
Scanspeak D2008

I'd be willing to pay the extra to get a matched pair. It does make a worthwhile difference.
in principle I agree with you, of course. From my experience with the IBLs' X/O, however, I'd also advise to get rid of the old electrolytic caps (and the resistors also), which were clearly out of spec and far from being matched pairs at that point.

Once this is done, I'm sure the advantages of matched tweeters will surely be quite audible.

This does not apply if hte speakers are actively driven, of course.
I needed within a short time two tweeter for the IBL (a broken cable was the cause). In Austria an original Naim IBL tweeter costs about 85Euro, eg 57UKP, incl VAT and installation...

But the CD5-Puck costs 22Euro (eg 14.6UKP), in UK it costs 6UKP (9Euro). Interesting price structuring.

Just ordered a pair of D2008/8511 from Germany (£100 delivered).

Then, hopefully all I'll need to do is to use the brass weights from the old tweeters to fix to the back of the new ones when installing.

Thanks for everyones help

sounds like the naim piss take has now reached the D2008's too then. They were only £130 ish per pair all in a couple of years back!

