who i'm sure will have more information than appears in the press.

read what I wrote carefully. I qualified everything I suggested with "if guilty". I have not reached any conclusions - I have suggested what I think should happen "if guilty".

If innocent then that's the end of the matter as far I am concerned.
Always interesting to see when folk have made up their minds about something. Whether that’s due to how the lad looks, or how much they have read or heard.

Goes to show why the jury hears all the evidence before reaching a verdict.
Whilst I've never warmed to Stokes I have to say that some of the hyperbole on here is worthy of what was written on pfm about Ched Evans. I don't think I'd particularly like him either but rushing in to a judgement (particularly based on press reporting as opposed to what is heard in court from start to end) isn't particularly grown up or useful.
Further, it is down to the judge to deliver a sentence if found guilty, and once that sentence is served then according to the justice system the punishment is served.
Whatever about the rest of the case - here's hoping the guy in the video throwing punches at the two smaller individuals who clearly didn't want to fight comes up against a proper hard-chaw somewhere in his near future.
With that kind of demeanour, may it be sooner rather than later :)
The Stokes video was obviously faked by the same MI6 agents who requisitioned nerve agents from Portland Down to create a false flag operation implicating Russia. It is all part of an elaborate plan to divert media attention away from the economy and Brexit and blame Russia for Trump, Brexit and the last tour of Australia.
Swampy, by Jove, I think you've got it!

But actually, we have innumerable threads on here lamenting the poor state of our media, and the way the facts can be manipulated to show whatever line the media chooses. I think it would be wise to assume the same here, and let proceedings take their course.
My initial understanding was that he came to the defence of the two gay chaps who been threatened by the two blokes whom Stokes eventually battered. If that were the case I'd have nothing but support for him.

However, it would seem that this might not be accurate and to date it looks bleak for him, but we've only heard the case for the prosecution. Once all the evidence is in from both sides I guess it'll be clearer. I wonder if the two gay chaps will be called as witnesses as they might hold the key to the potential outcome.

All in all a sad situation which I'm sure he regrets but he'll have to live with his actions, and I fear if found guilty the consequences could be severe !
My initial understanding was that he came to the defence of the two gay chaps who been threatened by the two blokes whom Stokes eventually battered. If that were the case I'd have nothing but support for him.

I guess that's why as the wiser heads have pointed out, we shouldn't rush to judge. All too easy to do based on a few snippets of video.
It’s an interesting case because the competing accounts of what happened are polar opposites and only one can be true. The stakes are very high for the defendants.

