
pfm trade rooms: read-only or open?

pfm trade rooms?

  • Keep as is?

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • Open up to all members?

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Keep as is but bolt a 'trade discussion' room on as well?

    Votes: 2 16.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Tony L

This is a poll for people with annual pfm trade accounts to decide if they would like the two trade rooms open so all members can comment upon threads (though not start them) or to keep things as they are where these rooms are static, or as a third option keep things as they are and add a 'trade discussion' room. I have no preference myself and will happily abide by the decision. This poll is only open for people in the 'Trade' group, i.e. dealers and manufacturers. Please register your opinion, plus if you have another suggestion please make it either here or by PM.

Many thanks.

Trade discussion room, I think, and/or open up to members at large for inquiries and customer reviews. If a member wanted to intiate some discussion on their own by starting a topic, don't see what could be wrong with that. Thanks, Ten, Tony.
Interaction with the Trade seems to be on the up on other forums, its really down to whether you want to run with the pack and embrace the trade, or keep your distance.
I voted for keep as is
I've just realised I made an error on the access rights on this poll so for a while non-trade members could vote. I've now addressed this, though as the votes cast made no impact to the outcome (an equal number of trade / non-trade votes were cast for each option) I'll leave them in the total and just ignore at the end.

Please can I ask our trade folk to make their views known here by voting, I'm very reluctant to make a change to the forum that may prove unpopular based upon such a low voter turnout (which it is at present, only two trade members have voted!).

Leave as is please Tony. It's not broken so doesn't need fixing.

It could out to be a customer service desk - the very thing the AUP doesn't allow

I tend to agree, and the last thing I want is any additional moderation load, I just don't get paid enough! I do however sympathise with Jim in that he wants to chat freely about his products, and technically there is no reason I shouldn't be able to facilitate that. The question being how to do so.

FWIW I'm surprised no one is voting for option three as in many ways that is the best of all worlds, i.e. it keeps things as they are with a fixed advertising facility, but provides trade members with the option to start 'discussion' threads should they wish (I could make that room so only trade accounts could start topics, yet anyone could reply). Useful for market research / feedback etc.

Tony, all- That is a good point and concern made by Les, I think he means well, but FYI I haven't seen this become a customer service venue in other forums that I frequent at all. I HAVE seen one and only one case where a manufacturer enjoyed being antagonistic and a moderator felt it necessary to invite him to tone down his rhetoric or take a hike. I would have, too.

Speaking purely for myself, my goal is to be able to advertise, frankly, interact with inquiring minds, and post feedback. What I make needs a little love cause it's kinda esoteric and funny looking. I believe you said that you don't read audio magazines. Some online manufacturers will never be featured in audio magazines, either. I am lucky that Robert Greene of The Absolute Sound is big on what happens to sound once waveforms leave our speakers else he might not have taken what I make seriously. After reviewing a pair last year (using Harbeth and other speaks), he gave my product a Golden Ear Award, speaking of advertising. The point being, more and more people passionate about audio (and music) are coming online.

I might be over my head, maybe not, dunno, but I will volunteer to moderate the topic whatever it turns out to be with the objective of keeping it balanced and interesting. I'd be honored to hang my hat on the same rack as Markus Sauer anyday.

As an afterthought (reason for editing), I should add that I think several online audio manufacturers in the US might like to meet you and you them. Your currency is quite good vis a vis the dollar altho shipping might be lot depending. Red Wine Audio battery powered electronics, Omega single driver speakers, Audiokinesis Loudspeakers, Modwright Instruments, and Salk Signature Sound are some that I am acquainted with and would invite their membership if Tony thinks that would be a good thing. I'm delighted to be of service anyway I can.
I feel that by definition, once a 'trade room' is opened to all and sundry, it ceases to be a 'trade room'.

There's plenty of space for traders and dealers to stimulate open discussion with victims and potential victims without destroying the sanctity of the quiet rooms reserved for the trade.

I suggest an announcement in the trade section should be accompanied by a posting to the effect in any of the other rooms - 'fait accompli' as the Greeks would say.
I suggest an announcement in the trade section should be accompanied by a posting to the effect in any of the other rooms - 'fait accompli' as the Greeks would say.

Prior to AVI I'd have agreed with you, but we've all seen how destructive mass spamming is now, and many people have expressed dissatisfaction with 'advertorials' etc in the main room (I get a lot of reported posts whenever one appears). The more I think about it the more I like option 3, i.e. leave things exactly as they are, but bolt a third 'trade discussion' room on where only pfm's trade customers can start threads, but everyone can reply to them. This would mean the choice of having a discussion thread or not would rest with the trade member, it would keep the main discussion area free of advertising / advertorial / spam, and it would keep the existing 'static' advertising facility exactly as is. Surely that is the best of all worlds for all concerned?

Prior to AVI I'd have agreed with you, but we've all seen how destructive mass spamming is now, and many people have expressed dissatisfaction with 'advertorials' etc in the main room (I get a lot of reported posts whenever one appears). The more I think about it the more I like option 3, i.e. leave things exactly as they are, but bolt a third 'trade discussion' room on where only pfm's trade customers can start threads, but everyone can reply to them. This would mean the choice of having a discussion thread or not would rest with the trade member, it would keep the main discussion area free of advertising / advertorial / spam, and it would keep the existing 'static' advertising facility exactly as is. Surely that is the best of all worlds for all concerned?


I'd be quite content with a third 'free-for-all' room where traders can solicit debate on their products as long as there's a trade room where 'thread crappers' are barred from posting and a genuine trade announcement isn't simply submerged in the noise.
Give it a try, though I've no strong feeling either way as the current system isn't broken.

Can always pull it should it prove destructive the the forum.
Some manufacturers don't utilize dealers. They depend on word of mouth. I don't imagine this makes dealers very happy. I believe I can understand that, but it makes a lot of the public happy. Someone like me can't do advertising. What I make costs $55.95 retail and needs explaining in the first place. It's physics thing. I have had a shot here and I appreciate that. So, this isn't really about me, well, some. I just think new ideas in audio are coming from all over the place and may never be sold by dealers. PFM subscribers could be, would be, beneficiaries of developments they may never see in a showroom or read about in a hard copy magazine. One of the best two way speakers ever made is made by SP Technologies. Dr. Earl Geddes, a physicist and speaker designer, sell his designs in kits or ready to play. Their customers are not having to pay for advertising and dealer markup. And they sell with a guarantee, of course. It seems to me that PFM could be traditional as well as progressive.
Ok, final adjusted (i.e. discounting the 6 non-trade member votes cast before I locked the poll down) totals are:

Keep as is: 4
Open to all: 0
New room: 2

I have to admit I'm still tempted to try a new trade discussion room where only trade members can start threads, but everyone can reply. This would leave the choice entirely with pfm's trade customers, i.e. it is adding functionality, not altering that which is already provided. It could also act as a place to dump threads from the main forum that could be described as advertising.

I'd like to start a thread. That's the way I see it done elsewhere and I think you would be surprised at amount of coversation that goes on. I said my piece at the end of page one if anyone is interested. Cheers
Ok, let's try it. I've flung up a new room as in option 3 of the poll - assuming I've done it right then pfm's trade customers can start threads and anyone else can reply to them. I'm running this as an experiment, if there is tumbleweed blowing through the place in a couple of months I'll remove it again. A room with just a couple of threads won't really earn it's keep. Hopefully folk will take to it - it would be a great way of obtaining market research etc, i.e. poll on a specific item or service etc.

Ok, final adjusted (i.e. discounting the 6 non-trade member votes cast before I locked the poll down) totals are:

Keep as is: 4
Open to all: 0
New room: 2

I have to admit I'm still tempted to try a new trade discussion room where only trade members can start threads, but everyone can reply. This would leave the choice entirely with pfm's trade customers, i.e. it is adding functionality, not altering that which is already provided. It could also act as a place to dump threads from the main forum that could be described as advertising.

I don't know how to vote. I admit it. I'm a simpleton. Am I even supposed to vote? Well, I do, enthusiastically.


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