
Labour at it again ..... anti-semitic just won't go away !

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I repeat that it is bogus to claim that Labour is “ for the many not the few” in the face of the results of the last several general elections
Flawed logic. Two things are going on here:
Corbyn wants to set up a government for the many, not the few. This is independednt of how many vote for him.
Most people don't want to vote for Corbyn, or didn't at the last election. These 2 things are not one and the same.

The latter point may be because the voters have been convinced that they don't want a more egalitarian government. I understand that. After all, if you are wealthy or think that you are, levelling the playing field isn't likely to be in your own self-interest.
Simon, you said 'how dare you suggest I'm a Tory!' (I paraphrase)

I reply that it's a reasonable assumption, and ask you if it's correct or not.

You dissemble.

Why is that?
Flawed logic. Two things are going on here:
Corbyn wants to set up a government for the many, not the few. This is independednt of how many vote for him.
Most people don't want to vote for Corbyn, or didn't at the last election. These 2 things are not one and the same.

The latter point may be because the voters have been convinced that they don't want a more egalitarian government. I understand that. After all, if you are wealthy or think that you are, levelling the playing field isn't likely to be in your own self-interest.
Pretty much my point upthread. In lieu of response, Simon took umbrage at my assumption he's a Tory.
Simon, you said 'how dare you suggest I'm a Tory!' (I paraphrase)

I reply that it's a reasonable assumption, and ask you if it's correct or not.

You dissemble.

Why is that?
I can confirm that

1 am not a member of any political party

2i have voted in at least 10 general elections in this country and voted Labour in at least half of those

Unlike many I could ( but won’t ) name I try to steer clear of bigoted political ideology that leads to some of the extreme and abusive rants we have all seen on PFM and try to use reason

Good enough?

So no you failed to address the substantial point I raised and you have tried to deflect he discussion say from
It because you don’t have an answer

As well as pathetic attempts at trying to appear clever

Well, I did sort of address your points indirectly by pointing out that element which draws an invalid conclusion from the evidence. Frankly, I thought you'd get the inference that I felt the rest of it was of a similar level of rigour. Given you clearly didn't, I'll just spell it out: I disparage your points because they are shallow, woolly, and clearly influenced by an unthinking prejudice. They don't really merit a further reply, because they have already been ventilated perfectly well upthread, had you cared to bother reading it before pitching in.
Well, I did sort of address your points indirectly by pointing out that element which draws an invalid conclusion from the evidence. Frankly, I thought you'd get the inference that I felt the rest of it was of a similar level of rigour. Given you clearly didn't, I'll just spell it out: I disparage your points because they are shallow, woolly, and clearly influenced by an unthinking prejudice. They don't really merit a further reply, because they have already been ventilated perfectly well upthread, had you cared to bother reading it before pitching in.

Ugly far right authoritarianism is on the March in the West- Trump, Erdogan, Orban, Netanyahu and the pimply Kurtz in Austria. With the exception of Erdogan, their chosen scapegoats are not the Jews this time, but the Muslims. They’re getting themselves and their followers revved up for a purge and it’s going to get ugly.
Yet you 'liked' the post. How odd.
An accidental touching of the wrong spot on my touchscreen

Fwiiw I attach no personal animosity or otherwise to posters here just fail to understand some of the reasoning that leads others to their conclusions in many cases and fascinated by the frequent personal hostility aroused

The fact of the matter is that JC is a saint like figure who can do no wrong.

Far too many of the wrong type of socialist about.

I rest my case

Good idea. With all that luggage you're going to strain something.

An accidental touching of the wrong spot on my touchscreen.

Why do you find impossible not to be offensive about folk taking a different viewpoint to yourself

Nothing new here

Simply a symptom of a failed argument

Nothing new here


Offensive? Where? Truthful about the Tory Oligarchy... if you can't see that then it's not my problem...

Offensive to you? I don't think so unless you find disagreement offensive.. which is actually what you are accusing me of.

So.. I ask again.. Please list something... anything.. of benefit to the general population of this country which has been delivered with one hand by the present Tory Oligarchy, and not taken away ( with interest) by the other hand.
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