
What do you listen to instead of Secrets of the Beehive?

Coda II

getting there slowly
You are just about to reach for Secrets of the Beehive and realise that you listened to it yesterday, and a couple of times last week, and a few tracks came up on and actually you do quite fancy listening to something else; it's not like you only have the one CD after all is it?

So, what do you listen to instead?
Dead Bees on a Cake?

Actually if I am in that sort of mood, it's usually Talk Talk (dated, I know), or more latterly No-Man "Schoolyard Ghosts".
Secret Cinema, it will be next to them in the filing is it.

or Secret Knowledge, the other side.

I bought Secrets of the Beehive around the time of release and didn't get into it. Having read this thread I thought "I'll give it a try again". Alas I just don't like the guy's voice, too "croony" for my taste. The album IS beautifully produced but left me underwhelmed, I'm afraid to say.

