
Half-Kitschy Fall Pictures (WARNING: one them not office safe)

I like your sunset pic as well Ian. You lose Kitchs points though as you have waves lapping on a beach but have failed to include a beautiful exotic maiden being ravished by a shirtless hunk.

That shot was taken in Eastbourne. They don't do that kind of thing there, the average age is 87 (it's not known as God's Waiting Room for nothing).

-- Ian

rumour has it you've got a sunset pic hanging in your audio room ;-)

Blasphemy... it's a picture of a young child. Eating an ice cream cone. By a fountain. On a shimmery summer's day.

And it was taken with special filters to really bring out the blond in her pigtails, the rose in her cheeks, and the blue in her eyes.
back to the tree


part 2: goth postcard


would this sell?

would this sell?
Depends on what kitschy "in memorium" verse accompanies the first one.

For the second, you're on to a winner if you change it to "Greetings from Toronto".

All IMVHO of course...
Ian, the first link on that page leads to an excellent piece on the McGill "genre" by someone called George Orwell. Superb!
OK, i get the picture...


it works both as a birthday card and coporate motivational poster.

vuk, was it a conscious decision to choose photography over caption/verse writing? I think you made the right choice.

as my new greeting card agent/manager, i think you should take full responsability for any faux pas.

vuk, that is just sooo typical of you arty types - it's all just "creativity" to you, you don't care who you upset and then it's down to the rest of us to pick up the pieces...

Ahem, sorry... just one of those days honey
2nd attempt!

OK I see you need web space to post pictures. I'll look into getting some and post later...


