
"Bedtime for Democracy II" - by Ajit Pai

US ISPs usually lock you into a multi-year contract, so if 6 months in Verizon or Comcast decide to throttle your access to Netflix, there's really not much you can do about it.
US ISPs usually lock you into a multi-year contract, so if 6 months in Verizon or Comcast decide to throttle your access to Netflix, there's really not much you can do about it.

as others have said, the big players all have enough leverage that this will suit them. the problem is for small/independent outfits, for example those providing alternative news (even though many are not to our taste).
I’ve just had a look at the site and it all seems pretty worthy and worthwhile to me. I’m not being hit in the face with pure evil anyway, but I have no real issue with Facebook, Twitter etc (aside from their not banning racist shit like Trump).
Well no, it would defeat the purpose if it hit you in the face with pure evil. Do check out some of the criticisms of the venture, especially from net neutrality activists in India. It is, as I say, an attempt to package, restrict and monopolise the internet. The name is a giveaway in that respect.
seems like another example of crony capitalism, as pai is a former verizon attorney.
And it starts....

Here's what comcast has already removed from their Net Neutrality page.
They no longer promise to:

-Not throttle back the speed at which content comes to you
-Not prioritize Internet traffic or create paid fast lanes
-Make internet accessible to low income families

And here is a video of the FCC chairman "discussing" the issue.

