
Today I have mainly been v3

booking a trip to one of our fav places to celebrate the 50th of my wife. Although the timing wont coincide with the occasion as we are busy with something else....
15C and sunny at 11am. Warm enough for the first alfresco breakfast of the year. Hooray! I was feeling virtuous because I’d rescued a small honey bee that was struggling, upside-down, in a flowerpot full of water. I fished it out with a sage leaf, then watched as it slowly rubbed itself down from end to end while drying off in the sun, gave its wings a gentle test flap or two and flew off.

Bathing the dog who has, according to the dog walker, rolled in human excrement. Apparently, this is a fairly common hazard in the area where she takes the dogs to run off-lead. It's runners, and cyclists, apparently. Not sure what to make of it. Didn't want to start a thread about such a deeply unpleasant topic, but have posted on the Runners thread to seek views.

With due apologies to Marchbanks, for bringing down the delightful tone of the receding post quite so quickly.
Marchy, my man.

I was feeling virtuous because I’d rescued a small honey bee that was struggling, upside-down, in a flowerpot full of water. I fished it out with a sage leaf, then watched as it slowly rubbed itself down from end to end while drying off in the sun, gave its wings a gentle test flap or two and flew off.

Good work. If you had waited any longer you might have had to perform CBR.

Sorry, that was terrible.

Had a quote to do in Hythe so took Mabel the puppy with me and we had a walk along prom and then along the Military Canal for a while.

Got a text from the doctor to say the XRay of my foot found nothing, which I knew it wouldn’t. The pain in the top of my foot has been overshadowed by raging Planter Faciitus in my heel.

Swimming tonight and a day off tomorrow.

Cheers BB
Is that an inscrutable pun too, or am I overthinking this?
No, you're overthinking that, sorry. No (intentional) pun in there, I was just acutely aware I'd rather abruptly lowered the tone, after you'd raised it considerably. Had I been intending to, I suspect references to it being pants and squatting on your post might have crept in. Somewhat less than inscrutable. I can do subtle, but not usually where poo gags are concerned.

