
How a Linn Sondek LP12 is built.

Nice video and being into production business myself, always great to see how things are being made - and moreover - why they´re being made that particular way.
The thing is, if properly setup (without tricks like using talc) then the setting lasts for years and the suspension does not need 'constant re-setting'


Maybe....but it is still overpriced compared to competition, imho, and I could never live with the sound of it....maybe more recent incarnations sound less obviously coloured...but I would not risk exposing myself to the sort of poor customer support I experienced those years ago

Maybe....but it is still overpriced compared to competition, imho, and I could never live with the sound of it....maybe more recent incarnations sound less obviously coloured...but I would not risk exposing myself to the sort of poor customer support I experienced those years ago

If you don't like it, then of course it's overpriced. I love mine and it sounds better to my ears than any other deck I've heard so it's fabulous value for money.

I don't get why folk keep perpetrating the myth that an LP12 needs constant attention. Mine gets none and keeps doing the business.
The thing is, if properly setup (without tricks like using talc) then the setting lasts for years and the suspension does not need 'constant re-setting'


Very true, since mine was set up a number of years ago, it has been through two house moves, stored unplayed for 6 years, been in 4 different locations within the houses and where it currently sits my dealer came and had a listen and stated it sounded as good today as it did when it left the shop many years ago.

I was going to see about getting it serviced but he said there was no need, he said if the deck has been properly set up it and handled correctly, which it had been, it will stay in true for many years.

But then everyone has their own thoughts on hifi equipment be it from Linn, Naim, Rega or anyone else and so if you like it fair enough if you don't then fine, enjoy what you have.
If you don't like it, then of course it's overpriced. I love mine and it sounds better to my ears than any other deck I've heard so it's fabulous value for money.

I don't get why folk keep perpetrating the myth that an LP12 needs constant attention. Mine gets none and keeps doing the business.

It may well be a myth for you, but there are sufficient reports of this phenomenon for it to to have some factual basis

From what I have heard from those "on the inside"....lp 12's fall into one of two categories

1. Like yours, these retain their setup

2. Many require constant resetting

Given that this information is given in good faith, this tells me that manufacture lacks quality control. If you are one of the lucky ones...great.

If not ...tough luck!

It may well be a myth for you, but there are sufficient reports of this phenomenon for it to to have some factual basis

From what I have heard from those "on the inside"....lp 12's fall into one of two categories

1. Like yours, these retain their setup

2. Many require constant resetting

Given that this information is given in good faith, this tells me that manufacture lacks quality control. If you are one of the lucky ones...great.

If not ...tough luck!

It's more to do with how well the deck's been set up in the first place. It's not rocket science but if you look on the Linn forum you'll see some real bodged horrors. I've got several friends, all with LP12s, all with no problems, so I guess we've all been lucky.
Easiest way to make an LP12 go 'off' is moving it with the platter still on.
I like what my 1980's Nirvana/Valhalla brings to vinyl enjoyment much in the same way I like what my B77 does to cd transfers.
Being snooty about a deck you've never owned is rather silly imho.
The Linn marketing machine is worthy of a backlash and plenty of great decks were passed over for sure, I've always liked the TD 160, RD11, AR, PL12D, SR222, owned them all at one time or another and oddly it's sometimes the things that they do 'wrong' that made them fun to own.
It's more to do with how well the deck's been set up in the first place. It's not rocket science but if you look on the Linn forum you'll see some real bodged horrors. I've got several friends, all with LP12s, all with no problems, so I guess we've all been lucky.

Lucky you!

Tough for those unlucky folk who end up with an lp12 that needs constant resetting

Aside from my personal opinions of its performance, I prefer not to be subject to chance in that way

Lucky you!

Tough for those unlucky folk who end up with an lp12 that needs constant resetting

Aside from my personal opinions of its performance, I prefer not to be subject to chance in that way

Why should they need constant resetting, unless they've been set up incorrectly? Let this go, you clearly don't know much about LP12s.
The video might be a bit of a glorified advert, but it was also an education, so thanks.

I had a Linn LP12 from 1980 until 2012. I used it for approximately 25 of those years, with different arms, in a number of settings. The rest it was in storage.

The LP12 wasn't reset up during this time period. I did change the oil once, the belt a couple of times, and very occasionally checked everything over.

The LP12 was no hassle at all. So I was quite surprised when I read the grief stories from some LP12 owners.

I have also owned a Thorens TD 160 and some Technics 1210s. I had the Thorens before the Linn. I liked all of the decks for different reasons. The Technics is on the beat and precise, it is also pretty indestructible. The LP12 has a more open and airy feel in its presentation.

I haven't got a deck at the moment. This is is fine, but digital music isn't quite the same and I will eventually get one.

I am thinking about a Garrard 401/301, because I have never owned one. The other alternative is to go for a new LP12 or 1210.

At a guess, the most expensive combination would be the Linn, if I went for a new deck and arm.

I am not worried about this. If the LP12 is set up properly - and coming from the factory it certainly should be - it will be problem free for decades. I might have to eventually change the belt of course, but I think I can manage that.

On the other hand, there is the SME deck ...

I had a Linn LP12 from 1980 until 2012. I used it for approximately 25 of those years, with different arms, in a number of settings.

A little late to the party but......

Goodness me Jack! I bought my LP12 in 1980 with a tax rebate from my first year as an apprentice. Like you sold it in 2012. I ended up with LP12/Armageddon/ARO/XX1L. Nice combo. Didn't need constant trips to Leicester for a reset but I wanted to enjoy more albums, especially Jazz and Classical. I heard a WT Versalex and bought it. My LP collection has increased by maybe 500 since the purchase. No regrets!

Here's the thing regarding the OP. Several 'companies' (including Linn) and so called gurus are making a lot of money out of LP12 upgrades/servicing. The guys who have spent thousands on Radicals and Keels will obviously defend their actions with glowing appraisal of the deck but be careful not to spend too much money on a deck which even in Klimax guise offers very good but not better than all else performance.

Have a listen to a few alternatives is my advise and opinion....
Here's the thing regarding the OP. Several 'companies' (including Linn) and so called gurus are making a lot of money out of LP12 upgrades/servicing. The guys who have spent thousands on Radicals and Keels will obviously defend their actions with glowing appraisal of the deck but be careful not to spend too much money on a deck which even in Klimax guise offers very good but not better than all else performance.

The OP's not a Linn dealer. They do sell WT products however :confused:
It was posted as an informative post not a haters opportunity to throw shit

Not sure where that came from John. I don't hate the LP12. In fact I have considerable affection for it. Just believe that the upgrades are not worth the money and there are better ways to spend 15k on a deck than a fully loaded LP12. Not sure why you even frequent the forum as you told me that forums are like "no man's land" with all the bulls..t advise handed out....
Why should they need constant resetting, unless they've been set up incorrectly? Let this go, you clearly don't know much about LP12s.

WIth respect, you' ve a bit of a cheek presuming to pass comment on what I may or may not know. It is quite clear to me that you are substantially ignorant, and rude with it.....not a pleasant ( though all too common) combination

It looks like it was perceived as an "generalisation attack" on dealers 😜 And how we make our living

Not sure where that came from John. I don't hate the LP12. In fact I have considerable affection for it. Just believe that the upgrades are not worth the money and there are better ways to spend 15k on a deck than a fully loaded LP12. Not sure why you even frequent the forum as you told me that forums are like "no man's land" with all the bulls..t advise handed out....

