
Which European city, end of September?

I was going to red flag Prague, but Strummer's already done that.

I'm afraid you are 15 years too late for Prague unless you are on some tacky stag party.

The beauty of the place remains.

What crowds you get depends when you go. ( the OP's time is good )

How much you are a victim of tourist traps is up to you.

Some tourist traps are actually good fun.

Stag party plague has partly moved on to cheaper places.

Prague, has NOT expired. It remains one of the very best places to be.
Absolutely crowded with tourist following a strict sightseeing regime. Avoid. Paris is so much better. magic city.
Absolutely crowded with tourist following a strict sightseeing regime. Avoid. Paris is so much better. magic city.
Hmm. I quite like Paris but I'm rather underwhelmed by the Parisians (a generalisation, I know). I tend to pop over once a year for a weekend as it is such an easy trip from London and I find plenty to do and see. With a four hour journey from Frankfurt to Paris, though, I'd much rather spend that four hours on the train to Berlin knowing what I'll find to do and see at the destination.
I've been all over Czech (& Slovak) Republic. From Prague, Brno to the shithole backwaters of Chomutov. Prague is probably the last place I would return to. I hate bloody tourist spots & that place is crawling with them. There are a few nice looking areas, but Wensleslas sp? square is very underwhelming.

Spot on!
Spent three night in Vienna earlier in the year and although pretty once you seen one massive OTT Palace you have seen them all. Beer and food OK if you avoided the tourist spots. How about Stockholm which is nice and the Vasa is a amazing sight and museum. Eating and drinking out can be expensive but the strange Government run off licences are fairly good value if you want to buy drink for in your hotel room.

However i have to agree with others Seville would be my choice of a alternative view of City life in Europe. Also your Euro's are likely to go much further in terms of accommodation and eating out/drinking.
I've been all over Czech (& Slovak) Republic. From Prague, Brno to the shithole backwaters of Chomutov. Prague is probably the last place I would return to. I hate bloody tourist spots & that place is crawling with them. There are a few nice looking areas, but Wensleslas sp? square is very underwhelming.

I spent a lovely day in Olomouc near Brno, really enjoyed it.
I don't understand this fascination with Europe. I would stay in your hotel and watch CNN. Safer.


