
Pet peeves in films/tv

English or British characters using obvious American dialect or colloquials.

Most obvious one is using 'bring' when the Brit would say 'take'
I think you do young people a disservice. My daughter, for example, had experienced everything and learnt all there is to learn by the age of fifteen. I've been put right countless times in the intervening years.
I like Mark Twain's take:

At 20 I thought my father knew nothing, at 25 I was amazed by how much he'd learned in the previous 5 years.
Endless magazines in automatic weapons, plus the fact that the shooters fire them endlessly, as opposed to the short bursts that AFAIK the military are actually trained to do. One of the worst cases is the German WW2 MG42, a gun with a rate of fire so high that any prolonged firing literally melted the barrel, so the long bursts at the start of Saving Private Ryan couldn't have happened. (I believe that the gun came with a spare barrel and a pair of asbestos gloves to facilitate changing).

On the weapons front, the hacking at each other in sword and sandals films. Roman legionaries were taught to stab ("a slash cut rarely kills," says a Roman military manual). The only accurate depiction I've ever seen of Roman legionaries fighting in their disciplined manner is in the TV series Rome:

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Films involving either car chases with powerful cars, or motorsport scenes, where it’s bloody obvious the cars are only travelling at 50mph. No amount of ultrawide angle lenses and one second snips stuck together fools us, and please please please… don’t speed the footage up. It looks bloody stupid.
Unarmed hero not taking the gun from the bad guy he has just defeated.

"Sarge, you've got to come down and see this". Should be replied to with "Soldier, give me a situation report right now telling me what's so important, or I will come down there, but only to beat some proper comms procedure back into your dumb skull".

Prop spectacles with flat glass in them.

The "Hollywood Computer" that prints two characters a second and had sound effects.

Anyone with computer knowledge is portrayed as an antisocial unhygienic slob if male, or hyper-feminine but slightly kinky if female. (The second one is basically the fantasy of the first).

Bombs with 7-segment LED displays. Those things are a bitch to wire up properly, and anyway why use a decimal counter circuit at all? (Or just use one of those devices that do those automatic room deoderiser sprays in toilets... timer and a mechanical actuator, job done)
Not killing the hero with one bullet to the swede when you have him hogtied, unarmed, and exhausted.
No. Never. Why would you? Is it so the camera can see your artificially whitened teeth? I dunno.

Bombs going off.

Unless the bomb goes off in a petrol station or similar, there’s rarely more than a flash of flame. Thats a waste of energy. Bombs going off do it extremely suddenly, as advertised, with no flames, and you don’t have a chance to dive out of the way.
And the blast will often rip the clothing off your body, so if you did manage to dive through the air, you’d be using your willy as a rudder in the blast wave, because your Calvin Kleins have just overtaken you in that same wave.
I don't let any of this sort of thing bother me or compromise my enjoyment of movies and TV programmes. At the end of the day they are generally meant to be entertaining and/or escapist, and many of the most popular are largely preposterous nonsense anyway. For instance, any James Bond movie is full to the brim with ludicrous plot lines, utterly unrealistic stunts and batshit crazy scenarios so who cares if tiny details are incorrect such as the plane tyres squealing when it lands or an accent is not 100% accurate... I just enjoy them for what they are, warts and all.
Oh. And while I’m at it!

Nuclear explosions don’t sound nuffink like wot ‘ollywood says.

1min 40sec in, if you’re in a hurry:

My pet peeve is the way gorillas are portrayed in film. They are vegetarians and laid back like The Dude. Mighty Joe Young, King Kong and the entire Planet of the Apes series of films got this wrong.

Just look at this scene. It’s ridiculous!

I can imagine the box office takings for a film about a massive gorilla that sits in a clearing, eating most of the day, occasionally runs around beating its chest, then goes for a private poo in the bushes! Riveting stuff 🤣
I watched "Brides in the Bath" movie starring Martin Kemp.
Based on a true story around the year 1900. The film was set in the same period.
But the featured Edwardian couple are shown travelling on a British Railways train with the BR logo plain to see.

That's at least 40 years out of date. The railways were neither grouped nor nationalised back then.

Ruined the credibility for me.
Now this is quality gorilla 🦍 cinema.

Narrated by the captain of NCC-1701D no less!


