
Seinfield isn’t a film.

From memory, it is an american series with Seinfield being the lead character.
I tried it once and didn’t find it funny at all.

The Woody Allen films that I liked when I was young were the more slapstick end of his work. I wouldn’t recommend any of his work nowadays.

I love Seinfeld, it's not always laugh out loud funny but it's so well written and acted that you invest in the characters.

Cheers BB
Woody Allen's Take the Money and Run.

All those Airplane!-type ones

Many Mel Brooks

Bad Santa

The Guard

In Bruges
Second hand lion.
What's up doc, Barbara Streisand, she wasn't really funny but the movie was. I was nearly thrown out of the picture house, remember them?
Will Hay films !

How old are you?

I have seen a few Will Hay films and never have I found them even slightly funny. They have historical interest. Rather like Mrs Mills party records.

What is your opinion on Arthur Askey? o_O

(if you are in your 80’s I am prepared to accept that you have some appreciation of Will Hay, but he wasn’t that funny even in the 1930’s. - note: he died in 1949)

As for Woody Allen, I agree that he has made some funny stuff,
Sleeper and Zelig being my favourites.
The huge breast in Sleeper cracked me up, plus the banana skin gag (again writ large) being my high points.
Allen went up his own intellectual bum I think, becoming a parody of himself.
I am about to turn 50 but Will Hay, Harold Lloyd, Buster Keaton, L&H etc were shown regularly in the 80’s.

On the subject of Arthur Askey, he can be quite amusing. The Ghost Train is a very good film, written by Arnold Ridley no less.

I would also like to make an honourable mention to The Likely Lads film I saw recently & thought was very amusing with some great one liners. “I’d offer you a beer but I’ve only got 6 cans’.
I was out in York a few years back and got mistaken for Chris Moyles, the widescreen version ...make of that what you will. Strung it out for a while, said I was doing a guest spot on York radio :)
I love Seinfeld, it's not always laugh out loud funny but it's so well written and acted that you invest in the characters.

Cheers BB

My favourite scene is where Seinfeld and Cosmo go to the New York Public Library. They look around, and Cosmo whispers 'The Dewey Decimal System, eh? What a scam that was'.
Second hand lion.
What's up doc, Barbara Streisand, she wasn't really funny but the movie was. I was nearly thrown out of the picture house, remember them?

I think my Mam took me to see that film, I had a bit of a crush on Babs. ;)
I am about to turn 50 but Will Hay, Harold Lloyd, Buster Keaton, L&H etc were shown regularly in the 80’s.

As they were in the '60s, when I was a lad. I thought them hilarious at the time, but I doubt I would find them so funny now. (Even back then I found Abbot & Costello amazingly unfunny).
I constantly get mistaken for Chris Pine, it gets really embarrassing!

I had to look Chris Pine up, strange looking chap. No offence meant.

My Dad got chased by a load of girls in London in the sixties, apparently he looked like someone out of The Troggs (I think he said The Troggs, might have been the Animals?) - very good looking chap my Dad. He lived in Soho at the time with a load of Polish blokes.
As they were in the '60s, when I was a lad. I thought them hilarious at the time, but I doubt I would find them so funny now. (Even back then I found Abbot & Costello amazingly unfunny).
'Oh Mr Porter' is still very funny. L&H shorts are great but some of the films less so but I really enjoyed the recent film depiction of them with Steve Coogan as Stan, wonderful portrayal of their later years
As they were in the '60s, when I was a lad. I thought them hilarious at the time, but I doubt I would find them so funny now. (Even back then I found Abbot & Costello amazingly unfunny).

Abbott & Costello didn’t work for me, same as The Three Stooges.

I would still watch them as there was little choice.

Same goes for Bing Crosby and Bob Hope films, watched them but didn’t find them very funny.
I am about to turn 50 but Will Hay, Harold Lloyd, Buster Keaton, L&H etc were shown regularly in the 80’s.

On the subject of Arthur Askey, he can be quite amusing. The Ghost Train is a very good film, written by Arnold Ridley no less.

I would also like to make an honourable mention to The Likely Lads film I saw recently & thought was very amusing with some great one liners. “I’d offer you a beer but I’ve only got 6 cans’.

A bit younger than me then.

Saw all the Laurel & Hardy, Keaton, Lloyd and Chaplin that I could , but Will Hay left me cold.
(same as Arthur Askey - found him creepy)
Great film, but I can’t remember many laughs in it.

It is a film I want to see again, folk say I look like Colin Farrel :cool:
I laughed all the way through!

I saw one of the director's recent films and it was sub-Tarantino crap, so maybe it was just the time and place.
Nacho Libre, id forgotten what a good film that is!

Seven Psychopaths is another good film by Martin McDonagh. Only more recent film of his Ive seen is Three Billboards.

