
Anyone else here a RigB fan?

What is it with these companies that won't stump up for the (minimal) cost of a bona-fide website?
Marketing product exclusively though FB makes it seem as though one has to join a cult just to have a look at the shop.

It would be interesting to know how just many of these echo chambers have successfully swallowed themselves.
May I ask if one of the more knowledgeable members knows if there is a difference between the 'internals' of the AT VM540ML and the VM740ML, or is is the difference just in the material of the external 'body'?
I originally purchased a '740' direct from AT, and then later after reading about the RigB 'bodies', I purchased a RigB bodied '540' from Simon which I found was much easier to mount because of the 'threaded' RigB body.
I find 'facebook' rather 'klunky' to use, but Simon responded quickly to my initial enquiry and forwarded a '540' with a black anodised body.
Later I ordered and received a 'red' anodised RigB body for my '740', but although the fitting instructions were straightforward, I decided to return it to Simon along with the cartridge to have the new 'body' fitted.
I mounted the '540' onto a Tabriz, but currently I'm using the '740' mounted onto an A.O. 'UniArm' / PTP6 Lenco using a Graham Slee 'Accession' MM phono stage.
I cannot really comment on any perceived diferences in sound between the two, given that I've spent more time 'fiddling' than listening - I decided that I first needed to source additional 'armboards', an MM phono stage, and finally both arms needed new tags fitting. :)
Mike K.
Electrically, they are the same, and they share the same AT-VMN40ML stylus assembly. Mass is 6.4g vs. 8g, so not a lot of difference there.

Personally, I don't see the logic in fitting a RigB mounting plate to any of the VM700 models. As far as having captive nuts, it isn't as though one is mounting and dismounting a given cartridge very often, either.
Maybe, maybe not. But it speaks to the seriousness and credibility of the company.

Has anyone had success in buying something from this outfit recently? I contacted Simon today to see if he could supply a VM95 body and, <EDIT> ... I did manage to get through in the end. Will report back when it arrives...


I bought a RigB for a 540ML. Purchase via Facebook contact was very easy, quality of the finished product was excellent, installation was simple.

How is it?

1. MUCH EASIER to install and set up on the headshell as it has threaded holes! This one feature is worth the price.

2. On a pretty well modded SL1200 it sounds ever so slightly cleaner than it did before (but this table even modified has a graininess to it). I suspect if I get it on my LP12 that it will no doubt sound noticeably better. I am happy with the improvement based on what I know in my set up.

3. I have a Clearaudio Virtuoso also that is rather better. I think the wood bodies do add some magic and I would like to see about trying one on a 540 body at some point.
I went for a VM95ml RigB a wee while ago but not very recently. I have no comparison to make as I never listened to the original.
I based my decision on previous ownership of an F5 Stilton bodied MC. This was definitely cleaner and a more solid sounding than the standard F5.
I'm happy with my purchase (also went very smoothly).
It's not a cheap thing to do so just puts the price of the product up.

I'm showing my age here, but I seem to recall that in the 90s the growth of the internet was driven by amateurs like me uploading index.html over ftp to some cheap or free web server. It costs pretty much nothing to make a web site. These days there is also a plethora of web publishing and ecommerce tools like Wix, Wordpress et al., so it really isn't expensive at all. My current web site has cost the hosting fee and that's it. Anybody could learn the html code to make a basic good-looking web page in half an hour. Cheap as chips.

"Have we forgotten Magna Carta? Did she die in vain?"
"Have we forgotten Magna Carta? Did she die in vain?"

This was a new one to me and I had to look this up.

I’m too young to remember Tony Hancock . Just. But I have watched and listened to his TV and Radio shows. Genius. Love this quote !
If someone sells on Facebook, that doesn't automatically make their whole business questionable. :)

Simon does run a small but proper business including its own website (The Audio Files) and ebay shop (LP5 Turntable Shop
). It's just the RigB range of cartridge bodies he's selling through a different channel. Who am I to question his statement on the reasons for that: He couldn't make more of the RibB bodies anyway, so doesn't even try to boost sales by actively advertising them.

In the past I did order the original RigB for AT-91/AT-3600L and a ready-to-play modified RigB VM95 cart and everything went smooth and well. I just also ordered a RigB 500 for my VM540ML. All contact through email, no Facebook required. :)
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If the Rig B body upgrade is because it is made of metal, does that imply there is no point in putting one on the 700 series? I thought the 'upgrade', for example from 540ML to 740ML, is basically because the 700 carts have a metal housing. So haven't AT already provided the upgrade, such as it may be?

