
Genesis: Together and Apart - BBC2 Saturday 4th Oct.

I wonder if Bank's attitude comes from being the only member of the band without a successful solo career? Again, ironic as he was such an important writer in Genesis.

About 5 or 6 Banks solo albums were flashed up on screen, which surprised me as being a dealer I'm usually aware of stuff related to such large bands even if it's of no interest to me personally. I can only recall seeing the first one, usually in the £1 bins and often still sealed!
Tony, that says it all really. I thinks he sings on them too!

It was really interesting that Phil always felt like a bit of an outsider because be was slightly late into the band and he was a different social class. Without Phil, I imagine Genesis would have disappeared up their own arse. He probably came across best in the program. Anyway, I always liked his drumming on the Band Aid single.

Watched the program in full this afternoon and three things struck me: i) the seats they were sitting in looked uncomfortable, ii) they had their arms crossed alot of the time which in body language terms isn't great, and iii) Tony hates Steve's guts..
After all this controversial discussion, I'm pleased I only heard the 'Trick of the Tail' album. Never liked Phil Collins' work.
I think I'll stick to the Beatles...
After all this controversial discussion, I'm pleased I only heard the 'Trick of the Tail' album. Never liked Phil Collins' work.
I think I'll stick to the Beatles...

Some great music in the Genesis catalogue, if you have only tried one album maybe worth trying a few more before writing them off?
Charterhouse is a horrible place - no wonder they turned out to be so bloody miserable.

As an aside, I sold Hugh Padgham a Bose Lifestyle system amongst other things....
Steve Hackett not at all happy about the ‘biased’ BBC documentary:

It's certainly a biased account of Genesis history and totally ignores my solo work.

I know the documentary will soon be on sale via various outlets, but I won't be selling this via my own website.


Rolling Stone
Editors just biased it towards who sold the most during their solo careers, i.e. Collins and Gabriel. Can't blame them for that

Hackett should be happy as at least what was broadcast made Banks look like a bit of a Cock. Hackett looked like a decent guy and I'm going to check out his solo stuff.

I heard interview with Gabriel on Radio 6 last week and he went quiet when asked about the documentary. His only comment was that he had seen the best bits...."The sections with me in it!"
Hackett's solo stuff has been excellent. I saw PG live and hackett at about the same time. Hackett was much better.

Banks makes Waters look cheerful. he's had a chip on his shoulder about his solo work for ever. Every bloody interview the same complaints.

The Lamb is one of the best. It would have been great if ant and steve could have played together rather than stermmer, who is Ok. Chester is an amazing live drummer.

I have spoken.
About 5 or 6 Banks solo albums were flashed up on screen, which surprised me as being a dealer I'm usually aware of stuff related to such large bands even if it's of no interest to me personally. I can only recall seeing the first one, usually in the £1 bins and often still sealed!

I only have 'A curious feeling' - which was very disappointing compared to 'Gabriel 1', Collins' 'Face Value' and Rutherford's 'Smallcreep's day.'

Hackett's 'Voyage of the Acolyte' is basically a Genesis album in all but name and his second, 'Please don't touch' is really superb - Randy Crawford and Richie Havens sing on it and he pushes the sonic possibilities of the guitar throughout. I'm sure Tears for Fears were channelling this when they did 'Women in Chains' with Oleta Adams.

I'd say that Ant Phillip's solo efforts are also mostly better than Banks' too.

According to Wikipedia, Banks was the first to release a solo album.

As an aside, Nick Magnus, Hackett's '80s keyboardists came to see us play in London this year. I am, indeed, not worthy! :cool:


Dig that Roland GR500 Guitar Synth!

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Hackett has done some wonderful stuff
Spectral Mornings
Please dont touch
my 2 top picks

Much preferred Genesis when he was with them from
The Lamb - Seconds Out
The rest are ok but not for me
I was pretty surprised there was no mention of Ant Phillips' solo career - Paul Stump is very positive about The Geese & The Ghost (in particular) in 'The Music's All That Matters' and I've been meaning to find a copy. I've run across more of his albums in the racks than I have of Banks', that's for sure. I recognized the cover of A Curious Feeling but I couldn't have named it.
I was pretty surprised there was no mention of Ant Phillips' solo career - Paul Stump is very positive about The Geese & The Ghost (in particular) in 'The Music's All That Matters' and I've been meaning to find a copy. I've run across more of his albums in the racks than I have of Banks', that's for sure. I recognized the cover of A Curious Feeling but I couldn't have named it.

'The Geese' has two of my favourite Phil Collins voiced songs on it.

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I have three of the Tony Banks solo albums; "A Curious Feeling", "Bankstatement" and "Still". They are Ok, some good bits and not so good bits. The latter two are a bit "middle of the road" with similarities to the Mike and the Mechanics stuff. I favour early/classic Genesis so much prefer Peter Gabriel's and Steve Hackett's solo work. I am a big fan of SH's "Genesis Revisited" stuff and saw two of his live shows last year. Excellent stuff.

I have always thought Tony Banks a bit odd. I remember TB and MR doing a radio interview with Nicky Horne on Planet Rock a year or two back when yet another Genesis re-masters box set was being released. Nicky Horne asked TB what current music he was enjoying and his reply was along the lines of "I don't really listen to modern poular music but I understand that the Muse are quite good". !!
I just watched a bit of it.

Banks isn't any more grumpy and patronising than usual IMHO - but they missed out Wind and Wuthering - wtf?

I actually like some of the stuff after Duke. In the '80s what Genesis were doing, while well crafted, wasn't as much of an interest to me as some of the other pop, art rock and post punk stuff, but I recently bought everything from Abacab onwards for about a tenner in total (they were immensely popular - mint copies abound for nowt).

I was surprised having mostly heard the singles that there's something interesting and often long - form on all of the later albums They are also an audio encyclopaedia of '80s and '90s synthesisers, if you like that sort of thing!

Calling all stations is pretty horrid though!

I was pretty surprised there was no mention of Ant Phillips' solo career - Paul Stump is very positive about The Geese & The Ghost (in particular) in 'The Music's All That Matters' and I've been meaning to find a copy. I've run across more of his albums in the racks than I have of Banks', that's for sure. I recognized the cover of A Curious Feeling but I couldn't have named it.

I'll take an Ant Phillips album over a Hackett album any time (except, perhaps, "Invisible Men"). Hackett's only ever made one good track IMHO, "Clocks"
I've never liked anything by Genesis (I'm just slightly too young to be a Prog fan), but do like some of Gabriel's solo work, and did enjoy the programme overall. In fact I generally enjoy rockumentaries, even if I'm not a big fan of the music in question, it's always interesting getting some of the inside story.

They register so low in my consciousness that I'd totally forgotten about their fairly lengthy period as a transatlantic '80s hit factory. The word Genesis would always invoke memories of long-haired mates at school enthusing about "Trick" and "Lamb", rather than the later period. While the rest of us were exchanging copies of Damned Damned Damned...

