
diyAudio group buy Paradise R3 phono stage boards

I think your experience with the build is probably representative. Getting them built with next to no offset is tricky.
Just played Markus's PSU's vs my own single box psu. Mine has no common mode coils and isn't choke rigged, though it is CRLCRC compared to the CLCR in the group buy psu.

Group buy psu is clearly better, clearer sounding from top to bottom, not by much, but enough to have me working out how to add the chokes and common mode coils into the set up.

Bugger !
Lucky I have some spare pre-reg boards then......

If it's any consolation I'm missing woofers after hearing yours this morning.
Just played Markus's PSU's vs my own single box psu. Mine has no common mode coils and isn't choke rigged, though it is CRLCRC compared to the CLCR in the group buy psu.

Group buy psu is clearly better, clearer sounding from top to bottom, not by much, but enough to have me working out how to add the chokes and common mode coils into the set up.

Bugger !

Glad to hear it.
Your resistors finally arrived today Markus, Your power supplies are completed. I'll get the Calvins mounted in the next day or two and get everything back to you in the post this week.

Your psu really does sound much better than mine..

Mark came round and we did...

Paradise vs identical Paradise + Calvins.
My std psu vs your better psu.

In both cases there is a quite a step change improvement.

My Paradise has never sounded better then it did today.
No need, You have 28 volts on my mains, so there's enough even if your mains is only 230v If you feel you need more it's a simple swap of 4 low cost resistors. Just drop them from 82 ohm to whatever you need, -10ohm = +1.2v

I've fitted your Calvins and it's all up and running and sounding sweet. I'll leave it running for an hour or so then start dialling in Calvins.
Very interesting stuff :)

Si, is it possible to build al the best bits together in a 2 box layout like AlanT has done here:




I don't see why not but obviously you would need a big enough case and some heat dissipation issues would have to be accommodated. There would probably have to be some extra shielding of component sections to achieve the same results as separate boxes.
You'd be fine putting the psu into one big case, no issues there at all. The L&R channels would need to be shielded from each other and you'd need to take care of the heat. Best would probably be a length ways divider to split the case in half and then dividers to stop airflow over the input stage being created from the convection taking place over the shunt reg on each channel's pcb. So basically quarter the inside of the case.

With one channel in one case the temp doesn't get up enough to need venting. You can do it if you want but you have to take precautions to stop airflow over the input transistors, (See the little 'bus shelters' Mark and i have). With two amps in one box you defo need to vent the case or find someway to sink the shunts to the metalwork.

Were time and money no issue I'd build another with the input stage transistors all bonded to a heat spreader and then encased to block airflow. Maybe mount them under the board?
What's he got in there?


A four box Paradise ready to be shipped to Germany. (As soon as Mark drops off the N-core front panels).

I really couldn't have put any more packaging around them....!
You should see inside each of the amp channels. I've packed each one out with hand cut foam to isolate the Calvins. Without it there would be a good chance that a fall from the tailgate of a delivery van could rip the Calvins off.

I'm taking no chances..
Yeh I need to resolder every component on the amp channel because it was soldered by a chimpanzee. The legs all need trimming the buckets of excess solder wicking away and two of the bigger caps on the amp pcb have pulled their vias through the board. They'll require clever surgery. The other amp board is as badly soldered but Only half finished. I reckon there's 10 hours work in tidying them up. Maybe another 10 doing the psu cases and the Calvins. It'll take a week or two depends when I get cases off andrew.


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