
PFM Advertising

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Superb, you're right, that is so Viz. Proper tat.

It’s kinda sad that Bowie’s estate agreed to it at all, and then there’s the countless spelling mistakes in the blurb... Aladine Zane, Aladine Sane, Terry O’Neil, and so on.

I know David did stuff like a saké commercial for Japanese tv, but even that was pretty cool and featured the then unreleased ‘Crystal Japan’, originally intended to be the final track on Scary Monsters. This is just junk!
now, i'm getting this:


i suppose the AI is working fairly well -- all that's required now is for it to figure out the complete opposite of those shirts and present those to me.
"Come and work for the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and bring positive help to people and communities."
I can only imagine that, as you say, it's a reverse-algorithm that shows up shirts you/I wouldn't be seen dead in.


based on the past few days, i can now predict you will be getting christmas presents that are the opposite of these:

I am getting fake news clickbait ads..."Downward spiral for Elba... New Luther series halted and James Bond role at risk."
I think these are are designed to pull you into dodgy websites full of fake celebrity gossip and huge amounts of ads, almost impossible not to click onto, that look like articles which generate more web clicks and so increase the sellability of advertising.... It's sort of an advertising pyramid scheme that ultimately has no product to sell.
No sympathy here.
Serves you right for downloading subtitled feature films ;~)
No sympathy here.
Serves you right for downloading subtitled feature films ;~)

possible, but i think it may be because i clicked on this a few days ago (you have been warned):

now we know what will happen if the UN stages a national leader dance competition (unless putin has more hidden talents).
I am currently being targeted by 'build your own website' and 'internet telephone' adverts. I blame Mrs H for using the laptop.
and now the ads are telling me there is about 3000 record shops in east london ....... what planet do these guys live on
I just got Wonga FFS, I hate to think what I have done to give the algorithm the idea I am mentally subnormal enough to borrow money at four figure APR!
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