
Recording Cleaning Machine

I've used crate digger in vinyl successfully. I did have a problem with it reading barcodes at one point but re-installed it on my phone and all working again. Obviously some older albums don't have barcodes which is a nuisance but not found any so far that do have barcodes which can't be read by it.
'Barcodes' to track the location of vinyl? Seems a bit hi tech. Why not just collect by alphabet, starting with 'a' and ending with 'z'? Simplicity is an attractive thing. Stored in attractive wooden racks.
Because I tend to keep playing the same favourite stuff, I now have days when I deliberately only play certain letters...that way, more stuff gets played over a period. Last week I rediscovered the delights of Lloyd Cole using this method. Listed under 'c' not 'l' .
Life shouldn't be too orderly, because it stops us realising that it is anything but orderly. That's all illusion......
The purpose of having a list on your mobile device is to prevent multiple purchases whilst in records shops, which has saved me £100s of acquiring unintended duplicates is it.

The simplest method is a plain text file artist / title, you don't need a picture of the cover, release date etc.

I will give a go on scanning vinyl barcodes again, so see if I have any more success there.

Mick, with the greatest respect, you'll be daft if you don't (use new inners)! For what they cost in bulk (2p each for good poly-lined or a bit more for Nagaoka type inners), it's a no-brainer. It's nice to put the date of cleaning in pencil, for future reference or .........

Mick, following my post before and Alan's above, look up 'Sounds Wholesale' on Ebay ( difficult to find otherwise, I've found). They're very good and cost< £23 per 100 or less for greater quantities and free p & p.
Mick, with the greatest respect, you'll be daft if you don't (use new inners)! For what they cost in bulk (2p each for good poly-lined or a bit more for Nagaoka type inners), it's a no-brainer. It's nice to put the date of cleaning in pencil, for future reference or .........

Mick, following my post before and Alan's above, look up 'Sounds Wholesale' on Ebay ( difficult to find otherwise, I've found). They're very good and cost< £23 per 100 or less for greater quantities and free p & p.


Many thanks but I cannot find them.

I've had my Clearaudio for a couple of weeks now. Gave my 1st pressing of Led Zep 3 a really good clean last night. It sounds absolutely amazing now. If only the cover was in great condition.....
Mick P, There is little point in cleaning the record if you are going to put them back in their old sleeve as they will be dirty / dusty inside so you will contaminate the cleaned record. These are what I use, not the cheapest around but very good IMO




If you plan on cleaning used vinyl sourced from 3rd parties, then you really need to re-think your position on re-sleeving. Also, there was a phase when most non-classical albums were shipped with either paper or card inners and you really need to ditch all of these and re-sleeve the albums left bare-assed after the ditching.

When I got my RCM, I took the decision to re-sleeve all albums cleaned with the MoFi sleeves (see Alan's link above).


This approach has three benefits:

1) The obvious one of "shoving a washed foot into a clean sock"
2) Enabling at-a-glance detection of albums not yet cleaned (without separate filing)
3) The sleeves are also static-resistant so do reduce any hassles in dry environments

These sleeves are supplied in 50s at $20.00 per pack of 50 when ordering direct from Mobile Fidelity:

Mobile Fidelity Original Master Record Sleeves webpage

I hang on to any half-decent sleeves for when I get rid of any albums no longer on my "keep-list" (to retrieve any of the MoFi sleeves in use).

Give it some thought....

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I've tried a few new infers and I think the MOFIs are the best. More expensive than others (and twice the price in the UK compared to USA- I even bought a pack from Florida this year) but strong, easy to use and fit records well (some others scrunch up inside the lp sleeve.

Many thanks but I cannot find them.


Mick, neither can I (just tried), but I've always had trouble finding these on Ebay, so phone them on 01283 215011 (or 219201?). Their prices delivered are: (50) £12.99.....(100) £22.99.....(200) £39.99.

I only received my last (100) batch 3 weeks ago, so either they've gone bust or in between Ebay listings, I'm not sure. I only gave them feedback yesterday!!!
I've tried a few new infers and I think the MOFIs are the best. More expensive than others (and twice the price in the UK compared to USA- I even bought a pack from Florida this year) but strong, easy to use and fit records well (some others scrunch up inside the lp sleeve.

I agree. It's still a small price compared with the value of LPs. And stuff like Nagoka does 'scrunch up' in use. This leaves the top of the LP exposed.
Mick, neither can I (just tried), but I've always had trouble finding these on Ebay, so phone them on 01283 215011 (or 219201?). Their prices delivered are: (50) £12.99.....(100) £22.99.....(200) £39.99.

I only received my last (100) batch 3 weeks ago, so either they've gone bust or in between Ebay listings, I'm not sure. I only gave them feedback yesterday!!!

I have found them but these prices seem to be for the standard paper/poly-lined inners, not MoFi ones which are about twice the price at various dealers, such as Audio Affair, Diverse Vinyl, Analogue Seduction. Here's the eBay store:
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The Loricraft PRC4 arrived last week and I thought that I would set it up this morning, which frankly was a piece of cake.

You chuck the record on, splosh on the water and wipe the brush over the record whilst it revolves and then suck it off with a little nozzle that creates a mini vortex and renders it perfectly clean.

The good news is that the Loricraft is very quiet, so you are not irritating everyone else in the house.

It takes about 3 minutes to clean both sides of a LP, so getting through the 800 that I have got will be a dreary mind numbing exercise. The only downfall of using a RCM is that a moron could do it after a minutes training, so expect to be bored.

However the good news is that the LP comes up all black and shiny and it definitely sounds better as any static that there was is now confined to history.

I am 65 years of age and like an idiot I procrastinated and procrastinated over buying a RCM which I will now admit was plain bloody stupid. Therefore I highly recommend a RCM to anyone who has an interest in vinyl. Not having a RCM is like owning a Ferrari and not cleaning it for years.

I think all the RCMs are good but the Loricraft is in all fairness over engineered and like a Garrard turntable will outlast its owner. The quietness is a great attraction when you have say 500 or more LPs to clean. I once heard an Okki Nokki at a show about 15 years ago and I just walked away. It was like standing next to a vacuum cleaner. Hopefully the newer ones are quieter but the Loricraft is very quiet and that alone makes it worth going for.

I have included a fairly good youtube clip below if you are interested.

The end result by the way is that I have been playing a couple of Vaughn Williams LPs and they have never sounded better.

Chaps, just go for it and buy a cleaning machine, you don't see many on the second hand market which proves that once someone buys one, they keeps it.

Now it is back to the dreary ritual of cleaning.


So you put a grimy dirty record down on the nice new clean platter, clean the one side then flip the clean side over and place it on what was once a clean platter that's been contaminated by the dirty side?
To me that looks like a real faff around. I have around 2000 LPs and I can see me giving up from the sheer tedium. If nothing else that youtube clip has convinced me to go for the fully automated audio desk systeme. I know its around 2 grand but that works out at just £1 per LP plus some consumables so about £1.20 per LP in total. The RCM is effectively free after that!


Mick, life is too short. Hire a school leaver or someone you can pay less than the minimum wage and birch them if any records come up with less than stellar results. Do you really want to be spending what remains of your time here on this planet sloshing fancy water across a bit of plastic?
Fair point Fox, but I'm normally listening to music whilst cleaning. The only time I've done large batches is when I've bought a small collection, otherwise it's one/two at a time. The Okki Nokki is a noisy beggar, but a bit of Neil Young and Crazy Horse at the same time will soon see to that.
Mick, life is too short. Hire a school leaver or someone you can pay less than the minimum wage and birch them if any records come up with less than stellar results. Do you really want to be spending what remains of your time here on this planet sloshing fancy water across a bit of plastic?

I'm sure Mick can find a hard working chap who can knock out those 800 records in a 40 hour work week!

