
Today I have mainly been v3

yesterday into London on the bus (no trains yet again), saw old folks. Into KingsX few in The Fellow, went to meet a brewer friend of mine in the covered market, couple of nice sours. Off to a brewery. Dinner in a very nice Arabian restaurant. Few cocktails with another friend who is head mixologist in a hotel bar in KingsX - then to an Italian restaurant for dessert, and some wine
Quiet Sunday, going to take the dogs out shortly then a couple of chores in the house and then MIL and Step FIL over for dinner.

Cheers BB
Fettling my newly acquired 1980s vintage Japanese DD turntable prior to fitting its newly rewired arm tomorrow. Just a basic re-lube of motor and bearing. Probably due after 40 years.
met a family i know with a severely disturbed child [ aggravated by lockdown ] they have several children and need a medal for coping with this lovely little chap . hats off to parents of disturbed children , trouble is now there is a massive demand for special schools . some have closed due to RAAC which makes situation worse .
Fabulous day with The Wife. Great fun.
I even let her win two games of Scrabble.

Wife liked the Blue Mitchell Quintet ‘Down With It!’ album.
We played some Stevie Wonder, Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra and Anita Baker and had a few cocktails.

Vaguely planning a road trip.

Youngest has chosen the names of his new Daughter. We have already nicknamed her Go-Go. Planning a trip to the Isle O Wight to get cuddles with the new baba and change a nappy or two. Think we will stop in Bembridge.
Hi Tabs

If you are thinking of stopping in Bembridge have a look at Warners, It's not everyone's cup of tea but you can get a good deal and heavily subsidised ferry crossings. It's where we stay when we are visiting friends in St Helens.
Hi Tabs

If you are thinking of stopping in Bembridge have a look at Warners, It's not everyone's cup of tea but you can get a good deal and heavily subsidised ferry crossings. It's where we stay when we are visiting friends in St Helens.

The Wife has sorted it already, but thank you.
woke up with a heavy cold - knew it was coming as I had a sore throat yesterday. Snot, more snot and more again
The company who bought out my previous employer, are in the news for sacking a cleaner, for eating a sandwich leftover after a meeting. So glad I made the decision to go on my own, the week I had to work for them was a week too long.


Her union United Voices of the World really stick up for their members. I hope this backfires badly on the firm.
Hi Tabs

If you are thinking of stopping in Bembridge have a look at Warners, It's not everyone's cup of tea but you can get a good deal and heavily subsidised ferry crossings. It's where we stay when we are visiting friends in St Helens.
had my first trip to st helens recently for a funeral and large amount of employees from a local firm attended ... he was very well thought of
Took Puppy from hell for his favourite walk this morning - Hornchurch Country Park, formerly RAF Hornchurch,then house work and prepare for work tomorrow.
coursework moderation this morning. Off to a graduation ceremony this afternoon - will have to gown up for the procession - I really don't like all that regalia......
Working from home most of the day. Physio on my foot this afternoon and then London this evening to start disciplinary process with a cleaner who recently TUPE’d over to us. No he didn’t eat a sandwich!

Cheers BB
I have been grading records for Headway charity all day and my Sansui SR-525 turntable has stopped working. Bum. I have sent a message to David at Nottingham HiFi Repair to see if he can sort it. I have had this TT for 30+ yrs and it has been very reliable.
Contacted Daughter to get another Heybrook TT2 that she has in a cupboard back so I can continue grading the donations. The TT2 is more time consuming to use and I will have to transfer the Goldring cartridge to it, but it is better than nowt.
Phoned ‘me Mam’ to tell her about the family death on the Wife’s side - Mother informs me that she has been in A&E over the weekend with some gastric issue that hasn’t been diagnosed yet… more tests. All this stuff is trying my normally sunny disposition.
took someone round Lidl to do some shopping , wow i was impressed , spacious . clean , calm and amazing vfm . not been there for some time . we even managed to keep up with the check out guy !!

