
Ukraine II

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I see they've made it about as complicated, confusing and unappealing as possible to offer your spare room to someone, anyone would think it was a cynical ploy to keep down the numbers coming in whilst simultaneously being able to blame the public for not being welcoming enough.

I can see the excuses now - "well we gave you the chance to help people but few of you cared enough to come forward, it's not our fault".
A lot of stuff in preceding pages about 'Ukrainian Nazis'. I seem to recall that I pointed out days ago that there are Nazis or similar in every country of the World including the UK, so much of the bluster about them is just that. And Putin has both Russian Orthodox Army and Wagner Brigade active in Eastern Ukraine. Just google them.

Forgive me if I'm wrong but whilst people were blathering on about the Azov Brigade or whatever it is called..I was reading an article linked to here:

...which clearly claims that Ukrainian Army fired on insubordinate Azov Brigade. I don't know if it is true. But it is interesting.

The position still remains that Russians invaded Ukraine and therefore all deaths are the fault of Russia. No deaths.

And oh...@ ks.234 , I think you know full well that I mean Putin and his enablers, not the wider Russian population. Don't be naughty.
Again, all of these people have been doing their thing in plain sight for a long time. Paul Staines is pure human filth, Andrew Neil is a climate change-denying, fash-fancying bully, and none of this is news to anyone. It suits some journalists to notice now, but they will stop noticing after a decent interval, because the likes of Staines and Neil play important roles in Britain’s media/politics system, and nobody who matters really wants that system to change. I mean I’d love to be wrong but I just can’t see either the Spectator or Guido being cut out of British public life, and that’s what it would mean to really flush this stuff out into the open.
And yet you choose to direct your ire and contempt at one of the few people who's attempted to expose some of this stuff, at significant personal cost. It's an utterly bizarre response.
In case anyone missed it, this is the woman, now reported dead, that Russian media reportedly claimed was an 'actor.' I assume they also claim the destruction all around was done by the Ukrainians, for effect.

I feel slightly guilty as I brought this up - but it was simply in response to Tony's assertion that neo-nazi's would naturally be pro-Putin.

Don't think I picked that up, but it's my impression that whilst Putin has clearly documented Nazi type groups in his 'arsenal' of dirty tricks brigades, saboteurs,assassins, useful idiots etc.., that does not mean that all Nazi type groups support Putin, especially in the Eastern European context. In one sense, neo Nazism is almost a natural consequence of the 'breakout' from Soviet domination and the supression of national identity that entailed. Not that I have any sympathy with any Nazism/Fascism whatever.
‘Nazi’ is probably the wrong term as it is precise and relates to one particular early 20th century political movement in Germany. I always get confused where the line between fascism and communism lies once one gets to the dictatorship stage. Slightly different uniforms and flags I guess. There is always an all-powerful elite siphoning the wealth, always nationalism, imprisonment or murder for any dissent or competing political viewpoint, always racism, homophobia, religious bigotry or other tools of scapegoating and division, and always leading to absolute control and mass murder. I’d run from either just as fast as I can’t tell them apart.
Hmmn, i just saw this long thread, must admit did not read it all.

IMHO, all wars are banker wars. (And of course loss of life is more than tragic, goes almost without saying.)

The Russian view is that this is an existential crisis. The end of the cold war, made the US switch their nuclear doctrine from MAD to, yes we can win a nuclear war based on a US initiated first strike. Hence the paranoia of the Russian Federation when it comes to NATO expansion. More so, when you look at the fact that the NATO military topology seems to tilt towards Russia, more than any other specific threat.

(My personal view, is that this conflict is driven by the bankers, having all the resources in Russia under bankster control, so that they may be used to underpin their fiat currencies (or whatever digital fiat crytpo stuff is to come), is the end game. If ordinary Ukrainian/Russian people suffer in the pursuit of these goals, then it is just collateral damage in the bankster view.)

Ukraine is a cesspit of corruption, Biden and son plus other so called "elites" have used their destabilization of Ukraine to pad their bank accounts.

I dismay, when I watch the news, and this conflict is reported on, without any context. They even ignore ongoing hostilities that have been happening since 2014 in this country.

I see all too many people blindly accepting all the propaganda, which is designed to appeal to your emotions and good nature. Thus the big picture is lost.
In case anyone missed it, this is the woman, now reported dead, that Russian media reportedly claimed was an 'actor.' I assume they also claim the destruction all around was done by the Ukrainians, for effect.


I read the AP report this morning that this poor woman realised she was losing her baby and asked the doctors to kill her and save the child.

It's pathetic I know but I wept for her sitting on a bus bus this morning stuck in South London rush hour traffic.

A Dutch Russian Embassy spokesman was still repeating the claim today that she was an actress. Just obscene.
Any evidence for this?

"Ukraine is a cesspit of corruption, Biden and son plus other so called "elites" have used their destabilization of Ukraine to pad their bank accounts."
@ gx502 All very 'conspiratorial'..and of course it is very 'on trend' to subscribe to such stuff these days.. but...

No..all wars are NOT 'banker' wars...though bankers often do well out of them.

Ukraine is a cesspit of corruption, Biden and son plus other so called "elites" have used their destabilization of Ukraine to pad their bank accounts.

Oh.. right.. Pictures..or it didn't happen. Are you a Trump fan too?

I dismay, when I watch the news, and this conflict is reported on, without any context. They even ignore ongoing hostilities that have been happening since 2014 in this country.

Whose news are you watching? Here in the UK we are very well informed on the background to this shit...

I see all too many people blindly accepting all the propaganda, which is designed to appeal to your emotions and good nature. Thus the big picture is lost.

Backatcha Dude!!
@ gx502 All very 'conspiratorial'..and of course it is very 'on trend' to subscribe to such stuff these days.. but...

No..all wars are NOT 'banker' wars...though bankers often do well out of them.

Oh.. right.. Pictures..or it didn't happen. Are you a Trump fan too?

Whose news are you watching? Here in the UK we are very well informed on the background to this shit...

Backatcha Dude!!

Hi Mullardman, yes its all very conspiratorial, JFK was shot by a magic bullet (does U-turns), 9/11 asymmetric damage results in symmetrical collapse down the path of greatest resistance etc etc. In my view if you are not a conspiracy theorist, you are a coincidence theorist.

Not a Trump fan, not a fan of any politician at all. Usually all politicians are actors of one sort or another (literally in the case of Zelensky).

W.r.t. Ukraine corruption, my main source is Hunter Biden's laptop/emails. Also the fact that he is a crack smoking, whoring imbecile, now turned into high end blow painting artist. So why would this guy be an expert in oil/gas projects, such that you have to have him sitting on the board of your energy company. Apologies for the somewhat strong language. But from what I see there's not much good i can say about this individual, his business matters also track closely to his fathers portfolio as VPUSA.

News wise, I see 100% propaganda on UK (BBC, Ch4, broadsheet newspapers Guardian/Times), French(France24) and German(DW) news channels, they are assuming the audience is stupid.

My main point is that the Russian view, long term, has in my opinion been affected by the change from MAD to first strike doctrine. That's where they are coming from. Seems like the Russians did not bother to get all this written down/cast in stone, when the Soviet Union collapsed, and now the Ukraine represents a red line for them. Same in Syria, this was a strategic red line crossed.

EDIT - fix SP, and update Hunter's status as an artiste.
There is so much to take issue with in the above post, but i will focus on this one:

My main point is that the Russian view, long term, has in my opinion been affected by the change from MAD to first strike doctrine.

Since when have the USA switched from MAD to a first strike policy? I have never heard that before, i think it is flat out wrong. If you are going to make such bold claims, you need to cite some evidence (with links) from a credible source.

And no, ‘because Hunter Biden’s laptop’ is not a credible citation.
There is so much to take issue with in the above post, but i will focus on this one:

Since when have the USA switched from MAD to a first strike policy? I have never heard that before, i think it is flat out wrong. If you are going to make such bold claims, you need to cite some evidence (with links) from a credible source.

And no, ‘because Hunter Biden’s laptop’ is not a credible citation.

(I do not see why Hunter Biden laptop/emails are not a valid source with respect to his business dealings. Nothing is disputed by HB, or the people on the To: and CC: list of his emails. Instead they just prefer to ignore the whole thing.

Would you say emails in the past released by Wiki-Leaks are not valid ? Just asking as I have spent much time in past years reading through this stuff.)

On the nuclear stuff:

United States
The United States has refused to adopt a no first use policy and says that it "reserves the right to use" nuclear weapons first in the case of conflict.The US doctrine for the use of nuclear weapons was revised most recently in the Nuclear Posture Review, released April 6, 2010

That's what i understand is the official US posture. (I don't have a citation but I have been alive long enough to hear Bush Snr. and Jnr's position on such military matters.)

EDIT: please note, I did not say US will "Strike First", my understanding is that in cold war era, they knew that first strike was futile, hence MAD. But now the estimation is that we can win via a first strike. Thus this change of position feeds into Russian Federations views on the eastward expansion of NATO.
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