
Killing field day this Saturday

Really looking forward to the three days. For the National itself, slower ground means that the better horses will likely come to the fore so Graded performers well worth a look, despite big weights.
Well, to be fair there's the IOM TT races, that's got quite an eye catching number of fatalities.
Yes, but these guys are not ordinarily crazy, they are crazy to the point of knowing perfectly well about the risks, and they still sign up for the race. Some are possibly doing it because it is dangerous. I'm not sure, in turn, whether the GN horses know what might expect them.

What has the best life - a bullock reared on a UK farm (or, God forbid, in a US stock yard), to 18-24 months old and then go for humane slaughter, or a race horse which the odds say will live into it's teens?
Some people need to eat meat, you will not find many vegan bricklayers or lumberjacks. There are already way enough horse races to entertain the rich, stopping the Grand National massacre will not cause them a great loss.
My Grandad was mad for the gee gees his whole life. He even had a spectacularly unsuccessful career as a bookie where he managed to lose so badly he lost the family home. My memories of him are mostly of him sitting in bed with the racing on a B&W portable telly at the end of the bed and a bottle of Guinness and a stack of betting slips by his side.

I used to love watching the gee gees too but not anymore knowing how many animals suffer.
I've never had any interest in horse racing. Is it cruel? I honestly am not sure. If it is then what about the use of horses for riding by man under any circumstances? If one truly believes in the rights of animals why is it a "limited" right? e.g. it's fine as long as they're not "mistreated". In what way does a dog, cat, rabbit or horse have it's rights infringed because of being kept as a pet by humans? Why are people not against that in principle, rather than feeling humans have a right to enforce animal behaviour to their will, as long as the animal is not being mistreated? Is not just the act of keeping a dog as a pet a mistreatment? The dog would not of it's own free will, if born in to the wild, decide to spend it's life mostly locked up in someones home/garden etc.

Also I strongly agree, the equivalence with the Cambodian Killing Fields is outrageous.
Is it cruel? I honestly am not sure
Take once place at a long table with jockeys or showjumpers, and listen to their stories, especially those about 'others'. Then you will know. I have to say that a good 30 years have passed since I heard this, I hope mentalities/regulations have evolved since.

what about the use of horses for riding by man
This topic has been subject of debate for probably as long as people ride horses. A vet will tell you a clear 'no'.
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Thats the quirkiest post ever ? But quirky is usually good !
I believe it's a reference to the myth that vegitarians can't be "big and strong" and that you must eat meat for that. It is of course not true, but it is true that it's harder to be muscular on a vegitarian diet, as in it takes a lot more thought and effort to get the protein levels (of the right quality) to build greater than "average" levels of muscle than if you eat meat.

It does have to be said though, that the average person in most "predominantly vegetarian" countries are rather scrawny by western standards, but that's predominantly down to them just not having the money to consume food to the levels westerners do.
I've never had any interest in horse racing. Is it cruel? I honestly am not sure. If it is then what about the use of horses for riding by man under any circumstances? If one truly believes in the rights of animals why is it a "limited" right? e.g. it's fine as long as they're not "mistreated". In what way does a dog, cat, rabbit or horse have it's rights infringed because of being kept as a pet by humans? Why are people not against that in principle, rather than feeling humans have a right to enforce animal behaviour to their will, as long as the animal is not being mistreated? Is not just the act of keeping a dog as a pet a mistreatment? The dog would not of it's own free will, if born in to the wild, decide to spend it's life mostly locked up in someones home/garden etc.

Also I strongly agree, the equivalence with the Cambodian Killing Fields is outrageous.
The Grand National in particular, has a a gruesome reputation. Safety has been tightened up in recent years, but there are still annual fatalities. It is a spectacle conducted purely for entertainment and profit, involving the regular deaths of horses, and on that basis wholly unnecessary.
My reason would be that it’s not that profitable after all.
not for me, kept in credit for around 5 years, money means little to me especially when playing with others money

I still bet on footer, boxing and cricket
The Grand National in particular, has a a gruesome reputation. Safety has been tightened up in recent years, but there are still annual fatalities. It is a spectacle conducted purely for entertainment and profit, involving the regular deaths of horses, and on that basis wholly unnecessary.
The Grand National's reputation is born of the fact that (a) historically it was less safe than it currently is, and (b) it is the most watched horse race in the world (I believe). More horses have died at the Cheltenham Festival since 2020 than at the Aintree festival.

In 2023 in the UK the were 158 equine fatalities due to racing; a fatality rate of 0.18%; fewer than 2 deaths per 1000 runners. (Interestingly, 46 of those fatalities occurred during or as a result of flat racing).

I appreciate that for many people any fatality is one too many. All racing is a spectacle conducted purely for entertainment and profit.
This is a classic case of moaners just moan. Miserable buggers who want everything their way. Millions of people follow horse racing (I have an annual bet on the GN every year) and only a handful of noisy protesters want everyone to do what they want.

I live not far from Horse racing centres and the horses look in superb condition and are certainly living a good life, probably better than your average human being.

Sorry but the protestors can go and get stuffed.
This is a classic case of moaners just moan. Miserable buggers who want everything their way. Millions of people follow horse racing (I have an annual bet on the GN every year) and only a handful of noisy protesters want everyone to do what they want.

I live not far from Horse racing centres and the horses look in superb condition and are certainly living a good life, probably better than your average human being.

Sorry but the protestors can go and get stuffed.

I think you are blinkered

