
Star Trek: Original Series • Discovery • Picard • Lower Decks • Prodigy • Strange New Worlds

He must have seen it by now.


Tyler/Voq - check
Alternate universe - check

Bob's opened the floodgates! The Wrath of Joe!

Wasn't the kissky-kissy pan from the window to the planet possibly the most crap scene in TV history?

So do we think they were in MU and now in OU (our Universe?) Or Vice-versa?

I watched it last night. I feel like I might be the only one on the forum to say this but I enjoyed the episode as much as a Denebian Slime Devil likes, ummmm, slime.

I hope in January they start to explore strange new worlds and go boldly where Nomad has gone before.

I assume spore-snorting will be very limited going forward, and they are pretty-much permanently out-of-touch with Star Fleet. So it's Voyager all over again, except a bunch weirder. Voq will be this crew's Seven of Nine, for example.

I wasn't clear to me whether the ship had jumped thousands (millions?) of light-years or if they're in the same place as before the jump but in some sort of mushroom Fth-dimensional plane.


P.S. Isn't the female Klingon's name L'Rell?
You're probably right about L'Rell. And of course at this point they could be anywhere or anywhen. But your theory makes 'sense' if we think of an incomplete jump process.
OK. About Tyler being severely traumatised by his relationship with the Klingon. Just a damn minute: Troi and Worf got it on for quite a while in TNG and she didn't find that too degrading by all accounts.

What's implied I believe is that Ash Tyler was raped by L'Rell. Or he "consented" to do the nasty repeatedly only to avoid even worse torture.

Here's my thinking -- everything that's happened until now was just a way of getting to know the characters as they become stranded somewhere. So, it's kinda like Voyager, as Don mentioned earlier, but with nine episodes to get to the point where they're a very long way from home.

Here's my thinking -- everything that's happened until now was just a way of getting to know the characters as they become stranded somewhere.

the problem for the producers is that i now dislike all of the characters, with the possible exception of the klingon rapist.

The original series is unique in being good right from the start. (I consider The Cage and Where No Man Has Gone Before to be the pilot episodes, not the Man Trap, which was the premiere episode.)

OK, I'll concede that Star Trek: Discovery is imperfect, but is it worse than any of the Star Trek spin-offs were at the ninth episode of their respective first seasons?

I love the Next Generation, too, but its first season was mostly crap episodes with stilted acting.

All that has happened thus far in Discovery has been an elaborate set up of what's to come -- maybe a Voyager- or Gilligan's Island-like show or perhaps an evil-goateed universe show. Or maybe they were in the evil-goateed universe, but the last fungal jump put them in the non-goateed universe.


as bad as some TNG episodes were, people were likable, the concepts were coherent and we didn't get every trendy liberal issue forced down our throats -- while at the same time being subjected to a futuristic notion of the heritage foundation's ideology of american military imperialism. in TNG, it just took simple things like worf growing out the bobby vinton haircut, riker getting a beard and troi cutting back on the empathy. with STD, i just want all of them blown up.

Maybe The Orville would be more to sir's liking. It's like original Trek with a hint of Buffy-esque humour.

Vuk, Maybe The Orville would be more to sir's liking. It's like original Trek with a hint of Buffy-esque humour.


sorry to be so negative today, but, like yank, i have a massive aversion to seth macfarlane.

It's fair to say that you really don't like anything, so within the context of everything you don't like The Orville is a decent show.

joe, once a person has made the transition to HBO and danish crime drama, legacy TV is very difficult to go back to.

