
What's the longest you've gone without a beer/drink?


pfm Member
I'm on my second week of antibiotics and gagging for a beer. Only another 5 days after today.

This is the longest I've gone without in a long while.

For those of you who enjoy a beer/drink? What's the longest you've gone without?:(
I had a few months break from booze up to Christmas.
I prefer without, TBH, but sometimes feel like I deserve a drink.

Enjoy it whilst you can.

I now have to limit myself to a couple of units a day and have been recommended to have one day each week totally clean. This is because alcolhol is a trigger for a fibrillation attack which I used to get once every 3 weeks.

I am now drinking my maximum limit and have not had an attack for 4 months so I am looking forward to my old habit of downing a bottle of whisky every 10days. At the moment I just have a sip once a week.


I don't really count days without as I don't drink a lot, unless it's a special occasion I'm generally around 10 to 20 units pw. I went 2 weeks in hospital without, then a further week off after the accident in Nov 09. That's probably it. I do have a drink often, typically a beer over dinner most days.

Alcohol a poison? Yes it is but only in excess. Normal gut bacteria produce about half a unit or a unit or so over the course of every day. This is metabolised to Acetyl CoA and drops into Krebs cycle where it is burned as fuel. Interestingly en route for AcCoA it is transformed to acetaldehyde, which is far more toxic than alcohol and is one of the reasons why a hangover makes you feel so dreadful.
While I love the taste of beer and enjoy the short term relaxation I have to admit it does me no good at all so I indulge myself in a couple of beers once in a while, say every six months and then forget it.

When I was young alcohol didn't have an adverse effect on me the day after unless I over did it but nowadays I feel better without it, my body protests even with very little, it's never taken much to get me ratted and I've never been able to drink more than three pints!

I like it when you lot talk about beer though, I can live that life vicariously through you. :-D

I miss the taste of it quite a lot.
I've next to no interest in alcohol these days. I'll maybe enjoy a bottle of wine if friends come round, hardly ever go to pubs (maybe twice a year), and I've gone off beer to the extent anything other than say a solitary bottle of Leffe is of no interest. I like a good single malt, but a bottle lasts me about a year or so I drink it so infrequently. I used to 'social drink' heavily on a Friday or Saturday night in my 20 and 30s, but I always remembered the definition of an alcoholic taught to me back when I was a psych nurse: 'two pints a night', with the emphasis on the 'a night', i.e. if you drink alcohol every day you have a problem. I've always very consciously avoided doing that.

I've next to no interest in alcohol these days. I'll maybe enjoy a bottle of wine if friends come round, hardly ever go to pubs (maybe twice a year), and I've gone off beer to the extent anything other than say a solitary bottle of Leffe is of no interest. I like a good single malt, but a bottle lasts me about a year or so I drink it so infrequently. I used to 'social drink' heavily on a Friday or Saturday night in my 20 and 30s, but I always remembered the definition of an alcoholic taught to me back when I was a psych nurse: 'two pints a night', with the emphasis on the 'a night', i.e. if you drink alcohol every day you have a problem. I've always very consciously avoided doing that.


My brother used to drink a fair bit. He developed a tremor in his hands, and went to see the doctor.

Doctor: 'How much do you drink, would you say?'

Brother: 'About ten pints, maybe twelve'

Doctor: 'So that's twelve pints a week?'

Brother: 'No; that's twelve pints a day'
When at work, I used to drink every lunch time and often in the evenings. Now I am a gentleman of leisure, I have at least 2 dry days a week.

p.s. where did this myth that you cannot drink alcohol whilst taking antibiotics come from? There are very few where this is the case.

