
How a Linn Sondek LP12 is built.

Good, let's hear from the people who've had these alleged problems then. How do you explain that no LP12 owners posting here have experienced the awful things you keep mentioning?

I guess because the ones I know have moved on to better products and now spend more time listening to their hi fi rather than folks like you who , with their thousands of postings, seem to spend more time discussing it

Just give us the evidence. That's all. Answer my question - or are we all lying? "thousands" of postings? Show me...
I saw this video a while ago. Very interesting. Makes you realise why they are so expensive. To be fair I don't mind paying for hand built bespoke equipment like this. See, we do still manufacture great products in the UK :)

PS: My own LP12 is spot on, no issues at all. If set up correctly from day one they are perfect. It's only when bellends start mucking around with them and 'upgrading' parts with non OEM items that causes issues and results in things not working correctly, or, poor set up as previously mentioned. Keep up the good work Linn, just go easy on your price hikes now we have left the eurzone! Reckon it will be worse if scotland leave the UK too! :D
I saw this video a while ago. Very interesting. Makes you realise why they are so expensive. To be fair I don't mind paying for hand built bespoke equipment like this. See, we do still manufacture great products in the UK :)

PS: My own LP12 is spot on, no issues at all. If set up correctly from day one they are perfect. It's only when bellends start mucking around with them and 'upgrading' parts with non OEM items that causes issues and results in things not working correctly, or, poor set up as previously mentioned. Keep up the good work Linn, just go easy on your price hikes now we have left the eurzone! Reckon it will be worse if scotland leave the UK too! :D

Totally agree about the set-up. I have 2 LP12s - one from 1985 and one from 1990. They have each had two services only - so that's about 14 years on average between services - both from competant accredited Linn dealers. They both sound fantastic. I can quite believe that servicing by "bellends" would lead to problems. I've no personal experience of non OEM items - so would not care to comment personally - but many LP12 owners on this forum have good words to say about the various sub-chassis and top-plate alternatives.
When setup correctly, the LP12 should only need attention when it's time to change cartridges, much like any other turntable.
Locking Linn nuts - that's the key. I've said this before, but who listens??!

(Speaking as a former owner of two LP12s which I have to say I enjoyed using having been set up by an expert dealer.)
I guess because the ones I know have moved on to better products and now spend more time listening to their hi fi rather than folks like you who , with their thousands of postings, seem to spend more time discussing it

Have your students been giving you a hard time near to end of term/ year?

Most people i know with well set up LP12's (and i know a lot of them all round the world) That are all well happy and have none of the problems you have been ranting about.
All of them spend their time listening to music not their hi fi.:cool:
I find it strange you have picked on Tony for such vitriol?
He is one of the nicest people you could ever wish to meet and you would get on well if you actually met him.
You always seemed like a decent enough bloke when we used to speak about kit on the phone a few years ago.
Are you still using a Michell TT with SME arm and Naim 552/500 all on Target wall shelves?
No fuses in anything?

